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Stäm – skräm – medla? En studie av medlingsklausulens processuella och civilrättsliga verkan

Medlingsinstitutet är en alternativ konflikthantering där parterna ges möjlighet att påverka konfliktens lösning och att återställa lugnet parterna emellan. Transaktioner är inte alltid friktionsfria och situationer kan uppstå där en av parterna vill föra saken inför domstol. Det är inte ovanligt att ombud i dessa situationer hotar om stämning som en skrämseltaktik för att ge sin part en hävstång.The Mediation Institute is a form of dispute resolution alternative to the judicial process where the parties may impact with the process and can influence the outcome, all in the purpose of restoring the calm between the parties. Transactions are not always successful and may result in a dispute where one party is inclined to take the dispute to court. It is not unusual that a part’s lawyer uses

Deadlocks i joint ventures - En rättsekonomisk studie om lösningsmekanismer och dess förhållande till aktieägarna

Joint venture innebär att två eller fler bolag väljer att starta ett samarbete i ett specifikt bolag. I och med att kontrollen över bolaget är uppdelad finns en risk att vissa beslut inte kan tas om parterna är oeniga. En sådan situation benämns ”deadlock”. Hur deadlocks ska hanteras i ett joint venture finns reglerat genom lösningsklausulen i det gemensamma aktieägaravtalet. Det finns idag flera Joint venture is a corporate concept where at least two companies agree to cooperate in a separate company. Consequently, the company control is equally divided, meaning that potential disagreements may cause a “deadlock”, where the company cannot decide certain corporate matters. The shareholders’ agreement holds a deadlock-breaking mechanism stipulating how deadlocks should be resolved. Today, t

Vägransgrund vid prövning av underhåll mellan makar efter äktenskapsskillnad – En komparativ studie mellan svensk och fransk rätt

The essay is a comparative study between the Swedish regulation of spousal maintenance after divorce and the corresponding French regulation of prestation compensatoire which directly translates to provision of compensation. The regulations differ, particularly, because French law includes a ground for refusal related to the issue of fault in the divorce. To explain the difference, the significanc

Om Delikatessjäv och resning - Särskilt om möjligheterna att väcka talan till men för den tilltalade

Sverige är en rättsstat som bygger på många olika principer för att kunna för-säkra ett fungerade rättsväsende. En viktig sådan är principen om domens orubblighet. De domar som en domstol meddelar ska stå fast när dessa vunnit laga kraft, vilket kallas för en doms negativa rättskraft. Vidare har de mänsk-liga rättigheterna som inkorporerats i svensk lagstiftning genom EKMR en stor plats vid lagstiSweden is a state governed by the rule of law, and is based on many different principles in order to ensure a functioning justice system. An important prin-ciple is that the rulings from the courts should be adamant, also known as the principle of firmness. The ruling of the court shall stand when it has gained legal force and this is also known as the negative legal force of a judgment. The human

From Cost Spender to Value Provider - Using Data to Build and Sustain Brands

Introduction: Data has revolutionized how business is conducted and presents several possibilities for companies to capitalize on, namely data-driven decision-making, Business Intelligence, and marketing. However, how it pertains to brand management has not been covered. Moreover, a recurring tension between short-term sales revenue and long-term brand-building objectives is said to be heightened

Acceptable or Not?

Title: Acceptable or Not? Word count: 24 686 The date of the seminar: 2nd of June Course: BUSN39 - Degree Project in Global Marketing - Master Level Authors: Amanda Persson and Johanna Sandberg Supervisor: Annette Cerne Examinator: Ulf Elg Key words: Personalized marketing, data privacy and data collection Research question: What are the factors that determine whether personalized mar

Brands Mobilising Sustainable Consumption by Craft

The aim of this study was to gain a nuanced understanding of how craft-oriented brands mobilise consumers to slow down fashion consumption. A qualitative, multiple case study was conducted with three case companies: Fæbrik, FabPatch and Nudie Jeans, applying methods such as expert interviews and complementary online observation. In the analysis three themes were identified (Personalisation, Involv

