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Chips on wafers

A set of rectangles S is said to be grid packed if there exists a rectangular grid (not necessarily regular) such that every rectangle lies in the grid and there is at most one rectangle of S in each cell. The area of a grid packing is the area of a minimal bounding box that contains all the rectangles in the grid packing. We present an approximation algorithm that given a set S of rectangles and

C2028T polymorphism in exon 12 and dinucleotide repeat polymorphism in intron 13 of the HIF-1 alpha gene define HIF-1 alpha protein expression in non-small cell lung cancer

Objectives: In this study, we investigated whether polymorphisms of the HIF-1 alpha gene may account for the patterns of HIF-1 alpha protein expression in non-small cell lung carcinomas (NSCLC) and the expression of HIF-1 alpha down-stream proteins. Methods: Specific HIF-1 alpha polymorphisms were assessed in a series of patients with NSCLC: (a) the C to T transition at nucleotide 1744 (position 2

A study of the surface structure and composition of annealed Ga0.96Mn0.04As(100)

The surface structure and chemical composition of annealed Ga0.96Mn0.04As(1 0 0) have been studied by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). The samples were As capped and subsequently transferred in-air from the MBE system to the STM chamber. After annealing to 600 K it is found that the Mn segregates to the surface and f

Detailed mechanism generation. 1. Generalized reactive properties as reaction class substructures

This paper, the first in a series on the automatic generation of detailed hydrocarbon mechanisms for hydrocarbons, describes how generalized reaction types, specifically the 25 types outlined by Curran et al. for heptane and isooctane combustion, can be translated into general reaction classes. Each type description from Curran et al. ranges from specific, such as differentiating among 1degrees, 2

Poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate) production by a moderate halophile, Halomonas boliviensis LC1 using starch hydrolysate as substrate

Aim: The objective of the present work was to enable the use of starch hydrolysate, generated by the action of a recombinant maltooligosaccharide forming amylase from Bacillus halodurans LBK 34, as the carbon source for the production of poly-beta- hydroxybutyrate ( PHB) by Halomonas boliviensis LC1. Methods and Results: In this work, different amounts of the alpha- amylase ( Amy 34) were utilized

Diffusion in gels containing immobilized cells - A critical review

Eleven experimental investigations of diffusion in gels containing immobilized cells are reviewed. The experimental data, which quantitatively express the diffusion coefficient as a function of the cell concentration, are compared with a number of well-known equations developed for mass transfer in heterogeneous media. Based on this comparison, a procedure for the theoretical prediction of effecti

Population density and species composition of moss-living tardigrades in a boreo-nemoral forest

This study investigates for the first time the tardigrade fauna in a variety of different mosses from a coniferous forest and an adjacent clear-cut area in southern Sweden. Tardigrades were found in a majority of the samples. Sixteen species were recorded, of which the cosmopolitan species Macrobiotus hufelandi was the far most common. Some mosses, particularly species with "wefts" growth form, co

Runge-Kutta time discretizations of nonlinear dissipative evolution equations

Global error bounds are derived for Runge-Kutta time discretizations of fully nonlinear evolution equations governed by m-dissipative vector fields on Hilbert spaces. In contrast to earlier studies, the analysis presented here is not based on linearization procedures, but on the fully nonlinear framework of logarithmic Lipschitz constants in order to extend the classical B-convergence theory to in

Denitrification in drained and rewetted minerotrophic peat soils in Northern Germany (Pohnsdorfer Stauung)

This study was conducted to assess the nitrogen removal potential of a minerotrophic peatland in Northern Germany, where hydrological conditions were partly restored in the beginning of the 1990s. Actual denitrification and the effect of nitrate (NO3-) and glucose additions on denitrification rates were determined in two flooded and one drained histosols in spring and summer 1998. In the flooded s

Subjective Health and Illness, Coping and Life Satisfaction in an 80-Year-Old Swedish Population - Implications for Mortality

Background: Multimorbidity and illness will become more common due to increased life expectancy. Purpose: This study describes various combinations of diseases and symptoms and explores implications for survival in a sample of 80 year-olds followed up to 95 years of age. Furthermore, reported subjective health, coping, and life satisfaction is explored. Method: 212 persons, born in 1908, were cl

A quantitative model of the domain structure of the photosynthetic membrane

A model is presented that gives a quantitative picture of the distribution of the photosynthetic components in the photosynthetic membrane of higher plants. A salient feature of the model is that most of the pigments are located in the grana where photosystem I and II carry out linear electron transport, whereas the stroma lamellae, which harbour

Development of a simple selective SFE method for the determination of desorption behaviour of PCBs in two Swedish sediments.

A simple selective supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) method was developed for the determination of desorption behaviour of PCBs in sediments. This method was applied to determine the distribution of individual PCB congeners among sites of differing bonding strengths in two Swedish sediments (Lake Järnsjön and Baltic bay Orserumsviken). Four different PCB fractions were distinguished in each sed

The epsilon isoform of protein kinase C is involved in regulation of the LTD(4)-induced calcium signal in human intestinal epithelial cells

We investigated the potential roles of specific isoforms of protein kinase C (PKC) in the regulation of leukotriene D(4)-induced Ca(2+) signaling in the intestinal epithelial cell line Int 407. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed that these cells express the PKC isoforms alpha, betaII, delta, epsilon, zeta, and mu, but not betaI, gamma, eta, or theta;. The inflammatory mediator leukotriene D

Monte Carlo simulations of defect-free cross-linked gels in the presence of salt

Properties of polyelectrolyte gels in equilibrium with a reservoir of salt solution described within the primitive model have been investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. The polyelectrolyte gel was modeled as a charged defect-free three-dimensional network of diamondlike topology with explicit simple ions. The deswelling upon addition of salt was investigated for gels with different charge de