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Optical Analysis of biological media - continuous wave diffuse spectroscopy
The main topic of this thesis is real-time quantification of relevant chromophores and light scattering elements in biological media. The presented methods and instrumentation are based on continuous wave (steady-state) optical measurements of (a) spatially-resolved diffuse reflectance from bulk media and (b) combined spatially-resolved and goniometric measurements of re-emitted light from thin sa
Splittring (1984)
Modulating glycemia with cereal products
Ledarstrategier för utveckling av genusperspektiv i undervisningen
Vad är fattigdom? Stereotyper, definitioner, orsaker och åtgärder
Den religiösa människan : en introduktion till religionspsykologin
En ny och uppdaterad version av vår lärobok. Förutom en allmän uppdatering finns nya kapitel om anknytningsteori och religion (förf. Antoon Geels), omvändelsens psykologi (förf. Antoon Geels)och existentiella ritualer (förf. Valerie DeMarinis).
Dealing with comorbidity
Ljusets arkeologi : att bejaka moderniteten
Archaeology of Light - to affirm Modernity. In the last decades archaeologists have discussed and investigated modernity. What then characterizes modernity? Firstly the article discusses the concept and phenomena of modernity; secondly it presents four perspectives on the relationship between museums, archaeology and modernity; thirdly it proposes how archaeology as an “Archaeology of Light” migh
Managing quality requirements in software product development
Software product development companies experience different challenges in managing quality requirements compared to functional requirements. In this context, quality requirements are defined as requirements that describe a restriction on the system, and specify how well the system performs its functions. In a market–driven development context with large markets, potential customers, and strong com
Shading Devices
Kan välfärdsstaten överleva i en integrerad värld?
A Community Management Plan: The Van gujjars and the Rajaji National Park
Tredje uppgiften som pedagogiskt verktyg
Emerging tick-borne pathogens: on the ecology of multiple infections in ticks and reservoir hosts
Popular Abstract in Swedish Multipla infektioner med olika patogener eller olika stammar av en patogen är vanliga. Positiva eller negativa interaktioner (konkurrens respektive facilitering) mellan patogener som infekterar samma värd kan påverka förekomsten av enskilda patogener och därmed ha stor betydesle för förekomsten av en specifik sjukdom. I denna avhandling studerar jag två fästingburna bakMost animals will encounter several more or less severe infectious diseases during their lifetime, and simultaneous infections with more than one pathogen, or several different strains of the same pathogen, are common in natural populations. Ticks transmit a wide variety of different pathogens and can also be simultaneously infected with more than one pathogen. The possible interactions between di
Brand och explosion
Priser och samhällsekonomi
A modular framework for evaluation of electrical machine production costs
A framework structure for solving multiple option production economic models is described, showing the possibilities in defining independent process modules according to a defined set of rules. The modules are then scanned and inserted into appropriate locations in the solver framework based on naming scheme and linking information, allowing both re-use of knowledge as well as rapid development an