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It’s a Fucking Revolution

Bakgrund: Kvinnors hantering av menstruation har skiftat genom åren. Engångsskydd har stor miljöbelastning och är dyra i inköp. Menskopp är ett till synes miljövänligt och ekonomiskt skydd som ökar i popularitet. Egenmakt eller empowerment är ett yttryck för styrka och att ta ansvar för sin egen kropp och hälsa. Egenmakt kan förstärkas genom att kvinnor upplever kontroll över sin menstruation. Syf

A Comparison Between FDS and the Multi-Zone Fire Model Regarding Gas Temperature and Visibility in Enclosure Fires

When designing large buildings with complex geometry there is often a need for performance-based design and the use of computer models. CFD models like FDS that are available and validated for this purpose are typically time consuming and require large amounts of computing power. Zone models which are often faster and require less computing power are limited to simple geometries and smaller sized

ROI Calculation on Online Controlled Experiment

As online services such as e-commerce and mobile applications keeps growing, the need of optimizing the user experience does as well. By conducting Online Controlled Experiments, companies can get an insight to which features, design choices and implementations that users enjoy the most. This projects explores two areas in relation to Return on Investment (ROI) calculations for Online Controlled E

"A Corona a day, keeps the virus away” - En diskursiv studie om pandemins oväntade offer

Denna studie ämnar att undersöka fenomenet parakris och dess bidragande diskurser för att förstå intressenternas bidrag till parakrisen. Den studerade parakrisen utspelade sig i ölvarumärket Coronas Instagram kommentarsfält vid pandemiutbrottet av viruset Covid-19. Det empiriska materialet består av kommentarer från ovan nämnda kommentarsfält som vi analyserade med analytiska och teoretiska verktyThis thesis aims to investigate the phenomenon of a paracrisis and the discourses constituting it to understand the stakeholder’s contribution to the paracrisis. The studied paracrisis unfolded in the comment section of the mexican beer brand Coronas Instagram during the global outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. The empirical material consists of comments that were analyzed with analytical and theore

Virtual Reality – a solution for sustainable travel?

Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka hur Generation Y, en demografisk grupp som kännetecknas av miljöomtanke, teknologianvändning och resande betraktar den avancerade och multisensoriska kommunikationsformen Virtual Reality (VR) ur ett perspektiv av resande och hållbarhet. Målet är att förstå vilka faktorer som påverkar Generation Y att acceptera och använda VR för resande, samt att undersöka The purpose of this study is to examine how Generation Y, a cohort characterized by environmental care, technology utilization, and traveling, perceives the advanced mode of multisensory communication Virtual Reality (VR) from a perspective of traveling and environmental sustainability. The aim is to understand what important factors and drivers exist for Generation Y to accept and use VR-travelin

"Vi är här för att skydda barnet" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om förskollärares perspektiv på orosanmälningar

The aim of this study was to get a greater understanding of how preschool teachers describe and handle mandatory reporting and suspicions of child maltreatment. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with six pre-school teachers. Profession theory and a dramaturgical perspective were used in the analysis. The results in the study found that preschool teachers frequently use

Sex, Love and Moral Control: Exploring the effectiveness and limitations of international and regional human rights law relevant to SOGIESC diverse groups in the quest to invalidate Zimbabwe’s “sodomy” law

“Only in the most technical sense is this a case about who may penetrate whom where. At a practical and symbolical level it is about the status, moral citizenship and sense of self-worth of a significant section of the community.” Justice Albie Sachs, National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality and Another v Minister of Justice and Others 1999 (1) SA 6, para. 107 More than 70 years after th

Städer som varumärken

Titel: Städer som varumärken Kurs: FEKH29 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng. Seminariedatum: 2017-06-02 Författare: Shante Bedrosian, Valdrin Maloku & Tobias Wallander. Handledare: Lars Carlman. Nyckelord: City Branding, Place Branding, Startup-företag, Intressenter, Varumärken. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelse för hur städerTitle: Cities as brands Seminar date: 2017-06-02 Course: FEKH29 Business Administration: Bachelor Thesis in Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 högskolepoäng. Authors: Shante Bedrosian, Valdrin Maloku & Tobias Wallander. Supervisor: Lars Carlman Key words: City Branding, Place Branding, Start-up companies, Stakeholders, Brands. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to increase understanding

Hur kan lokala banker öka lönsamheten hos sina privatkunder genom digitalisering?

