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Formation evaluation of the Jurassic Stø and Nordmela formations in exploration well 7220/8-1, Barents Sea, Norway

När petroleumföretag letar efter nya oljefyndigheter har de möjligheten att på själva borrsträngen fästa instrument som mäter olika egenskaper i berggrunden. En del instrument används för att bestämma hur stor andel mikroskopiska porer den sedimentära berggrunden består av och vilken vätska som ockuperar porerna. Porositeten ockuperas alltid av en vätska - formationsvatten, olja eller gas. Dessa vEvaluating reservoirs with alternating sequences of sand and shale meet the challenge of quantifying the effect from clay minerals. The clay minerals have an impact on logging tools and the resulting data. When not considering the effects, a formation evaluation will present incorrect results on e.g. porosity and water saturation leading to management decisions based on poor quality interpretation

China’s (gender) equality challenge : A study on the development of gender equality in China since the 1980s

Starting in 1980, this study explores the development of gender equality in China through an intersectionality theory and perspective. In this thesis, three definitions of gender equality are used to examine China’s gender equality development. The intersectional theory is applied as a way of highlighting the complexities of society and academics, for example the issue of categorization. This stud

Implicit attitudes and ambivalent sexism predict appreciation of sexist humour

The present study sought to investigate whether implicit gender attitudes and ambivalent sexism predict the appreciation of sexist humour. A computer-timed Brief Implicit Association Test (BIAT) was used to measure participants’ (N = 83) implicit gender attitudes. Explicit gender attitudes were measured with a Swedish version of the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI). Four short stand-up comedic vi

An environmentally friendly company is just like any ordinary company; it thrives for success

Purpose: To explore whether the view on Business Models and Value Creation, can explain the lack of Venture Capital investments in green start-ups, by examining how green start-up Entrepreneurs, and Venture Capitalist investors, view these two factors. Theoretical framework: The aim of this thesis is to address some of the key knowledge gaps in research available today, regarding why there is a l

EU Cross-Border Energy Investments in an International Context: The Case of Commodity Transportation and Transmission Infrastructure

In regard to the energy sector, it is generally presumed that in post-Lisbon era and since the adoption of Third Energy Package the Member States and institutions of the Union act in a shared format. However, by developing new legislation in the field, supra-national institutions tend to shift the competence away from shared (as it currently stands). Even if the guidelines for decisions granting e

Kompensationspraxis i den etiopiska exproprieringsprocessen

Utveckling av jordbrukssektorn är en av de viktigaste prioriteringarna för den Etiopiska staten när det kommer till att upprätthålla landets ekonomiska utveckling. Ett sätt att uppnå detta är att satsa på storskaliga utvecklingsprojekt inom jordbruket, till exempel Tana Beles Sugar Development Project som den här uppsatsen kretsar kring. För att kunna anlägga detta har stora landarealer tagits i aDevelopment of the agricultural sector is among the top priorities for the Ethiopian government in order to keep up the economic development in the country. One way of reaching this is to undertake large-scale development projects, such as the Tana Beles Sugar Development Project described in this thesis. For this, large areas of land are required for the plantations. This land is expropriated fro

Industrial energy efficiciency drivers and barriers, and global sustainability: A case study of a polymer compounding company

This master thesis was written in a time when major changes in global sustainability and climate architecture were happening. Aim of this thesis is to look into how a single manufacturing company can, through enhanced energy efficiency, contribute to global sustainability in multiple ways. This study contributes to the existing body of literature in three ways. Firstly, it gives structure literatu

Windy Times in Emerging Economies: De-Risking Renewable Energy Investments: Case Study Vietnam

In emerging economies, high investment costs hinder fast renewable energy (RE) deployment. Compared to industrial states, higher financial costs originate mainly from investment barriers and consequently risks. Using Vietnam as a case study for emerging economies, the objective of this thesis is to identify barriers and ways to remove risks by developing a de-risking policy mix that consequently h

Mechanical properties of chemical modified wood of load-bearing constructions

Det går inte att bortse från den stora efterfråga som idag råder gällande ny utveckling av metoder för att ersätta icke förnybara material (så som stål och betong exempelvis) med förnybara material (såsom trä) i lastbärande konstruktioner. Trä som material har en del nackdelar och det är just dessa man skulle vilja eliminera eller begränsa för att nå fram till ett material med minimal påverkan för

Lifetime prediction of sealing component using machine learning algorithms

Tetra Pak is a world leader in the food packaging industry and has been so for a very long time. In recent years however, they are experiencing increased competition from low-cost suppliers selling their previously patented paper as a commodity. This has forced Tetra Pak to focus more on selling complete systems and services. One such potential service is condition monitoring coupled with predicti

Characterization of the ocelli of the migratory Bogong moth (Agrotis infusa) in comparison to the non-migratory Turnip moth (Agrotis segetum)

The Bogong and Turnip moths are two species of the genus Agrotis, similar in size, but different in life style. The Bogong moth is a long distance migratory species endemic to Australia, whereas the Turnip moth has a wide spread in Africa, Europe and Asia where it is considered a pest. The ocelli are single-lens eyes of the camera type, whose role is still unknown in many insects, including the st

