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Fluorescence lidar multispectral imaging for historical monuments, the Lateran Baptistery interdisciplinary project

Introduction For the future conservation, restoration and daily maintenance the need for developing non-destructive and in-situ investigations is vital. At Lund University in Sweden an interdisciplinary research project is being held aiming at, with the help of a mobile system of remote fluorescence lidar, survey and study the facades of historic monuments, and to develop the method and its applic

Control in an Information Rich World: Report of the Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems

The field of control provides the principles and methods used to design physical and information systems that maintain desirable performance by sensing and automatically adapting to changes in the environment. This report spells out some of the prospects for control in the current and future technological environment, describes the role the field will play in military, commercial, and scientific a

Temporal Distance and Morality : Moral Concerns Loom Larger in the Distant Future

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var att undersöka om det tidsmässiga avståndet till olika handlingar och situationer påverkar människors moralbedömningar och etiska beslutsfattanden. Construal Level Theory (CLT; Trope & Liberman, 2003) postulerar att temporalt avlägsna händelser representeras på en mer abstrakt nivå än temporalt nära händelser. Denna föThe aim of this dissertation was to examine whether the temporal distance of moral events affects the moral judgments and decisions people make in response to those events. Drawing upon Construal Level Theory (CLT; Trope & Liberman, 2003) which posits that the distant future is represented at a higher, more abstract level of mental construal than the near future, and that high-level mental con

Better bicycle helmets for commuters – evaluation of ventilation

As a continuation of the work on the development of setting the requirements for ventilation of a bicycle helmet for commuters, 15 full scale helmet mock-ups were created by the students of the Estonian Academy of Arts. In order to encourage creativity for ventilation solutions the students were not restricted to consider the other properties except it was pointed out that the meaning of helmets u

Experimental Investigations of Lean Stability Limits of a Prototype Syngas Burner for Low Calorific Value Gases

The lean stability limit of a prototype syngas burner is investigated. The burner is a three sector system, consisting of a separate igniter, stabilizer and Main burner. The ignition sector, Rich-Pilot-Lean (RPL), can be operated with both rich or lean equivalence values, and serves to ignite the Pilot sector which stabilizes the Main combustion sector. The RPL and Main sectors are fully premixed,

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I denna antologi av nio svenska lyriker presenterar Henry Diab och Jalil Haidar ett urval av dikter från 90-talet i arabisk tolkning. De nio lyrikerna är: Fredrik Ekelund, Susanna Roxman, Niklas Törnlund, Bodil Malmsten, Inga-Lina Lindqvist, Karin Lentz, Magnus Florin, Jacques Werup och Michael Economou. Tolkningen är från svenska till arbiska förutom Susanna Roxmans dikter, som är tolkade från en

Genetics of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome

Popular Abstract in Swedish Typ 2 diabetes (åldersdiabetes eller sockersjuka) är en av de vanligaste folksjukdomarna, som ofta medför allvarliga komplikationer. Typ 2 diabetes utvecklas under en lång tid och uppträder ofta tillsammans med andra riskfaktorer för hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, såsom fetma, förhöjt blodtryck och förhöjda blodfetter. Denna sjukdomsbild kallas det metabola syndromet. IndiviType 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome are highly prevalent disorders with severe complications such as cardiovascular disease. The aetiology of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome is not known, but the interaction between genetic factors and environmental triggers is important. The aim this thesis was to identify genetic factors that may increase susceptibility to these disorders by in

A Climate of Planning: Swedish Municipal Response to Climate Change

This is "an account of variable responses from Swedish municipalities in terms of both adaptation and mitigation measures. By looking at the relationships between national and municipal policies, Langlais examines the adaptation barriers and acknowledges the role of 'visionary individuals' in some municipalities for initiating local actions unders similar institutional and governance conditions. H

Aspects of QCD and the Photon Structure

In a single theoretical framework, real and virtual photon interactions are modeled for gamma-p and gamma-gamma collisions. The description covers aspects from the production of jets to total cross sections, where special emphasis is put on the range of uncertainty in the modeling of a resolved photon component. Our approach extends on a model for photoproduction, where the total cross section is