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Why chloroplasts and mitochondria contain genomes

Chloroplasts and mitochondria originated as bacterial symbionts. The larger, host cells acquired genetic information from their prokaryotic guests by lateral gene transfer. The prokaryotically-derived genes of the eukaryotic cell nucleus now function to encode the great majority of chloroplast and mitochondrial proteins, as well as many proteins of the nucleus and cytosol. Genes are copied and mov

Observations on cerebral amyloid angiopathy and microvascular pathology in Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alzheimers sjukdom och vaskulär demens är de vanligaste orsakerna till demens hos äldre, ett tillstånd som i takt med den ökande åldrade befolkningen kommer att innebära ett allt större lidande och en alltjämt ökande ekonomisk belastning. Direkta och indirekta kostnader för vård och omsorg av demenspatienter uppgår sannolikt till ca 40 miljarder kronor om året. Detta ärDementia is a state of permanent loss of cognitive function, most commonly affecting the elderly. With a rapidly growing aged population, the spectrum of disorders that lead to dementia is exerting an ever-increasing toll on patients, families and society alike. The most common dementing disorders are Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Although Alzheimer's disease is very common and was de

Equivalent roughness height for plane bed under steady flow

This paper presents a new relationship between the roughness height and the main hydrodynamic and sediment parameters for plane beds under steady current conditions. In order to derive such a formula, a large data base involving plane-bed experiments was compiled from previous investigations and analyzed. Comparisons between the data and different existing predictive formulas for the bed roughness

Identification of a novel isoform of the cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase PDE3A expressed in vascular smooth-muscle myocytes

We have identified a new cyclic-nucleotide phosphodiesterase isoform, PDE3A, and cloned its cDNA from cultured aortic myocytes. The nucleotide sequence of its coding region is similar to that of the previously cloned myocardial isoform except for the absence of the initial 300-400 nt that are present in the latter, as confirmed by reverse-transcriptase-mediated PCR, 5' rapid amplification of cDNA

Gemini surfactants: New synthetic vectors for gene transfection

The superior surfactant properties of cationic gemini surfactants are applied to the complex problem of introducing genes into cells. Of almost 250 new compounds tested, of some 20 different structural types, a majority showed very good transfection activity in vitro. The surfactant is shown to bind and compact DNA efficiently, and structural studies and calculations provide a working picture of t

Effects on the structure of arctic ecosystems in the short- and long-term perspectives

Species individualistic responses to warming and increased UV-B radiation are moderated by the responses of neighbors within communities, and trophic interactions within ecosystems. All of these responses lead to changes in ecosystem structure. Experimental manipulation of environmental factors expected to change at high latitudes showed that summer warming of tundra vegetation has generally led t

Scattering-matrix formalism of electron transport through three-terminal quantum structures: formulation and application to Y-junction devices

In this paper we present a formalism for the calculation of electron transport through three-terminal junction devices, which have received attention due to their recently demonstrated non-linear electrical properties. The formalism, which is based on the scattering-matrix method, takes quantum interference effects fully into account. Furthermore, the formalism provides numerical stability in the

On the nature and expression of prejudice as seen in judgments of pictorial stimuli.

In Study 1 (N = 120), pictures of violent behavior taking place within or between ethnic groups were rated under different instructions. A strong cross-over effect was found: interracial violence was reported as relatively more threatening under the instruction that the study concerned anxiety, whereas violence among Whites was reported as more threatening under the instruction that the study conc

Engagemang i Lutherhjälpen : studier av motiv och drivkrafter hos frivilligt aktiva

Popular Abstract in Swedish Del 1. Introduktion I kapitel 1 presenteras arbetets problem, syfte och metod. Det arbete som olika frivilligorganisationer och deras medlemmar utför har de senaste åren uppmärksammats alltmer. Detta ökade intresse finner man såväl i Sverige som internationellt. Fokus i detta arbete riktas mot drivkrafterna bakom frivilligt engagemang. Det övergripande problemet är varfThis thesis focuses on the incitement to commitment and voluntary work. The overall problem is the question why you get involved in voluntary work for an organisation like Lutherhjälpen, the organisation for international development co-operation of the Church of Sweden, one of the largest NGOs of the country. The theoretical perspectives are seen from the position of the increasing pace of change