Lämpliga skogsbruksfastigheter - Prövningen av 3 kap. 5 och 7§§ fastighetsbildningslagen (1970:988) i praktiken

Detta arbete avser att kartlägga hur prövningen av 3 kap. 5 och 7 §§ fastighetsbildningslagen (1970:988) (FBL 3:5 och 3:7) har skett i lantmäteriförrättningar från 2004 fram till våren 2016, samt att kartlägga eventuella skillnader över landet. Slutsatserna från dessa frågeställningar väntas ge ett svar på huruvida prövningen eller lagstiftningen är i behov av förändring. En litteraturstudie har gThe Swedish Real Property Formation Act (1970:988), 3rd Chapter, 5th and 7th §§ (FBL 3:5 and 3:7) regulates protection of forested real property. The trial in practice have been investigated through an analysis of records of cadastral procedures performed in Sweden from 2004 to spring 2016. The most important conclusion of the investigation is that the trial is heterogeneous over the country. It h

Water and wastewater in Bangladesh, current status and a design of a decentralized solution

Wastewater treatment in developing countries is a major concern and solution has become challenging for various unfavorable conditions. Inadequate education and low economic perspective are causing difficulties in implementing advanced treatment methods. Similar to other developing countries, Bangladesh is also facing several water related problems both in the urban and rural region. Water borne d

Responsibility to Protect - En utveckling förenlig med den internationella rätten eller bara ett fint begrepp på pappret?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att diskutera huruvida doktrinen Responsibility to Protect är att anse som en ny rättslig förpliktelse och en undersökning kommer göras för att se hur detta relativt nya begrepp förhåller sig till redan etablerad folkrätt i form av suveränitetsprincipen. Denna princip, som gör att stater ska ses som suveräna aktörer, är en av den internationella rättens viktigaste princThe purpose of this bachelor thesis is to discuss whether the Responsibility to Protect doctrine is considered a new legal obligation and an investigation will be made to see how this relatively new concept relates to already established international law in the form of sovereignty. This principle, which means that states are seen as sovereign actors, is one of the most important principles of int

Studies of vacuum discharges in the CLIC accelerating structure

The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), is one of the proposed successors to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator at the European Organization for Nuclear Research. (CERN). In CLIC, particles are accelerated by very strong electric fields. Unfortunately, large electric fields may lead to vacuum discharges, which in turn can affect the particle beam by disrupting the flow of energy inside the ac

Recognizing Microscopic Structures: Dense Semantic Segmentation of Multiple Histopathological Classes using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks

In order to alleviate the financial burden on the healthcare sector as well as relax its employees’ workload, there is a need to introduce novel tools that automate some of the tasks that today are performed manually. Especially pathology poses a problem with few pathologists, demanding manual labour and unnecessary work on benign tissue. As a response, the DOGS project aims to develop a tool to a

Bicycling suitability in downtown, Cairo, Egypt

The Greater Cairo is one of the most crowded cities in the world and it is the biggest metropolitan area in Middle East. The high population density in the Greater Cairo causes traffic problems that harm many living aspects. This study discusses one of the solutions for limiting the traffic congestions using bicycle as an alternative transportation mean which is already applied in many other count

Patterns of repeated hybridization between dewberry, Rubus caesius (Rosaceae), and blackberries within Rubus sect. Corylifolii

Artbildning genom hybridisering mellan blåhallon, Rubus caesius (Rosaceae), och björnbär inom Rubus sect. Corylifolii Jag har undersökt huruvida hybridisering mellan olika arter av krypbjörnbär, Rubus sect. Corylifolii, och blåhallon, R. caesius, kan leda till bildning av nya självständiga arter. För att kunna avgöra detta har jag tagit fram data från nukleära mikrosatelliter och jämfört vilka alWe have studied the genetic relations among blackberries, Rubus sect. Corylifolii, and dewberries, R. caesius, by comparing presumed hybrids with their parental taxa. To be able to determine the status of the hybrids we have observed absence or presence of nuclear microsatellite alleles in electrophoresis, and calculated the different relative genetic distances between the relevant taxa. Interpret

Jihadism och historiska fiendebilder - En analys av Islamiska Statens religiösa historiebruk i propagandatidskriften Dabiq med fokus på fiendebilder

This essay deals with the so-called Islamic State´s propaganda paper Dabiq and how the use of history in it helps create historically based depictions of the Islamic State´s enemies. I have analysed the first four issues of Dabiq from 2014 and used Jakob Dahlbacka´s definition of religious use of history and prophetic use of history as an analytical frame. I have analysed both text and images in D


The western culture has long been on the world stage in design, business, and cultural activities, while the beautiful Chinese historical culture is often forgotten. Culture communication and crosscultural design are fascinating fields. Combining design and business thinking is also an area that is worth to be researched. There are not many projects that have studied “cross-cultural” design with a