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Editorial : Scholar-stakeholder collaboration for rigorous and relevant HRM research—Possible contributions and key requirements of collaborative studies in HRM

Human Resource Management research is striving to develop rigorous and actionable knowledge for today’s social and environmental global challenges. For years, academic-stakeholder collaborative knowledge creation processes have been considered as potentially rewarding ways to achieve this objective. However, applications of collaborative HRM research are still relatively sparse, as HR scholars ten

Artisanal and small-scale mining through a “labour regime” lens: Consolidating a research agenda on labour exploitation

This article examines the way the notion of labour regime in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) research can contribute to new ways of conceptualising this sector's challenges. It starts by reviewing how the phenomenal expansion of ASM over the last decades has been problematised, and highlights the need to better understand what drives artisanal miners to operate under extremely precarious wo

Looking back to move forwards: A social and cultural history of home heating (JUSTHEAT) : Interim findings from the first round of case studies

This short report is one of a series of outputs to flow from the international,interdisciplinary project ‘Looking back to move forwards: a social and cultural historyof home heating’ (JUSTHEAT), funded through the Collaboration of Humanities andSocial Sciences in Europe (CHANSE) initiative, which began in 2022 and runs until2025. Within this project, we aim to understand how major changes to home

Exploring the microbial landscape uncovering the pathogens associated with community-acquired pneumonia in hospitalized patients

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate the etiology, clinical features, and outcomes of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in adults. Understanding the causative pathogens is essential for effective treatment and prevention.DESIGN: Between 2016-2018, 518 hospitalized adults with CAP and 241 controls without symptoms were prospectively enrolled. Urine samples were collected for pneumococcal ur

Virtual reality aggression prevention treatment in a Dutch prison-based population : a pilot study

Background: Treating violent behavior in prisons comes with challenges, such as the inability to practice safely with triggering situations and motivational issues. A solution may be the use of Virtual Reality (VR). With VR, specific conditions or needs can be tailored for individual practice, it can enhance motivation and VR has proven to be a safe and effective tool in mental health treatment. O

Precise localization of corneal reflections in eye images using deep learning trained on synthetic data

We present a deep learning method for accurately localizing the center of a single corneal reflection (CR) in an eye image. Unlike previous approaches, we use a convolutional neural network (CNN) that was trained solely using synthetic data. Using only synthetic data has the benefit of completely sidestepping the time-consuming process of manual annotation that is required for supervised training

Interplay between Brownian and hydrodynamic tracer diffusion in suspensions of swimming microorganisms

The general problem of tracer diffusion in non-equilibrium baths is important in a wide range of systems, from the cellular level to geographical length scales. In this paper, we revisit the archetypical example of such a system: A collection of small passive particles immersed in a dilute suspension of non-interacting dipolar microswimmers, representing bacteria or algae. In particular, we consid

Macro- and microscopic changes in veins with short-term central venous catheters : an observational autopsy study

BACKGROUND: Centrally inserted central catheters (CICCs) are indispensable in modern healthcare, but unfortunately, come with complications. Catheter-related thrombosis is a well-known complication reported to occur in 5-30% of patients with CICC. There is a paucity of studies that report the incidence of catheter-related thrombosis after the introduction of real-time ultrasound insertion guidance

Triangeldramat mellan OECD, EU och den svenska rätten - En granskning av den svenska implementeringen av Rådets direktiv (EU) 2022/2523 och de efterföljande konsekvenserna för framtidens skatteflykt bland multinationella koncerner

2013 presenterade OECD tillsammans med G20-länders ett åtgärdsprogram för att ta sig an och komma till rätta med urholkningen av skattebasen och otillbörliga vinstförflyttningar som var möjliga till följd av att de internationella skattereglerna var utdaterade. Åtgärdsprogrammet innehåller bland annat regleringar avsedda att motverka skatteflykt bland multinationella koncerner. Europeiska unionen In 2013, the OECD, in collaboration with G20 countries, introduced an action plan to address and tackle the erosion of the tax base and undue profit shifting made possible due to outdated international tax rules. The program includes regulations aimed at combating tax evasion among multinational corporations. The European Union has adopted Directive (EU) 2022/2523, which Sweden, as a member of the

Genome-wide association and Mendelian randomization analysis provide insights into the shared genetic architecture between high-dimensional electrocardiographic features and ischemic heart disease

Observational studies have revealed that ischemic heart disease (IHD) has a unique manifestation on electrocardiographic (ECG). However, the genetic relationships between IHD and ECG remain unclear. We took 12-lead ECG as phenotypes to conduct genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for 41,960 samples from UK-Biobank (UKB). By leveraging large-scale GWAS summary of ECG and IHD (downloaded from Finn

Rethinking Public Squares: Athens, Berlin, Copenhagen

Since ancient times, public squares have played a significant role in the social and political life of towns and cities. They were designed as open spaces for public use, allowing people to meet, communicate, and demonstrate, and as centers for commercial and civic culture that reflected historical transformations. However, nowadays, public squares are often nearly abandoned urban voids, rather th

Changes in self-perceived performance and satisfaction with performance of daily activities following interdisciplinary rehabilitation in people with late effects of polio

Background: People with late effects of polio (LEoP) may need rehabilitation to manage everyday life but knowledge of the benefits of interdisciplinary rehabilitation is limited.Objective: To evaluate changes in performance and satisfaction with performance of activities among people with LEoP following interdisciplinary rehabilitation.Methods: A pre-post retrospective study based on data on 102 p

Integrating local solar energy and water recovery : Operating experiences of a systemic approach

The key message is the importance of a systemic approach to handling water and energy together, both in design and in oper-ation. The paper demonstrates how renewable energy, solar photovoltaic (PV) and solar thermal, in combination with a small nutrient removal plant, provides a reliable solution for small-scale decentralized water recovery operations. The system is automated and can operate outs