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Quantitative Evaluation of Temporal Episode Patterns in Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation

Flow velocity in left atrial appendage decreases when paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) progresses to longer episodes, suggesting that the temporal PAF episode pattern may be related to risk of thrombus formation. This study investigates the feasibility of discriminating episode patterns based on two descriptors: the aggregation characterizes the temporal distribution of PAF episodes, whereas t

Ageing in the right place–a prototype of a web-based housing counselling intervention for later life

Background: Despite a strong desire among most older adults to age in place, there are few widely available services to support planning and preparing for one’s future housing needs. Objective: To develop a prototype of a web-based housing counselling intervention for use in later life, by employing a user-centred design. Material and Methods: As the first step in intervention development, we empl

Linoleic acid esters of hydroxy linoleic acids are anti-inflammatory lipids found in plants and mammals

Fatty acid esters of hydroxy fatty acids (FAHFAs) are a recently discovered class of biologically active lipids. Here we identify the linoleic acid ester of 13-hydroxy linoleic acid (13-LAHLA) as an anti-inflammatory lipid. An oat oil fraction and FAHFA-enriched extract from this fraction showed anti-inflammatory activity in a lipopolysaccharide-induced cytokine secretion assay. Structural studies

The third transmembrane domains of the human B1 and B2 bradykinin receptor subtypes are involved in discriminating between subtype-selective ligands

The B1 and B2 bradykinin (BK) receptor subtypes belong to the GPCR faro ily, and they discriminate between peptides that differ only by the absence and presence of a C-terminal Arg, To identify receptor residues conferring tigand spe.cificity, chimeric constructs in which TM-III were exchanged between the receptors were expressed and assayed by radioligand binding and fluorescence Ca2+ imaging in

Artificiell intelligens som livsform : Om autonoma vapensystems rättsliga ställning

Artificiell intelligens bryter med invanda sätt att tänka kring å ena sidan objekt, ting, teknologiska artefakter och, å andra sidan, handlande subjekt. Somliga tänker rent av på artificiell intelligens som en ny form av liv. En sfär där artificiell intelligens står inför ett genombrott är i krig. Av förklarliga skäl finns starka åsikter om detta. Utvecklingen förkastas som innebärandes slutet på

Energetic stress and the degree of fluctuating asymmetry : Implications for a long-lasting, honest signal

Duplicate, bilateral structures of individual animals are usually symmetrical. In cases where such structures are asymmetrical, the degree of asymmetry may indicate the propensity of an individual to stray from the genetically programmed outcome during the development of the structure. Asymmetries have recently been assumed to constitute an honest signal of male quality and, as such, a cue for fem

The politics of persuasion. : Opinion-shaping activities and gender equality in Sweden, 1960-1970

In this paper, the role and significance of opinion-shaping and persuasion activities are explored through an analysis of the activation of women in the Swedish labour market in the 1960s, highlighting the ways in which gender equality ideals became infused in these activities through a process of ‘transformative state feminism’. The analysis draws on qualitative data including archival material aIn this paper, the role and significance of opinion-shaping and persuasion activities are explored through an analysis of the activation of women in the Swedish labour market in the 1960s, highlighting the ways in which gender equality ideals became infused in these activities through a process of ‘transformative state feminism’. The analysis draws on qualitative data including archival material a

Solving systems of polynomial equations over GF(2) by a parity-counting self-reduction

We consider the problem of finding solutions to systems of polynomial equations over a finite field. Lokshtanov et al. [SODA'17] recently obtained the first worst-case algorithms that beat exhaustive search for this problem. In particular for degree-d equations modulo two in n variables, they gave an O∗2(1−1/(5d))n time algorithm, and for the special case d = 2 they gave an O∗20.876n time algorith

May Measurement Month 2018 : a pragmatic global screening campaign to raise awareness of blood pressure by the International Society of Hypertension

AIMS: Raised blood pressure (BP) is the biggest contributor to mortality and disease burden worldwide and fewer than half of those with hypertension are aware of it. May Measurement Month (MMM) is a global campaign set up in 2017, to raise awareness of high BP and as a pragmatic solution to a lack of formal screening worldwide. The 2018 campaign was expanded, aiming to include more participants an

Approximate counting of K-paths : Deterministic and in polynomial space

A few years ago, Alon et al. [ISMB 2008] gave a simple randomized O((2e)km∊−2)-time exponential-space algorithm to approximately compute the number of paths on k vertices in a graph G up to a multiplicative error of 1 ± ∊. Shortly afterwards, Alon and Gutner [IWPEC 2009, TALG 2010] gave a deterministic exponential-space algorithm with running time (2e)k+O(log3 k)m log n whenever ∊−1 = kO(1). Recen