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Green brands & Greenwashing: A narrative journey towards legitimacy

The aim of this thesis is to develop knowledge and identify legitimacy attempts for green brands to construct themselves in order to circumvent greenwashing challenges. The researcher studied the promotional content of Patagonia and the Slovenia destination brand (I Feel Slovenia) based on a pragmatic and moral legitimacy framework, supported by narrative analysis. Results showed that green brands

Civilkurage mot våld i nära relationer? En rättssociologisk studie om initiativet Huskurage

This paper sought to examine the experiences of an intimate partner violence policy, created in order to spread both awareness and implications to act among residents of apartment communities. The initiative, called Huskurage, has been introduced in a Swedish crime prevention context. When implemented, the policy engages neighbors to look out for each other. Our study scrutinizes the experiences o

Strategies for yield improvement of filamentous fungi in submerged culture

The demand for alternative sources of protein has increased; the so-called “protein shift” is an inevitability. Mycoprotein, a foodstuff produced from the mycelium of filamentous fungi, has gained popularity among consumers. Mycoprotein is grown in submerged culture, in either a simple or a complex, undefined medium. Strategies for yield increase in either medium were studied in this paper. For s

Fråga om eventuella framtida fordringar uppkomna ur avtalsgrundade garantiutfästelser är föremål för preklusion

Uppsatsen tar sikte på en mycket specifik situation nämligen huruvida eventuella framtida fordringar som är uppkomna ur avtalsgrundade garantiutfästelser är föremål för preklusionsbestämmelsen i 6 § lagen (1981:131) om kallelse på okända borgenärer (”Kallelselagen”). Utredningen har visat att preklusionsbestämmelsen i Kallelselagen ytterst är en avvägning mellan olika intressen som mycket vitt sThis bachelor’s thesis aims at a very specific situation, namely whether any future claims arising from contractual guarantee commitments are subject to the preclusion provision (Sw. preklusionsbestämmelsen) in section 6 of the Notice to Unknown Creditors Act (1981: 131) (the "Notice Act"). The study of the issue herein has shown that the preclusion provision in the Notice Act ultimatel

Statligt stöd i ekonomiska kriser: En analys av rättssäkerheten i kommissionens tillämpning av artikel 107.3 b FEUF under covid-19-pandemin

I artikel 107.1 i FEUF stadgas ett förbud för EU:s medlemsstater att vidta statliga stödåtgärder som skapar, eller kan skapa, konkurrenssnedvridande effekter på EU:s inre marknad. Det breda förbud mot statligt stöd som artikel 107.1 FEUF stadgar, har dock några undantag som ska möjliggöra för medlemsstaterna att i vissa situationer utge statligt stöd, trots att det kan få konkurrenssnedvridande efArticle 107.1 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) stipulates that the member states of the European Union are prohibited to grant state aid which distorts or threatens to distort competition on the single market. The prohibition of distorting state aid does however have exceptions, article 107.3 b TFEU being one of them. The provision states a justification for distorting


On the financial markets, there are a large number of financial instruments. Two of these instruments is the European and Bermudan option, where the Bermudan option can be seen as a discrete version of the American option. Meaning, if one can price the Bermudan option one can also estimate the price of an American option. A method used to estimate the Bermudan option price is the Least-square Mont

Anpassningsåtgärder i arbetslivet för arbetstagare med funktionsnedsättning - Vad är en skälig anpassningsåtgärd, som arbetsgivaren behöver införa, för arbetstagare med hörselnedsättning respektive en neurologisk funktionsnedsättning?

This essay addresses the subjects of reasonable adjustments, related to the workplace, for persons with physical or mental disabilities. The author goes through the established Swedish legal sources to answer two main questions. The first one is what a reasonable adjustment is, that the employers are obliged to adopt, according to the two laws Diskrimineringslagen and Arbetsmiljölagen. What are th

Community driven development in Timor-Leste : a case study of the National Village Development Program from 2015 to 2020.

This research paper is a mixed-methods single case study that contributes to filling a gap within the literature surrounding the implementation of the National Village Development Program (PNDS-Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku) in the village of Fahilebo, Timor-Leste. The research goals were to first identify the major differences between PNDS’ effects and Community-Driven-Development theory

The impact of state capacity on education

This thesis investigates whether state capacity furthers a country’s educational goals by scrutinising the effects of state capacity on the literacy rate in India. This is fundamentally studied through the theories of good governance and state capacity. Further, data from the Quality of Government between 1984-2011 and literacy rate between 1981-2011 are observed to discover whether state capacity

EU i Kinas järngrepp: En fallstudie om motsättningarna mellan EU:s ekonomiska intressen och normativa ambitioner

This essay examines the contradiction between normative ambitions and economic interests in the European Union’s foreign policy. More specifically, how strongly these two respective factors influence and dictate the EU’s political actions, which is examined in the case of the EU’s bilateral relations with China. The conclusions drawn are that both economic interests and normative ambitions in prac

EU-medlemskap: en dödsstöt eller räddande hand för V4? En analys av hur EU-medlemskap har påverkat V4:s funktion

Syftet med denna uppsats var att analysera och förklara hur V4:s funktion påverkades av EU-inträde. För att undersöka detta genomfördes en kvalitativ enfallsstudie med en kompletterande kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Studien granskade både dokument skrivna av V4 själva, såsom deklarationer och rapporter, såväl som andra forskningsartiklar. Resultaten utvärderades sedan utifrån två teorier om “new in

Vem är skyldig för skjutningarna?

