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Tillräckligt kränkt? - En studie av särskilt utsatta yrkesgruppers rätt till kränkningsersättning

Kränkningsersättning är ett rent ideellt skadestånd. Syftet med ersättningen är att kompensera de momentana känslor som uppstått hos den skadelidande när denne utsatts för ett angrepp mot den personliga integriteten. Det är skadan som ersätts och denna skada bestäms utifrån ett antal objektiva kriterier. För att kränkningsersättning ska utgå enligt 2 kap. 3 § SkL krävs det att det har begåtts ett Damages for a violation against the personal integrity are purely immaterial damages. The purpose of the damages is to compensate the temporary emotions which has arisen within the injured party during the attack on his or hers personal integrity. The victim is being compensated for the damage he or she has suffered due to the attack and the damage itself is determined by a number of objective cri

NEOLIBERAL CAPITALISM AND DEBILITATION: A case study of disability, political economy & environment in Sweden

The purpose of this thesis is to explore how disability can be mobilised as an analytical category in a critique of neoliberal capitalism as it affects laborers, their bodies, and their socio-economic as well as ecological environment. In particular, I unpack how and why the body is rendered able and unable by political economy, and how the labor market instantiates hegemonic norms of ability. Tak

Lämplig eller olämplig förälder? - En analys av lämplighetsprövningarna inför insemination och adoption utifrån ett barnperspektiv

Två vanliga metoder för att avhjälpa ofrivillig barnlöshet är insemination och adoption. Ett par som vill få barn genom insemination respektive adoption måste genomgå en lämplighetsprövning, vars syfte är att tillgodose barnets bästa. Endast de par som bedöms som lämpliga föräldrar beviljas insemination respektive adoption. Trots att lämplighetsprövningarna i de två processerna har samma syfte, föTwo common methods to treat involuntary infertility are insemination and adoption. A couple who wants to have children through insemination or adoption must undergo a suitability test, that has the purpose of considering the best interests of the child. A couple must therefore be considered as suitable parents in order to have a child through insemination or adoption. Despite the fact that both su

Mobility Solutions in Swedish Municipalities

Despite that transports contribute to around a quarter of all global energy-related CO2 emissions, the question of how the sector’s emissions are best reduced remains unclear. To fill this gap, this thesis investigates what both academia and the Swedish Climate Policy Council recommend to be the best ways of reducing transport emissions. These findings are then compared with the mobility strategie

Zoom to the rescue : en kvalitativ studie om hur studenter upplever kommunikation under en Zoom-föreläsning

Denna studie ämnar undersöka studenters upplevelser av kommunikation under en Zoom-föreläsning. Under den globala pandemin under vintern 2020 valde många universitet att förflytta utbildningen till distans för att förhindra spridningen av viruset covid-19. Detta ökade användningen kraftigt av digitala kommunikationsverktyg, där Zoom kom att bli ett av de primära verktygen. Genom att undersöka kommThis report will present the results of a study which has the intention to investigate the experience of communication when using a digital communication tool. More specifically this report will analyse how university students feel about their experience with the digital communication tool called Zoom. During the global pandemic of the virus covid-19 in 2020, many universities decided to continue

Snakes & Ladders: S-T-O-R-I-E-S of The Physical Store. A qualitative study referred to the role of the physical store in the high involvement products industry.

This research aims to identify the role of the physical store within the high involvement products buying process in the context of an omnichannel customer journey. Furthermore, we aim to recreate an entirely new customer journey based on the importance of creating epic customer experiences, both in-store and online channels, by integrating an omnichannel strategy in the furniture industry.

Using X-band Radar with a Neural Network to Forecast Combined Sewer Flow - A case study in Lund

Genom att använda X-band väderradar-data och ett neuralt nätverk kan höga avloppsvattenflöden till Källby avloppsreningsverk i Lund förutspås upp till en timme in i framtiden, vilket ger värdefull tid att vidta säkerhetsåtgärder. Med ytterligare data kan prognostiden potentiellt förlängas med flera timmar.This study aimed to forecast combined sewer flow into a wastewater treatment plant in Lund, Sweden by using uncalibrated X-band radar data with a neural network. Neural networks have proved themselves useful in the field of forecasting as they can solve multiple kinds of problems and recognise patterns in the data (Alemu et al. 2018) as well as model complex real-world problems (Zhang 2012). In 20

How Organizational Structures Affect the Implementation of Robotic Process Automation

Problem description: The case company, a packaging company in Lund, Sweden, operates in an industry where high productivity is becoming increasingly crucial to remain the industry leader. One of the most rapidly growing automating technologies today is RPA. The case company has adopted this technology. As of now the case company uses a centralized approach in implementing RPA which means that the

All That Glitters Is Not Gold: An exploratory study into converging and diverging stakeholders perceptions of sustainability reporting

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to critically explore how a regulatory, community and organizational stakeholder perceive their role in the context of sustainability reporting as well as identify convergence and divergence between these different stakeholder perceptions. Methodology: We chose a qualitative-abductive approach to our case study of sustainability reporting by interviewing th

Freedom to conduct a business as a concept of EU law - How the objectives and rationales of the EU inform the consideration of freedom to conduct a business and individuals in the market