Background Digitalisation has a big impact on the financial services industry in terms of new business and cost cutting opportunities, but also as threats from disruptive competitors. The financial sector is also pressured by increasingly strict regulations. New and extended regulations drive costs associated with risk management and compliance which makes it more difficult to uphold historical pr

Republic of Korea’s Sunshine Policy: The sweeping fall in support for the Sunshine Policy and the role of the Ministry of Unification during the tumultuous Sunshine years

This thesis aimed to discover the underlying causes for the drastic loss in support for the Sunshine Policy and the role of the Ministry of Unification throughout its duration. The Sunshine Policy was a new approach to inter-Korean relations by the progressives in South Korea which, despite initially strong support, would eventually become disfavoured among large parts of the population. An establ

Spatially resolved spectroscopy across HD 189733A using exoplanet transits

När vi blickar upp mot natthimlen (och om vi har tur) ser vi stjärnor. Några förefaller stora och ljusstarka, andra små och ljussvaga. Dock ser vi dem bara som ljusa punkter, även när vi tittar genom stora teleskop. Vi kan alltså inte direkt urskilja ytorna på dessa avlägsna solar och tvingas utröna deras egenskaper från det samlade stjärnljuset. Undantaget är vår egen stjärna, solen, vars yta är For testing three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic models of stellar atmospheres, spectroscopy across spatially resolved stellar surfaces with high spectral resolution is desired. 3D models predict center-to-limb changes in asymmetries, shapes, strengths and wavelength positions of spectral line profiles, reflecting the hydrodynamics of the stellar atmosphere. However, except for a few supergiants an

The Implementation of the Frequency-Time Encoded Decoy-State Protocol with the Slow-Light Effect for Quantum Memories

Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a secure encryption key generation process to be used by two users in the presence of an eavesdropper. The no-cloning theorem allows the sender "Alice" to securely send qubits with single photons to the receiver "Bob". However, due to real-life imperfections, it is not always possible to have a single-photon source with its properties matching Since the dawn of the first civilizations, the security of information has proven vital to the success of any given community. History records the first attempts at using cryptography techniques in a 1900 BC to 600 BC time frame. In ancient times, the working mechanism of this technique involved the use of letters in the alphabet. To secure the information, these techniques shifted the letters’ nu

Madonna och Facebook som påverkande faktor till arbetsmotivation

Examensarbetets titel: Madonna och Facebook som påverkande faktor till arbetsmotivation. En fallstudie av Massive Entertainments strategiska HR-åtgärder. Seminariedatum: 2017-06-02 Ämne/kurs: FEKH19 Företagsekonomi: Examensarbete i Strategic Management på kandidatnivå Författare: Linnea Larsson, Jenny Ludvigsson, Christoffer Nilsson, Lydia Wretlind Handledare: Niklas Lars Hallberg Nyckelord: Arbet

Balancing inventory levels and setup times - An analysis and outline of a decision-making model

Background and Research Question Historically, Lindab has largely focused its efforts on the production, but as a part of recent development in company strategy, supply chain management has gained more attention. In this regard, more attention has been given to stock reduction and minimizing total setup times to get a leaner production. Therefore, the company wants to investigate the current produ

Ett attraktivare företagserbjudande – en fallstudie på SJ AB

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to generate and provide suggestions for strategic actions, adjusted to conditions on the market, on how train operators, operating in a mature, saturated and highly competitive passenger transportation industry, should create an attractive customer offer for business travellers. Methodology: This study is based on a case study of the Swedish train operator SJ.

Developing vision substitution products using computer vision

Många produkter för personer med synnedsättningar analyserar på olika sätt informationiomgivningensomtillexempeltext-information. Idettaarbetetharjagutvecklat en metod för att markera ett specifikt område som ska analyseras med en handgest.The purpose of this thesis is two-fold. The first is to investigate if cutting edge technology can be used to enhance the life for people with visual impairments. The second is to provide a simple example of how the design process can look from the beginning to a finished Hi-Fi prototype. This was achieved by gathering requirements for a product and creating a prototype, This was carried out in th

Beroende av måttfull spelreklam - Ett marknadsföringsetiskt perspektiv på spelbranschens reklamutformning

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utforska hur olika aktörer inom spelindustrin definierar måttfullhet i reklam i praktiken samt vilket etiskt ansvar de upplever att de har för sin marknadsföring. Den här uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativ datainsamling i form av intervjuer och dokumentstudier av lagtext och juridiska dokument, riktlinjer samt spelreklam på bland annat linjär TV, internet, utomhusreThe purpose of this study is to explore how different actors in the gambling industry define moderateness in advertising in practice and the ethical responsibility they experience that they carry for their advertisements. This thesis is based on qualitative research in the form of interviews and document studies of legal documents and gambling advertising on, for example, TV, internet, outdoor adv