This study analyses how the Swedish news media has been reporting on the gang shootings in Stockholm 2021 as well as if it has turned the question into a security matter. The study first answers the question of which identities that can be found in the reproduction of reality that is being written by the Swedish media. The second question answers in what ways a securitization of the subject of gan

Det särskilda i särskilda skäl – En utredning av rekvisitet särskilda skäl i utomståenderegeln med fokus på förarbetsuttalanden och HFD 2021 ref. 40

De s.k. fåmansföretagsreglerna i 57 kap. IL syftar till att motverka att aktiva delägare omvandlar arbetsinkomster till lägre beskattade kapitalinkomster. När utomstående passiva delägare äger viss andel av bolaget blir en inkomstomvandling inte längre fördelaktig. I 57 kap. 5 § finns därför en undantagsregel från de särskilda beskattningsreglerna i 57 kap. IL, den s.k. utomståenderegeln. Om incitThe 3:12 rules, found in Chapter 57 of the Swedish Income Tax Act (1999:1229), consists of special tax rules which apply to active owners in closely held corporations (fåmansföretag). The rules aim to prevent active owners from transforming salary income into lower taxed capital income. If passive owners have an ownership of at least 30 % of the shares, income shifting is no longer beneficial. The

COVID-19 and housing market effects from an Icelandic context

I början av 2020 kom Världshälsoorganisationen att tillkännage coronavirusets utbrott som en global nödsituation. Viruset kom sedan att utvecklas till en pandemi och kom att påverka många globala marknader. Bostadsmarknaden har sett en kraftig uppgång i många länder efter den initiala epidemin. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka effekterna av COVID-19, och efterföljande åtgärder som togs, på The global emergency declared by the World Health Organization in early 2020 due to the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 would later develop into a pandemic that has since affected global markets at large. Though its affects have been varied in nature and magnitude, housing markets in many countries have seen a boom since the initial outbreak. This paper seeks to assess how COVID-19, and the domestic measur

"Ta mig för det offer som jag är" En kvalitativ intervjustudie om bemötandet av den missbrukande våldsutsatta kvinnan

Denna studie är baserad på intervjuer med kvinnor med erfarenhet av missbruk och våldsutsatthet. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur dessa kvinnor behandlats när de sökte hjälp från hälso- och sjukvården. Vi har även undersökt hur hälso- och sjukvårdens reproducerade föreställningar av kvinnor med missbruk och erfarenhet av våldsutsatthet kan förstås. Resultaten visade att intervjupersonerna kännerThis study is based on interviews with women experienced of substance addiction whilst being the victims of violence. The aim was to examine how these women were treated when they sought aid from help services. We also wanted to investigate how the reproduced notions, by healthcare personnel, of female addicts, victims of violence, can be understood. The results showed that the interviewees feel s

EFL Textbooks - Cultural Gateways?: The Depictions of Outer and Expanding Circle Cultures in Two Swedish EFL Textbooks Aimed at Upper Secondary School and the Correlation of the Depictions With the Steering Documents

This study examined how outer and expanding circle cultures were depicted in two English as a foreign language (EFL) textbooks aimed at English 5 in Swedish upper secondary school. Moreover, it was investigated to what extent these depictions aligned with the steering documents by helping students fulfil the aims related to intercultural competence (ICC). In order to develop ICC, students must see

Optimizing L2-regularization for Binary Classification Tasks

An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a type of machine learning algorithm with widespread usage. When training an ANN, there is a risk that it gets overtrained and cannot solve the task for new data. Methods to prevent this, such as L2-regularization, introduce hyperparameters that are time-consuming to optimize. In this thesis, I investigate a hypothesis which postulates how the optimal L2-regul

Island back to people - regeneration process of the post-industrial island

In many post-industrial cities, the relationship between water and the city has changed over the years. Our needs are different now, and because of that, the character and usage of these locations have changed with time. From areas with production power and industrial growth, to sources of social hubs, leisure, and outdoor activities. All of these cities have the same challenge in common, to becom

Multi-spectral X-ray imaging with a laser-plasma accelerator

This master thesis focuses on the creation of an algorithm to perform multispectral imaging of a metallic target using X-rays. The generation of an ultrashort high-power low-divergent X-ray beam is performed by means of a Ti:Sapphire laser driven wake-field plasma accelerator. The X-rays result from synchrotron radiation, and are therefore broadband. The spectrum will be characterized, along with

#BuyTheInvasion - The Impact of Invasions on the Invaders Index and Global Defense Stocks

As the 2022 invasions of Ukraine occurred, many tweets suggested that it was a prominent opportunity to invest and claimed that historically it has been profitable to invest during invasions. The encouraged placement of the investment was in the country committing the invasion and that is the starting point for this paper. Which is, furthermore, expanded to also investigate the performance of a gl