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Hidden lesions may confound 1H-MRS metabolite quantification by internal water referencing in individuals with multiple sclerosis.
Skönhetens antites
Möte mellan industri och konst
Klassriket : Socialgruppsindelningen som skillnadsteknologi under 1900-talet
During the 20th century, a number of actors and institutions set out to develop taxonomies of the Swedish population. This thesis examines the most important social classification system, the social group, which despite its great importance in administrative, scientific, commercial, political and media contexts has received little attention in historical research. Invented by the Central Bureau
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Perceptions of the appropriate response to norm violation in 57 societies
Norm enforcement may be important for resolving conflicts and promoting cooperation. However, little is known about how preferred responses to norm violations vary across cultures and across domains. In a preregistered study of 57 countries (using convenience samples of 22,863 students and non-students), we measured perceptions of the appropriateness of various responses to a violation of a cooper
Design and Development of a Foldable Motorized Micro-Haulage Vehicle
Den här rapporten beskriver processen att designa och utveckla ett hopfällbart motoriserat mikrotransportfordon, som följer användaren, för urban transport. Projektet görs i samarbete med Volvo Car Corporation. Transportindustrin står som en betydande bidragsgivare till växthusgasutsläpp. Som ett resultat görs många ansträngningar för att minska dessa utsläpp och möta hållbarhetsmål, varför många This thesis describes the process of designing and developing a foldable motorized micro-haulage vehicle, which follows the user, for urban transportation. The project is made in collaboration with Volvo Car Corporation. The transportation industry stands as a significant contributor to greenhouse emissions. As a result, many efforts are being made to lower these emissions and reach sustainability
The Commodification of Human Life : Labour, Energy and Money in a Deteriorating Biosphere
The chapter integrates physicalist and constructivist approaches to phenomena conventionally categorised as ‘labour’ and ‘energy’ by unravelling how the two entangled concepts reflect nineteenth-century modernity’s increasingly instrumental approach to both society and nature. Energy technologies became understood as the efficient harnessing of nature’s powers in much the same way as economists fo
Waka and ryūka performances (Japan/Ryukyu)
Holocene relative shore-level changes and development of the Ģipka lagoon in the western Gulf of Riga
Holocene relative shore-level changes and development of the Ģipka palaeolagoon in the western Gulf of Riga are reconstructed using multiproxy analyses by combining litho-, biostratigraphical and chronological data with remote sensing and geophysical data. The results show the development of the Ģipka basin from the Ancylus Lake/Initial Litorina Sea coastal zone (before c. 9.1 cal. ka BP) to coast
Standardization of clinical outcomes used in allergen immunotherapy in allergic asthma : An EAACI position paper
Introduction: In allergic asthma patients, one of the more common phenotypes might benefit from allergen immunotherapy (AIT) as add-on intervention to pharmacological treatment. AIT is a treatment with disease-modifying modalities, the evidence for efficacy is based on controlled clinical trials following standardized endpoint measures. However, so far there is a lack of a consensus for asthma end
Life's Essential 8 and carotid artery plaques : the Swedish cardiopulmonary bioimage study
Background: To quantify cardiovascular health (CVH), the American Heart Association (AHA) recently launched an updated construct of the “Life's Simple 7” (LS7) score, the “Life's Essential 8” (LE8) score. This study aims to analyse the association between both CVH scores and carotid artery plaques and to compare the predictive capacity of such scores for carotid plaques. Methods: Randomly recruite
A spatial perspective on green technology adoption in China : insights from patent licensing data
In the transition to more sustainable regional economies, the widespread adoption of green technologies is crucial. However, little is known about the geography of green technology adoption and the relationship between regional demand and supply of green technologies. In this paper, we shed light on the (regional) factors explaining whether innovation adopters use green technologies that have been
Second home tourism and climate change : An introduction
The chapter provides an introduction to issues associated with the relationship between second homes and climate change. A major problem identified in existing research is the lack of consistent definitions of what constitutes a second home within and between jurisdictions, which makes comparative research difficult. Existing research is geographically limited in scope although recognition of the
Longitudinal development of fatigue after treatment for childhood cancer : a national cohort study
BACKGROUND: Fatigue is a distressing and prevalent long-term sequela of treatment for childhood cancer, and there is a need for longitudinal studies to investigate the development of fatigue over time. The objective of this study was to calculate growth-curves for the longitudinal development of fatigue after treatment for childhood cancer, and to investigate the effects of biopsychosocial predict
Alternative promoters and splicing create multiple functionally distinct isoforms of oestrogen receptor alpha in breast cancer and healthy tissues
BACKGROUND: Oestrogen receptor alpha (ER) is involved in cell growth and proliferation and functions as a transcription factor, a transcriptional coregulator, and in cytoplasmic signalling. It affects, for example, bone, endometrium, ovaries and mammary epithelium. It is a key biomarker in clinical management of breast cancer, where it is used as a prognostic and treatment-predictive factor, and a
Symposium “Shaping the Outlook on Life - Education and Religion in Chinese Contexts”
Bedöma bondebruk är ingen barnalek - Om skyddsregel för jordbruk i 3 kap. 6 § fastighetsbildningslagen (1970:988)
Examensarbetet behandlar skyddet för jordbruket i 3 kap. 6 § FBL där fastig-hetsbildning inte får medföra någon olägenhet för jordbruksnäringen. Vad olä-genhet för jordbruksnäringen innebär är dock inte direkt definierat utan ska styras av rådande livsmedelspolitiska inriktning och omständigheterna i det sär-skilda fallet. Det finns dock några särskilda situationer angivna som återfinns i prop. 19Master of Science thesis addressing the protection rule for agriculture in the pro-perty formation law, 3 kap. 6 § Fastighetsbildningslag (1970:988). The report aims to investigate and clarify when inconvenience arises for the agricultural industry and to determine whether a calculation tool developed by the Swedish Board of Agriculture is a suitable method to base the definition of when an agric
In-situ Study of the Growth, Composition and Morphology of III-V Semiconductor Nanowires
It is widely known that nanoparticle seeded growth of III-V semiconductor nanowires often occurs via the vapor-liquid-solid mechanism. However, conventional growth of nanowires is carried out in closed systems, where mostof the details and dynamics of the growth are impossible to follow. Since all analysis is typically carried out after growth completion and transfer, only the trends in the produc