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Effects of phosphorylation on oligomerisation and localisation of the Streptomyces coelicolor protein DivIVA in vitro

Streptomyces is the largest genus in the phylum Actinobacteria, known for their complex life cycle and secondary metabolite production. The model bacterium Streptomyces coelicolor grows _lamentously by tip extension and hyphal branching. The hyphal tip is highly organised, with various structural proteins forming a large assembly termed the polarisome. An essential protein, DivIVA, localises to th

Transpersoners förtroende för välfärdsinstitutioner

To what degree do transgender people trust welfare? This bachelor thesis aims to survey the trust in welfare institutions. Trust in institutions seems to affect to which extent people turn to and trust in welfare and will hence have consequences on individuals everyday- lives. Transgender people have, according to recent years Public Health Surveys, an inferior psychosocial position compared to th

Halmhus #1

Vårt examensarbete har handlat om att uppleva byggandet. Vi har helt själva, med enstaka hjälp av vänner och familj, och med begränsade ekonomiska medel, uppfört ett 20 kvm stort hus intill Arkitektskolan i Lund. Den centrala frågeställningen är: Hur är det att vara arkitekt och byggare samtidigt, och vad är speciellt med ett arkitektbyggt hus? Motiveringen till frågan är att utbildningen saknar Our master thesis project is about experiencing the act of building. We have all by ourselves, with occasional help from friends and family, and with limited economic resources, built a 20 m2 building besides Lund’s Architecture School. Our question formulation is: How is it to be the architect and the builder at the same time, and what is so special with a building built by an architect? We just

Summarizing Product Reviews Using Dynamic Relation Extraction

The accumulated review data for a single product on could po- tentially take several weeks to examine manually. Computationally extracting the essence of a document is a substantial task, which has been explored pre- viously through many different approaches. We explore how statistical predic- tion can be used to perform dynamic relation extraction. Using patterns in the syntactic str

Female Representation In Trade Unions: The Case Of The Cambodian Garment Industry

The textile and garment industry is one of Cambodia’s economic ‘growth pillars’ and it plays a key role in the country’s economic development. Foreign enterprises contract Cambodian factories to manufacture goods, which will then be sold worldwide. International buyers include H&M, GAP, Marks & Spencer, Levi’s, Adidas and Inditex. The demands required to suppliers are challenging and there

City between nature reserves : a case study of local governance for sustainability in Jundiaí, Brazil

As cities expand and climate change effects become more intense and frequent, local governance has gained increased attention as capable of implementing the necessary measures for sustainability. One city in Brazil, Jundiaí, has managed to integrate participatory processes in its local planning and has become an example for other cities in Brazil. This city lies between a water reserve and a biolo

Fiscal Adjustments and Institutional Change – Light at the End of the Tunnel?

This paper tests if structural reforms in the presence of fiscal adjustments have growth enhancing effects. We do this by using two well established measures from the previous literature to identify periods of fiscal adjustments. These measures are the outcome based and the action based approach. As a proxy for structural reforms this paper relies on changes in institutional quality measured by th

Eventtjänst för diagnos av tunga fordon

Integrationen av datorenheter i dagens fordon har gjort nya och mer avancerade funktioner möjliga. För att kunna verifiera att dessa funktioner fungerar och för att felsöka dem så används så kallade diagnostjänster. Allt eftersom funktionerna i fordon blir mer avancerade och beroende på data från flera olika sensorer och datorenheter så ställs nya krav på diagnostjänsterna att kunna läsa ut mer daThe integration of small computer units in vehicles has made more complex in-vehicle functionality possible. To troubleshoot these more advanced functions, the diagnostic services need to read out more data from the integrated computer units, causing an increased network load. This has caused a demand on more efficient ways of performing vehicle diagnostics. One possible way to decrease the netwo

Gemla Museum

This project is about creating a concept for a historical museum for the swedish furniture company Gemla AB. It will be a permanent exhibition located in connection to their factory. The reason Gemla wants to put up this museum is to give clients, students or the interested public a deeper understanding of the company and their history. My work will beto gather the parts in history that I think Ge

The Deinstitutionalization of Japanese Marriage?

