Learners orchestrating their own learning
oer, personalisation, open education, quality
oer, personalisation, open education, quality
This thesis focuses on the C-terminal G3 region of the large aggregating proteoglycans that are found in complex with hyaluronan in the extracellular matrix. The G3 region contains a C-type lectin domain that binds different extracellular matrix proteins playing an integral role in tissue organization during development and remodeling. Here we affinity purify the proteoglycan aggrecan via one of i
Popular Abstract in Swedish Regeneration av perifera nerver. Proteinkinasers betydelse, speciellt med avseende på ämnen som stimulerar nervtillväxt. Perifera nerver är belägna utanför hjärnan eller ryggmärgen. De har kontakt med och styr organ i kroppen. Med regeneration av nerver menas återutväxten av nervecllens utlöpare, axonet, och återetablering av kontakten med målorganet. Substanser som stThe purpose of this study was to investigate the role of protein kinases in peripheral nerve regeneration, with the use of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and nodose ganglia explants from adult mice. The effects of neurotrophic factor stimulation and protein kinase inhibition were studied for long (days) and short term (minutes) effects. The protein kinase systems studied were protein kinase C (PKC), th
The move towards the liberalisation of the energy markets in the whole world and the general shift from command-and-control to market mechanisms bring forward new ways of stimulating initiatives to increase the efficiency in the final uses of energy and demand-side management. In the past, energy policies were implemented in most countries by direct action of the governments through state monopoli
The presented study deals with a specific rerouting strategy for protecting traffic flows in communication networks called Flow Adjustment Routing. The strategy is designed to handle partial link failures. We present two variants of the strategy and analyze their pros and cons. We show that the initial strategy is not directly implementable to cope with severe link failures such as total link fail
Popular Abstract in Swedish Marsupialia (pungdjur) delas in i 280 nu levande arter, som är uppdelade i 19 familjer och sju ordningar. Släktskapet mellan de sju ordningarna har studerats på molekylär nivå på grundval av mitokondriella genom som sekvenserats i sin helhet. Pungdjur, jämte placentala (moderkaks-) däggdjur och kloakdjur, utgör de nu levande representanterna för klassen däggdjur. PungdjThe relationships of the mammalian infraclass Marsupialia have been investigated by phylogenetic analysis using completely sequenced mitochondrial genomes. The organisation and structure of the marsupial mitochondrial genomes deviates from the general mammalian structure. Several features, not known from other mammalian mitochondrial genomes have been shown to be present in all seven living marsup
This chapter addresses the increasingly important issue of effective addressing, object location and presence notification in networks with no infrastructure and dynamically changing environments. This chapter presents Calto, an architecture comprising presence concepts from Second and Third Generation Mobile networks, Instant Messaging Systems subscriber services, and distributed DNS style functi