Artificial Intelligence in Design

The Clip model was a major breakthrough in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) when it was introduced by OpenAI in January 2021. The Clip (Contrastive Language-Image Pre- Training) model is a neural network model that can understand both text and images, enabling it to perform tasks such as image classification and captioning, as well as natural language processing tasks. The Clip model can

Impact of wetland restoration on river discharge - A case study of Bråån, Skåne, Sweden

Land use change is a factor not often considered when modeling river discharge in regard to future flood risk. The restoration of wetlands is an ongoing land use change which affects water storage capacity in the soils of a catchment and could lead to lower flows in rivers. This study analysed the effect of an increased wetland area on river discharge in the Bråån catchment in Skåne, Sweden. D

Andelstal i ga-väg för vindkraftverk och vattenkraftverk

Tonkilometermetoden används för beräkning av andelstal för enskilda vägar som är gemensamhetsanläggningar. Den trafikmängd som olika fastighetstyper genererar återspeglas i vissa framtagna schablonvärden. Eftersom det saknas framtagna schablonvärden för specialfastigheter såsom vindkraftverk och vattenkraftverk har jag genom detta examensarbete undersökt möjligheten att ta fram schablonvärden för The ton kilometer method is used to calculate participatory shares for private roads which is joint facility. The amount of traffic that different property types generate is reflected in certain produced templates. Because there are no templates for special properties such as wind turbines and hydroelectric plants I have investigated if it is possible to produce these types of values. I have also

Komorebi – A Biophilic Design Concept for Enhanced UX in Autonomous Cars

Autonomous cars have the potential to revolutionize private transportation by allowing occupants to utilize their travel time for other activities. Considering the new opportunities for improved productivity, as well as the increasing demand for constant digital connectivity, reconnecting with nature will be crucial for alleviating cognitive stress and promoting healing and well-being. In this the

The effects from working time reductions on intra-individual time use and environmental impact - a Swedish case study

Climate change is causing unprecedented damage to our planet, requiring new tools and accelerated efforts to mitigate the adverse effects. Working time reductions (WTR) have long been proposed as a promising approach, yet first recently it is gaining increasing attention. The environmental effects from working time reductions, with kept wages, are however less studied. This paper adopts a qualitat

Beyond Borders: The European Union's Legislative Approach in Regulating Deforestation

Deforestation and forest degradation is an environmental phenomenon affecting the entire world. In 2021 the EU Commission proposed a Regulation on Deforestation-free Products, which is expected to repeal the EU Timber Regulation in 2023. This study analyzes two of the previous legal policies implemented by the EU to curb deforestation: the FLEGT Action Plan and the EU Timber Regulation. The method

The Classification of Civilians as Human Shields: a Means to Justify Violence?

Human shields have been increasingly documented in contemporary theatres of war. In this context, it is interesting to examine the circumstances in which the attacking party classifies the civilians they face as human shields. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the use of the classification of human shields by belligerents facing civilians during armed conflicts. The paper sets forth the argument t

Framtiden är inte vad den har varit : Temporaliteter i Sverige - exemplet historieämnets styrdokument 1919-2011

I detta paper behandlas temporalitet utifrån begreppets historiekulturella innebörder. Skolans historieämne rymmer ett spänningsfält av olika typer av temporalitet. Historiestuderande förväntas lära sig om den kronologiska, framåtsyftande historien som indirekt förklarar vår egen tid. Samtidigt återspeglar skolans kursplaner sin samtids behov av minne och orientering. Historia fyller med andra ord

Where is a digital company taxed?

The identification of a permanent establishment is the principle used by the Member States of the European Union to determine whether a company is subject to the tax jurisdiction of a State. In the digital context, the notion of permanent establishment is often questioned by States, as companies can provide services remotely without having any physical presence in the territory of a State. This th

Exploring child protection content in social work curricula in South Africa and Sweden

Child participation and agency are vital elements in child protec-tion. Ensuring child participation can contribute to successful inter-ventions. Social workers are often the central agents in ensuring that children participate in matters concerning them and that the best interest of the child principle is adhered to in these matters. The aim of this study is thus to understand if and how social w