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Correlation of the Thanetian-Ilerdian turnover of larger foraminifera and the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum: confirming evidence from the Campo area (Pyrenees, Spain)

Abstract in UndeterminedIt has long been known that a major larger foraminifera turnover (LFT) occurred at the boundary between the Thanetian and Ilerdian stages, but its possible correlation with the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) was unsuspected until the work of Baceta (1996), and has been controversial ever since. After summarizing the history of this controversy, we present informati

A finite loop space not rationally equivalent to a compact Lie group

We construct a connected finite loop space of rank 66 and dimension 1254 whose rational cohomology is not isomorphic as a graded vector space to the rational cohomology of any compact Lie group, hence providing a counterexample to a classical conjecture. Aided by machine calculation we verify that our counterexample is minimal, i.e., that any finite loop space of rank less than 66 is in fact ratio

Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccharide in the IL-2 milieu activates lymphocytes from dyspeptic children

In this study, we assessed the proliferative response of peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (PBML) from 33 children/young adolescents with chronic dyspepsia, to H. pylori LPS in the presence and absence of IL-2 as a T cell growth factor. A rapid urease test (RUT) and a presence of Helicobacter-like organisms (HLO) in the biopsy specimens allowed us to distinguish RUT/HLO-positive (17/33) and

Uncoupling proteins--a new family of proteins with unknown function.

Uncoupling proteins are inner mitochondrial membrane proteins, which dissipate the proton gradient, releasing the stored energy as heat. Five proteins have been cloned, named UCP1, UCP2, UCP3, UCP4 and UCP5/BMCP1. These proteins are structurally related but differ in tissue expression. UCP1 is expressed uniquely in the brown adipose tissue, while UCP2 is widely distributed, UCP3 is mainly restrict

Low stress response exhibited by juvenile yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi Valenciennes) exposed to hypercapnic conditions associated with transportation

Transportation of yellowtail kingfish (Seriola lalandi Valenciennes) juveniles from hatchery to on-growing operations in New Zealand exposes the fish to significantly elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations. Experiments were undertaken to assess metabolic and haematological stress responses after a 5 h period of hypercapnia followed by recovery in normocapnia. Mortality was low (0.5%) and sec

Comparison of formoterol and terbutaline for as-needed treatment of asthma: a randomised trial

BACKGROUND: Asthma guidelines recommend that long-acting inhaled beta-agonists should be used as maintenance therapy for patients with asthma inadequately controlled on an inhaled corticosteroid. We studied the safety and efficacy of the long-acting beta-agonist formoterol compared with terbutaline, each taken as needed, in patients with moderate to severe asthma. METHODS: Patients were taking an

Core-level shifts on the H2O exposed Ge(100)2×1 surface

Core-level spectroscopy and valence-band photoelectron spectroscopy were used to study the Ge(100)2×1 surface dosed with 0.5–100 L H2O at 160 K. It is determined that H2O adsorbs molecularly at 160 K and forms ice. The H2O molecules dissociate into H and OH radicals on the Ge(100)2×1 surface when the sample is heated to 300 K. A simple adsorption model that accounts for the calculated H and OH cov

Monitoring and control of an anaerobic upflow fixed-bed reactor for high-loading-rate operation and rejection of disturbances

A new control strategy has been introduced for operating anaerobic digestion processes efficiently at high load. The control system includes a cascade controller embedded into a rule-based supervisory system based on extremum-seeking control. Three process parameters, considered to be the most realistic variables for monitoring of the bioprocess, were selected (pH, biogas production rate, and the

Time-resolved measurements of high order harmonics confined by polarization gating

We investigate the temporal confinement of high order harmonic pulses generated by a femtosecond (fs) infrared (IR) pulse with a time varying polarization. We use a set of two birefringent quartz plates to modulate the IR polarization. It produces a short temporal gate of linear polarization where harmonics are efficiently generated during a small fraction of the IR pulse. By rotating one of the p

Logistics in the Oresund region after the bridge

The paper is based on a joint research project between Lund University and Copenhagen Business School. The main research question is: Can the Oresund region position itself as a leading logistics centre in Scandinavia in light of the new conditions created by the bridge? The purpose is to create a fundamental understanding of the new logistics conditions in the Oresund region by identifying driver

Phenotypic and genetic variation in emergence and development time of a trimorphic damselfly

Although colour polymorphisms in adult organisms of many taxa are often adaptive in the context of sexual selection or predation, genetic correlations between colour and other phenotypic traits expressed early in ontogeny could also play an important role in polymorphic systems. We studied phenotypic and genetic variation in development time among female colour morphs in the polymorphic damselfly

Evapotranspiration of Artemisia ordosica vegetation in stabilized arid desert dune in Shapotou, China

More than 40 years of revegetation using mainly Artemisia ordosica, Hedysarum scoparium, and Caragana korshinskii at Shapotou Desert Experimental Research Station near Lanzhou has established a dwarf-shrub and herbaceous cover on the stabilized sand dunes. The evapotranspiration (ET) of the xerophyte dwarf-shrub A. ordosica plant vegetation was measured by the autoweighing lysimeter method during

In vitro degradation and in vivo biocompatibility study of a new linear poly(urethane urea)

Segmented poly(urethane urea)s (PUUs) with hard segments derived only from methyl 2,6-diisocyantohexanoate (LDI) without the use of a chain extender have previously been described. These materials, which contain hard segments with multiple urea linkages, show exceptionally high strain capability (1600-4700%). In the study reported here, the rate and effect of hydrolysis of these materials were det

Long waves and information technologies - on the transition towards the information society

In this paper we argue that Long Wave Theory provides a useful conceptual tool for understanding the transition from the industrial to the, post-industrial economy. While economic theories struggle to fully explain the structural changes involved in the shift towards the information economy, long wave theory offers a promising avenue for understanding the complex relationship between technology an

Use of holographic laser interferometry to study the diffusion of polymers in gels

The aim of this study was to demonstrate the potential for holographic interferometry to be used for diffusion studies of large molecules in gels. The diffusion and partitioning of BSA (67,000 g/mol) and pullulans (5,900-112,000 g/mol) in agarose gel were investigated. The gel diffusion coefficients obtained for BSA were higher when distilled water was used as a solvent compared to those obtained

The ring nerve of the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora

Box jellyfish have the most elaborate sensory system and behavioural repertoire of all cnidarians. Sensory input largely comes from 24 eyes situated on four club-shaped sensory structures, the rhopalia, and behaviour includes obstacle avoidance, light shaft attractance and mating. To process the sensory input and convert it into the appropriate behaviour, the box jellyfish have a central nervous s

Regulation of ADAM12 cell-surface expression by protein kinase C epsilon

The ADAM ( a disintegrin and metalloprotease) family consists of multidomain cell-surface proteins that have a major impact on cell behavior. These transmembrane-anchored proteins are synthesized as proforms that have ( from the N terminus): a prodomain; a metalloprotease, disintegrin-like-, cysteine-rich, epidermal growth factor-like, and transmembrane domain; and a cytoplasmic tail. The 90-kDa m