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Sweet and Salty: Colonial and Modern Corporate Commodity Exploitation in Northeastern Brazil

This thesis is a historical comparative analysis of the social and environmental impacts of past colonial exploitation and the modern corporate extraction and exploitation of natural resources and commodities. The thesis examines these issues through the case studies of sugar monoculture in the Northeast region of colonial Brazil (16th and 17th Century) and the sinking of Maceió (also in Northeast

Hydropolitics of conflict prevention: Effective transboundary freshwater resource management as a driver of peace

Global water scarcity is increasingly acknowledged as an issue of peace and security. Declining water availability as well as rising freshwater demand increase the likeliness of military action and violent conflicts over transboundary surface and underground freshwater resources. This thesis analyses whether riparian countries suffering from water scarcity are more prone to violent conflict and di

Improper Structural Transformation & Stagnant Manufacturing in Post-Independence India: The Role of Agriculture and Inter-Sectoral Linkages

India is witnessing an unconventional pattern of structural change – involving a shift to services-dominated economy at lower income per-capita than early industrialisers. Despite significant policy rhetoric on industrialisation, the sector’s share in both value-added and employment has stagnated remarkably. The reform period saw a services-led growth with growing agrarian distress. Therefore, thi

centre for Vulnerable Youth

The present thesis explores the wide definition of homelessness and its complexity as a social phenomena. It is a very complex and multidirectional problem linked to individual, interpersonal, and socioeconomic factors. In order to prevent and minimize it and solve the problem in a sustainable, long run, the network of causes and triggering factors have to be found and understood. Often, the exist

No Negativity Allowed During Uncertain Periods! A Comparison of short sale restriction during the Eurozone crisis and Covid-19 Pandemic

During uncertain periods, regulators have been known to restrict the ability to short sell in markets. The stated reason is to help calm the markets and to reduce the volatility. The purpose of this paper is to examine if this stated goal was achieved by the regulators during the Eurozone crisis and the Covid-19 Pandemic, as well as comparing the impact on volatility for these two periods. This is

On The Exemption of Closely Related Activities in Article 132(1)(b) & (i) in The VAT Directive

The exemptions in the public interest in Article 132 of the VAT directive constitute independent concepts of Community law whose purpose is to avoid divergences in the application of the VAT system from one Member State to another. In deciding whether a good or service is exempt the case law of the CJEU has established two main principles, the principle of fiscal neutrality and the principle of st

Revisionspliktens vara eller icke vara

Forskningsfråga: Vad har aktörer i en koordinerad marknadsekonomi för syn på revisionsplikten och hur ser sambandet ut mellan synen och deras förtroende för revisorskåren? Syfte: Syftet är att studera aktörers inställning till revisionsplikten för små aktiebolag i KME:n Sverige och undersöka det eventuella sambandet mellan inställningen och förtroende. Metod: Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av SverigResearch question: What view do the actors in a coordinated market economy have of audit obligation and how is it related to their trust in the audit profession? Purpose: The purpose is to study actors' attitudes to the audit obligation for small companies in the KME Sweden, and to examine the possible connection between the attitude and trust. Methodology: The essay is a case study of Swede

The differential signalling of the succinate receptor SUCNR1/GPR91, through Gi versus Gq

G protein-coupled receptors are the biggest family of membrane bound receptor in the human genome, they are also target for many drugs due to their accessible location in the cell membrane. We have characterized the G protein recruitment of the succinate receptor 1 (SUCNR1/GPR91). GPR91 was deorphanized in 2004 and already then it was suggested that GPR91 could couple to the Gi-family and the Gq-f

Ingen relation är perfekt – En studie av relationen mellan intern skattelagstiftning och skatteavtal i svensk rätt i ljuset av OECD:s modellavtal och tre avgöranden från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen

Trenden av ökad internationell handel har resulterat i att skattskyldiga blivit allt mer beroende av dubbelbeskattningsavtal. Existensen av dessa har på senare år blivit hotad, eftersom domstolar underlåtit tillämpningen av avtal till fördel för intern rätt, internationellt benämnt tax treaty override. I Sverige har sådan override skett genom Högsta förvaltningsdomstolens praxis. Uppsatsens syfte With the growing global trade, the demand for tax treaties has risen. The existence of such treaties has however lately been threatened due to courts applying domestic law in favor of tax treaties, more commonly known as “tax treaty override”. The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court has been guilty of treaty override in its case law. The aim of this thesis is therefore to determine applicable law

