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Surviving conduction symmetries in non-linear response

In linear response, the electric conductance of mesoscopic, two-terminal devices is symmetric with respect to the direction of an external magnetic field. The conductance symmetry, in general, breaks down in the non-linear regime of transport. Here we consider semiconductor quantum dots and show certain symmetries survive in the non-linear conductance with respect to the bias voltage and magnetic

Injury to the human median and ulnar nerves in the forearm - analysis of costs for treatment and rehabilitation of 69 patients in southern sweden.

This study analysed the costs of median and ulnar nerve injuries in the forearm in humans and factors affecting such costs. The costs within the health-care sector and costs of lost production were calculated in 69 patients with an injury to the median and/or ulnar nerve in the forearm, usually caused by glass, a knife, or a razorblade. Factors associated with the variation in costs and outcome we

Energy Efficiency in Buildings Through Information - Swedish Perspective

The studies presented here have shown that it is fully possible to influence energy consumption through information. An increase in the knowledge among consumers will motivate them to be more energy efficient. Since several interrelated factors are involved in this knowledge level, it is difficult to establish the individual influences but such factors as the electricity bills, electricity meterin

Genetic Characterisation of Human ABO Blood Group Variants with a Focus on Subgroups and Hybrid Alleles

Popular Abstract in Swedish Karl Landsteiner upptäckte blodgruppssystemet ABO och beskrev principen för den antigen-antikroppsreaktion som gäller än idag. För att utföra en säker blodtransfusion krävs det att individens ABO-blodgrupp är känd och därefter kan passande givarblod transfunderas. A- och B-generna ger upphov till enzymen A- respektive B-transferas. Blodgrupp O beror på olika defekter sABO is the most important blood group system in transfusion medicine and transplantation immunology. The ABO blood groups differ by the presence or absence of antigens on RBCs and antibodies in plasma. Accurate determination of ABO status is critical. Genomic typing can increase the precision of blood group determination in complicated cases, e.g. when variant expression of A or B antigen is encou

Byarnas bönder. Medeltida samhällsförändring i Västskåne

Perioden från mitten av det första årtusendet av vår tideräkning till mitten av det andra (ca 500-1500) var en tid då det skånska landskapet kom att helt omvandlas, först i och med skapandet av stora aristokratiska gods under periodens början, därefter med en reglering av landskapet i form av bildandet av byar och socknar kring dess mitt. Undersökningarna av medeltida bytomter längs Västkustbanan

Clinical evaluation of the zygoma implant: 3-year follow-up at 16 clinics

Purpose: The purpose of this clinical investigation was to evaluate the treatment outcome with zygoma implants with regard to implant survival, patient satisfaction, and function of prosthesis replacement after 3 years. Patients and Methods: The treatment outcome of 76 patients treated with 145 zygoma fixtures at 16 centers was evaluated with regard to implant survival. Status of peri-implant muco

An experimental and theoretical study of the morphine binding capacity and kinetics of an engineered opioid receptor

Electrochemical real-time monitoring of ligand binding to an engineered opioid receptor specific for morphine is reported. In the particular systems studied, 90% of the binding was found to be completed after only 85-120 s. Thus, the binding kinetics has proven to be more rapid than previously believed. The observed association rate constant for the morphine binding reaction was calculated to be 2

Aristokratiskt rum och gränsöverskridande. Järrestad och sydöstra Skåne mellan region och rike 600-1100

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen fokuserar på den andra vågen av järnålderns centrala platser, vilka formerades under det långa 600-talet. Utgångspunkten är en fallstudie av en aristokratisk miljö i Järrestad, sydöstra Skåne. Två problemkomplex bearbetas. Tolkningen av de förkristna aristokratiska miljöerna. Syftet är att undersöka hur härskarideologier gestaltades i hallmiljön och det omThis dissertation focuses on the second wave of central places in south Scandinavia, emerging during the prolonged 7th century. The point of departure is a case study of an aristocratic setting in Järrestad, situated in the southernmost part of Sweden. Two problem complexes are tackled: 1. The interpretation of the pre-Christian aristocratic settings. The aim is to investigate the staging of rule