This essay seeks to address how power asymmetries or structural biases may affect how European Union (EU) law considers market actors and the freedom to conduct a business, combining EU legal methodology with feminist and queer legal and political theory. The research finds that the EU is a purposive order, whose primary objectives inform the EU legal order and the development of EU law. EU functi

Only the plaintiff’s story is not enough to make it true: A qualitative study of the Swedish judicial system’s assessments of rape cases

This essay explores how trustworthiness is created, established, and constructed in regard to women subjected to sexual violence, analysing significant features which may be decisive in court’s assessment of rape. The construction of the plaintiff’s trustworthiness and its impact on the legal process will be analysed in ten Swedish court cases about rape and through interviews with four women work

MMS - Analogue Mini Modular Synthesis

The purpose of this project is to make an exploration on how to strengthen the connection between a product and a user. This includes my desire to work with analogue Modular synthesizers and use the human senses like sound and touch to create an experience. ''The initial brief is to create set ups that introduce the analogue modular synthesis to interested beginners to later advanced / se

Detecting Deepfakes and Forged Videos Using Deep Learning

Over just a few years, methods to manipulate videos have become so sophistica- ted that even someone without much expertise or computational resources can forge videos inseparable from pristine ones to the human eye. These methods can for instance insert a person in a video or manipulate their lip movements to make them say anything of the manipulator’s liking. Though there exist harm- less and co

Från Havsbruk till Murbruk

Mitt i Öresund ligger Ven, denna ö välkomnar och vinkar av alla förbipasserande fartyg i sundet, med den skånska kusten som sin östra horisont, och den själländska danska kusten till väster. Här möts Nordatlantens saltvatten med Östersjöns sötvatten, strömmarna skiftar i samma takt som vinden i seglen ändrar riktning. Här har jag spenderat många somrar, med min mormor, med vänner, och med kusinerSituated in the heart of Öresund is Ven, this Island welcomes and says farewell to all passing ships. It has the Scanian Swedish coast on its eastern horizon, and the Zealandic Danish coast to its west. This is where the saltwater from the North Atlantic sea blends with the freshwater from the Baltic Sea, where the currents change as the winds in the sails change its direction. On this Island the

Destination branding through local food products: The case of Südtirol / Alto Adige

Title: Destination branding through local food products: The case of Südtirol / Alto Adige Date of the Seminar: 4th of June 2020 Course: BUSN39 Degree Project in Global Marketing Authors: Florian Felder & Edoardo Macelloni Supervisor: Tommy Shih Keywords: Destination branding, food tourism, inverse country of origin, stakeholder collaboration, Südtirol / Alto Adige Thesis purpose: The pu

The Eemian Baltic Sea hydrography and paleoenvironment based on foraminiferal geochemistry

I den här masteruppsatsen undersöktes geokemin i kalkskalen av bottenlevande foraminiferer från Anholt (Kattegat), Ristinge (Bälthavet) och Obrzynowo (Egentliga Östersjön), för att rekonstruera de hydrografiska förhållanden i Östersjön och paleomiljön under den senaste interglacialen (130 - 115 ka BP). De variabler som analyserades innefattade Mg/Ca, Ba/Ca och Mn/Ca samt stabila syre- och kolisotoIn this thesis, three microfossil records from Anholt (Kattegat), Ristinge (the Danish straits) and Obrzynowo (the southern Baltic- coast) representing the last interglacial Eemian (130- 115 ka B.P) were generated. The geochemistry of benthic foraminifera was investigated to reconstruct the Eemian Baltic Sea hydrography and paleoenvironment. The paleo-environmental proxies were: the trace elements

Kan mindre företags val av K-regelverk förklaras utifrån institutionell teori?

Examensarbetes titel: Kan mindre företags val av K-regelverk förklaras utifrån institutionell teori? Seminariedatum: 2020-06-03 Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Emil Augbeck, Viktor Lagnéus och Isac Larsson Handledare: Kristina Artsberg Fem Nyckelord: Institutionell teori, Beslutsteori, Isomorfism, K2, K3 Syfte: Syftet med denTitle: Can smaller companies choice of K-regulations be explained with institutional theory? Seminar date: 2020-06-03 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) Authors: Emil Augbeck, Viktor Lagnéus and Isac Larsson Advisor: Kristina Artsberg Key words: Institutional theory, Decision theory, Isomorp

Public Spending on Health: Effects on Child Mortality. A Study of the Population without Social Security in Mexico.

The relationship between public spending on health and child mortality has been inconclusive in literature. Discussions about significant associations have largely depended on specific periods and countries studied. This essay focus on the effects of public spending on health on child mortality in the Mexican poorest states. Public spending on health for the population without social security was

UX Redesign of Digital Tool in Primary Health Care

Efterfrågan inom hälso- och sjukvården ökar på grund av en växande population med allt fler äldre och kroniskt sjuka personer. Dessutom förväntar sig dagens patienter en lättillgänglig vård. För att möta den tilltagande efterfrågan spelar digitalisering en viktig roll. För att digitaliseringen ska lyckas är en god integrationen mellan nya digitala verktyg och befintliga system av stor betydelse. DThe demand in health care is increasing due to a growing population with more elderly and chronically ill people. In addition, the patients expect easy access to health care. To be able to meet the growing demand in the health care, digitization plays an essential role. For the digitization to be successful, a good integration of new digital tools in existing systems is of great importance. Also,