In the past few decades Japan has experienced changes in its marital institution. Japanese men and women have started to postpone marriage and childbearing or remain unmarried, and the number of divorces have increased. Exactly the changes in marriage trends have been the point of departure of this study. The purpose of this study was to focus attention on Japanese marriage. Specifically, this the

Personalens erfarenheter av hot och våld inom Statens Institutionsstyrelse SIS särskilda ungdomshem

Hot och våld förekommer ofta inom de särskilda ungdomshemmen och behandlingsassistenterna som arbetar närmast de unga, är de som är mest utsatta för hot och våld. Att arbeta i en miljö där risken för att utsättas för hot och hot om våld utgör en väsentlig arbetsmiljörisk och medför även stora påfrestningar för personalen. De teorier som tillämpats är Libskys (1980) teori om gräsrotsbyråkratin, Go

GMRES and Weighted GMRES for solving nonsymmetric linear systems

The Implementation and some mathematical properties of GMRES and weighted GMRES (WGMRES) are described. Numerical experiments originally performed by Essai (1998) are performed to compare the two methods. GMRES and WGMRES are used to solve a linear system arising from the Poisson equation and compared with respect to computational effort.

The Sublime

In our everyday life we live distant from the origin of life itself - nature. Dramatic landscape and fascinating views touch us in a way that few other things manage to do. It is something that make us recognize our powerlessness and the feeling of awe towards the nature. Experiencing striking nature is a way to create a deeper understanding of our own world and at the same time enrich our lives w

Identifying Norms and Normative Expectations in an Organisational Hierarchy: A Study of Social Norms within Human Resources

This study will investigate and understand the social norms that resides within a globally operating organisation. Within this organisation, this study targeted the Human Resource department for its unique role and close bond to the company policy which can provoke ethical dilemmas that require a collective understanding among the employees and managers to resolve. The Krupka-Weber method is appli

When the European Union says “Marco” do local governments say “Polo”? A case study on local governments in Skåne and their responses towards European integration

Local governments in Sweden live in a reality where the European Union has an increased impact on them, via legislation, policy making, EU-funding programs etc. This thesis focuses on local governments’ responses towards European integration. It does so by using elements of the theory of fusion – the fusing of institutional levels creates a world where the EU is the policy initiator, national gove

The European Migrant Crisis and the fortune of right-wing populist parties

In 2015, Europe faced one of the most extensive refugee flows since the Second World War. The situation forced European Governments to take actions on immigration issues to handle the increasing inflows of asylum seekers. We draw on Meguid’s theory on party strategies to examine whether mainstream parties policies of immigration affects the public support of right-wing populist parties. Simultaneo

Hegemonisk Homogenitet

Populist radical right wing parties have seen an increase in support in Europe during the last decades. These parties are nationalistic in nature and aim for reduced immigration to their respective countries. This study focuses on one of these parties, namely the Sweden Democrats (SD). The aim of the essay is to break down what arguments and premises the party uses in its party manifesto to suppor

Bytt, bytt kommer aldrig mer igen

In 1972 Sweden became the first country to allow citizens to change their legal gender. However, candidates were required to be sterilized. The matter of required sterilization pinpoints the ambivalent relationship between the state and the individual. The aim of this study is therefore to examine discursive change in the Swedish government’s approach toward transsexual people and in motives to re

Historical Explanations Behind Differences: The Parallel Development of the Committee of the Regions and Regional Offices

This is a comparative case study of the Committee of the Regions and regional offices. It explores using written records whether history can unveil contrasting features between these two systems using historical institutionalism as the guide. First, it examines the beginning of regional engagement in the European Union with the formation of European Regional Development Fund and the Single Europea