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Your search for "*" yielded 533122 hits

Single-vesicle intensity and colocalization fluorescence microscopy to study lipid vesicle fusion, fission, and lipid exchange

Interactions of lipid vesicles play important roles in a large variety of functions and dysfunctions in the human body. Vital for several biochemical functions is the interaction between monomeric proteins and lipid membranes, and the induced phenomena such as fusion between vesicles and cell membranes, lipid exchange between the membranes, or vesicle fission. Identification of single events and t

Processing Predicate NPs: An EEG study

Theories on discourse accessibility and givenness suggest that nominal discourse entities vary with regard to how likely they are to act as antecedents to anaphoric expressions. Many factors are thought to affect the accessibility of a nominal entity in the mental model, including its morphosyntactic form and grammatical role. Moreover, previous research has shown that reflexive pronouns can be il

CenTauR : Toward a universal scale and masks for standardizing tau imaging studies

INTRODUCTION: Recently, an increasing number of tau tracers have become available. There is a need to standardize quantitative tau measures across tracers, supporting a universal scale. We developed several cortical tau masks and applied them to generate a tau imaging universal scale. METHOD: One thousand forty-five participants underwent tau scans with either 18F-flortaucipir, 18F-MK6240, 18F-PI2

Evaluation of single-fraction high dose FLASH radiotherapy in a cohort of canine oral cancer patients

Background: FLASH radiotherapy (RT) is a novel method for delivering ionizingradiation, which has been shown in preclinical studies to have a normal tissuesparing effect and to maintain anticancer efficacy as compared to conventionalRT. Treatment of head and neck tumors with conventional RT is commonlyassociated with severe toxicity, hence the normal tissue sparing effect of FLASHRT potentially ma

Influence of oxygen coordination number on the electronic structure of single-layer La-based cuprates

We present an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the single-layer T∗-type structured cuprate SmLa1-xSrxCuO4 with unique fivefold pyramidal oxygen coordination. Upon varying oxygen content, T∗-SmLa1-xSrxCuO4 evolved from a Mott-insulating to a metallic state where the Luttinger sum rule breaks down under the assumption of a large holelike Fermi surface. This is in contrast with the

Amino acids and the changing face of the α-cell

Glucagon has long been defined by its glucogenic action and as a result α-cells have been characterised based largely on their interaction with glucose. Recent findings have challenged this preconception, bringing to the fore the significant role glucagon plays in amino acid breakdown and underlining the importance of amino acids in glucagon secretion. The challenge that remains is defining the me

Inverse association of anti-inflammatory prescription fills and suicide-related mortality in young adults : Evidence from a nationwide study of Swedish regions, 2006–2021

Background: This cross-sectional study examined nationwide real-world associations between anti-inflammatory agent fills and suicide-related death rates in 20–24-year-olds across the 21 Swedish regions during 2006–2021. Methods: Nationwide Swedish registers were used to compare regional year-wise suicide-related mortality (SRM) and dispensations for anti-inflammatory agents (ATC-code: M01) in 20–2

Besöksräknarteknologi: Mot datadrivet beslutsfattande inom fysisk handel

Denna studie undersöker möjligheterna att öka användningen av data inom fysisk handel och syftar till att förstå hur beslutsfattare kan generera värde från besöksräknarteknologi. Genom en kvantitativ forskningsansats undersöker studien potentialen hos moderna teknologier inom handelssektorn och introducerar Data Acceptance Model (DAM) som en teoretisk modell för att förstå acceptansen av data. Res

The Rubber Hand Illusion evaluated using different stimulation modalities

Tactile feedback plays a vital role in inducing ownership and improving motor control of prosthetic hands. However, commercially available prosthetic hands typically do not provide tactile feedback and because of that the prosthetic user must rely on visual input to adjust the grip. The classical rubber hand illusion (RHI) where a brush is stroking the rubber hand, and the user's hidden hand synch

Shifting sands : an ethnographic research within Hui Muslim communities in contemporary China

This research examines the factors contributing to the diminishing Muslim identity among young Hui Muslims in China, particularly those with higher education, and the tensions and conflicts arising from these identity changes. Through a historical survey of Hui Muslims and ethnographic fieldwork in Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, the study identifies both internal and external factor

To Sin or Not to Sin? A Study of Traditional and New Sin Stocks on the American Stock Market

This study aims to investigate the difference in stock return between traditional sin stocks, new sin stocks, and their respective peer stocks. The purpose was to expand the scarcely researched area of new sin stocks by being the first one to focus on new sin stocks on the American stock market (United States NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ stock exchanges), as this area has only been researched in Europe

Adapting to the New Normal: Establishing and Maintaining Trust in B2B Relationships in a Post-Pandemic World

Purpose: To understand how B2B companies may establish and maintain trust in their relationships with customers during and in the post-COVID digital business landscape. Methodology: The study carries a qualitative approach conducted with an exploratory nature. To establish a comprehensive perspective, broad analysis was conducted by holding seven semi-structured interviews with highly knowledgeab

AI and Strategic Decision Making Processes - An empirical study on how Large Language Models can be utilized in Strategic Decision Making Processes

The purpose of this study is to contribute with an understanding of what role AI has, and might have, in strategic decision making processes. The literature review of the study builds upon research within Resource Based Theory, Strategic Decision Making Theory and is supported by technical reports on Large Language Models. It is a qualitative single case study with empirical data collected from si

Exploring European Union Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive’s (CSRD) integration process implications on business strategy.

Following the introduction of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) by the European Commission, the complexity of sustainability reporting increased significantly concerning a vast number of companies. The lack of consideration in the literature on the implications it will have on the business strategy can create negative perceptions of the directive’s integration process for the

Nationalisation of the Sacred : Orthodox historiography, memory, and politics in Montenegro

The Eastern Orthodox Churches in post-communist Eastern Europe are embroiled in long-running conflicts over ownership of territory, saints, sites, nations, and history. These often violent conflicts reflect political and national rivalries, most explicitly in former Yugoslavia and Ukraine. They are often understood as simplified ethnic-national tensions with religious overtones, but, as this book

‘Overcoming Hopelessness’: Asylum Seekers’ Experiences of Precarity and Empowerment in Sweden

Sweden has long been seen as a generous, inclusive provider for refugees, historically granting social rights on par with citizens shortly upon arrival. However, extensive recent academic literature has come to critique this perception, highlighting retrenchments and restrictive developments in asylum policy amid increasing precarity for asylum seekers. Studies have also documented mental health v