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Anm. av Jarlert, A.: Judisk “ras” som äktenskapshinder i Sverige. Effekten av Nürnberglagarna i Svenska kyrkans statliga funktion som lysningsförrättare 1935-1945
Detection of Germline BRCA1 Mutations in Breast Cancer Patients by Quantitative Messenger RNA in situ Hybridization
Mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility gene 1 (BRCA1) may account for one half of all familial breast cancers. Because of the wide spectrum of different germline mutations, identification of BRCA1 mutation carriers using current techniques is laborious and difficult. The majority of the identified mutations, however, lead to aberrant expression of the gene product in tumor tissue, potential
Söderslätt genom 600 år : Bebyggelse och odling under äldre historisk tid
Age‐related circulatory responses to whole body cooling: observations by heart rate variability
The purpose was to study potential age ‐ related changes in the circulatory system via heart rate variability (HRV) by gradually lowering ambient temperature (0.2°C/min) from thermoneutral (32 C°) towards cold (18 C°). ECG was recorded from a young (31 years) and from an older subject (78 years), both males. During the tests, brachium blood pressure (BP) was recorded. During the cooling, BP increa
Vill ni se en stjärna? Kön, kropp och kläder av Eva Blomberg
2002 års män och kvinnor : medborgare rapporterar om hemlöshet
In 2002 a group of men and women, coming from different professions but sharing an interest in social issues, joined together in a Citizens' Study (medborgarundersökning) in the Swedish city of Malmö. They were inspired by a classic Swedish citizens' study "Men of 1912" (1912 års män) which was a clandestine field study of the deplorable conditions in Stockholm's hostels in 1912. This book is a co
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Missnöjda medborgares säkerhetsventil - en studie av överklagade detaljplaner
The primary aim of this study is to view the meaning, the function and the consequences of appealed community plans. A overview of the Swedish regulations has been made in addition to an empirical study of 63 appealed community plans in two municipalities in the south of Sweden, during the years 1996-2000. The study shows that approximately 25% of all the plans made have been the object for appeal
Associations of Head Circumference at Birth with Early Life School Performance and Later-Life Occupational Prestige
Independent measures of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity during the same test: the glucagon-insulin tolerance test.
Background. To validate a test for independent assessment of insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity during the same occasion for metabolic studies in clinical practice, i.e. combined glucagon-stimulated C-peptide test and insulin tolerance test (GITT). Subjects and methods. We measured C-peptide response to 0.5 mg of intravenous glucagon followed 30 min later by administration of 0.05 U kg(-1)
Water, well-being and social complexity in insula V1 : A Pompeian city block revisited
Swedish archaeologists have been working in Pompeii since 2000. Our fieldwork has consisted mainly of the study of standing walls and cleared floor levels in a city block unearthed in the 19th century and of the production of a comprehensive documentation, presented in an open access publication: The perspective of the present paper is the insula as a whole. Its
Det gränslösa medlemskapet : tillhörigheten till Svenska kyrkan enligt 1979 års protestanter : en kritisk analys
Obituary for Prof. Torsten Almén.
Insulinoscillationer--en kliniskt betydelsefull rytmik. Diabeteslakemedel bor oka den pulsatila komponenten av insulinfrisattningen
The concentration of circulating insulin oscillates with periods of 3-6 min due to pulsatile release of the hormone from the pancreas. Pulsatile insulin secretion from the individual * cell is driven by slow cycles of Ca2+ elevation due to periodic depolarisation. The Ca2+ oscillations of individual * cells in the islets of Langerhans are entrained into a common rhythm by gap junctional coupling a
Swedenborgs öde. Om genialitet och kontinuitet i Swedenborgforskningen
book review
Historiker inför Kalmarunionen
Shakespeare och filmen; forskningen växer
KEL*02 alleles with alterations in and around exon 8 in individuals with apparent KEL:1,-2 phenotypes.
Background and Objectives Antibodies to antigens in the Kell blood group system, especially anti-KEL1, are involved in both haemolytic disease of the newborn and foetus and haemolytic transfusion reactions. Correct typing results are important and discrepancies between serologic and genetic typing must be resolved. Here, we describe the investigation of three healthy individuals who were initially