Konsten att göra motstånd

What is politics? What is art? And how are we to comprehend their interrelation? The aim of this thesis is to examine how the power of transformative and creative action of art can operate to disrupt forms of domination. The study takes off in the debate that emerged in the wake of Moderna Museet’s rejection of the artwork “Profeten Muhammed som rondellhund”. Through Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse

Hur arbetar svenska kommuner med folkhälsan genom sociala investeringar?

In this multi-case study, the question is examined as follows: How do Swedish municipalities work with public health through social investments? The motivation for the question is that in accordance with previous research, political instruments regarding social investment seem to be underdeveloped. The work is based on two theoretical frameworks, policy-making theory, and political instrument theo

“Oro är ju en känsla”. Förskollärares resonemang och emotioner inför upprättandet av orosanmälningar

Preschool teachers in Sweden are in a unique position to detect child abuse, which they subsequently are obliged to report to social services, according to Swedish law. However, previous research has shown significant underreporting amongst Swedish preschool teachers. Thus, the aim of this study was firstly to explore preschool teachers’ views on reporting child abuse and secondly to identify the

Måste man vara stor för att vara hållbar?

This essay aims to investigate how the understanding and undertakings of corporate social responsibility is recognized and prioritized in the Swedish business community. By utilizing two measurements of corporate sustainability, this study presents a current situation analysis of how Swedish companies relate to the concept. The ambition is to identify if, and in that case how, the sustainability w

A Loner, But Not Alone: Analyzing the Hanau Terror Attack in German News Media

This thesis analyzes how the German news media depicted the terrorist attack in Hanau, which killed 10 people on 19th February 2020. This is done by conducting a thematic analysis in two major German newspapers, Süddeutsche Zeitung and Frankfurter Allgemeine. The coverage of the attack and the perpetrator is found to be focused on the perpetrator as an individual and centering his alleged mental i

No title

The objective of this thesis is to investigate the students’ experience of using the target language in the classroom and that, by doing so, the obstacles and possible solutions to develop oral skills will be identified. The thesis is largely based on the theories of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety (FLCA) and Foreign Language Enjoyment (FLE). The hypothesis of this thesis is that both the anxi

Gunshot Detection from Audio Streams in Portable Devices

Machine learning and artificial neural networks can be used to classify or detect specific sound events in audio signals. Gunshot detection is one use case for such networks and can be used to help law enforcement by alerting officers or triggering camera recordings. However, artificial neural networks with a high performance usually require large amounts of computational power, meaning that they

A Maasai Model to Wildlife Conservation: Exploring environmental subjectivities among the Maasai living in and around Naretunoi Community Conservancy and next to Nairobi National Park in Kenya

Objectives: Wildlife in Kenya, much like globally, is under significant pressure. In Kenya alone, there has been a 60 percent decrease in species and the remaining wildlife is faced with habitat loss and climate change, among others. The study of conservation practices - responding to the many challenges underlying the “sixth mass extinction” - has never been more relevant. All the more so is the

An Investigation of Methods for Flow Measurements in a Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger for Predictive Maintenance

For a company to stay relevant in the long term, it is essential to keep up with the latest technology and continuously consider new innovative solutions for improving products and services. The gasketed plate heat exchanger (GPHE) is a mechanical device, and this work attempts to investigate different possibilities for incorporating sensor devices and predictive maintenance systems to improve the

Hantering av GIS i kommuner. En studie kring hur kommuner hanterar organisatoriska och institutionella hinder vid användningen av geografiska informationssystem

Trots att hinder till GIS-användning varit kända sedan 1990-talet och trots att författare gett förslag på hur hindren bör överkommas existerar fortfarande hinder till GIS-användning inom kommuner. Denna studies syfte är att beskriva hanteringen av organisatoriska och institutionella hinder till GIS-användning hos de samhällsplanerande avdelningarna inom kommuner. Studien influerades av en kvalita