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Simulating Quantum Cascade Lasers with the Position and Energy Resolving Lindblad approach

Over the past two decades, Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCLs) have become an increasingly popular source for mid-infrared and terahertz radiation. Nowadays, their experimental development progresses fast with the aid of computer simulations. These reproduce carrier dynamics in the gain medium of the laser based on different transport models. A fast and reliable simulation package for QCLs is key for th

Elbow Design, Servo Motor Selection and Control Implementation of the Agile Parallel Kinematic Manipulator

The purpose of this work was to contribute to the creation of a prototype of a new type of robot called Agile Parallel Kinematic Manipulator or AgilePKM for short. Designing, building and controlling a new type of robot is a task which goes beyond the scope of any master thesis project, but there are subtasks which are more suitable to handle within the available time frame. A principle design wil

“När frustrationen och otillräcklighetskänslan inte får ta över” Skolsköterskans upplevelse av att orosanmäla

I Sverige är det olagligt att på något sätt misshandla, kränka eller utsätta barn för sexuella övergrepp. Trots denna lag är det många barn som far illa vilket leder till både fysiska och psykiska besvär upp i vuxen ålder. All personal inom hälso- och sjukvården har anmälningsplikt vid misstanke om att ett barn far illa. Studier visar att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal underrapporterar till socialtj

Intersemiotic Translation from Film to Audio Description: A cognitive semiotic approach

Audiovisual content is heavily prevalent in many modern societies. Film, in particular, is a favourite form of entertainment to many. Film is by nature both multimodal and polysemiotic, employing the modalities of visual and auditive as well as the semiotic systems of language, gesture, depiction and music. Some audiences do not have immediate access to content using either the auditive or visual

Evidens för kostvanor beträffande psykisk ohälsa ur distriktssköterskans perspektiv en litteraturstudie enligt systematisk metod

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa är ett av de snabbast växande hoten mot folkhälsan varav depression och ångestsjukdomar ökar mest. Forskning visar att kostvanor har ett samband med psykisk ohälsa. Distriktssköterskan möter patienter med psykisk ohälsa i sitt arbete och hälsoprevention ingår som en del i arbetet. Syftet: Syftet var att undersöka kostens betydelse för psykisk ohälsa genom att kar

Energy balance closure, water balance, carbon exchange, and water use efficiency : observed and modeled outcomes for a managed, hemiboreal forest in Southern Sweden

The claims for the potential of boreal and sub-boreal forests to combat negative effects of climate change have been substantial with over half of Earth’s primary forests found within boreal and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Given the likely occurrence of more extreme climate events in the future, ascertaining a better understanding of how climate effects, such as profound fluctu

Distriktssköterskans kunskap om levnadsvanors påverkan på sårläkningen hos personer med venösa bensår.

Bakgrund: Tidigare studier har visat att det finns en kunskapsbrist hos sjuksköterskor gällande levnadsvanors påverkan på sårläkningen. Bensår är ett problem inom hälso- och sjukvården och sårrelaterade omkostnader uppgår till mellan två och fyra procent av den totala budgeten. Personer med bensår vårdas främst inom primärvården och är en omfattande del av distriktssköterskans mottagningsarbete. S

Psychological Safety as a Potential Predictor of Turnover Intention

Voluntary employee turnover is a large cost factor for organizations. This fact justifies the research, development, and deployment of effective interventions. About four dozen predictors of voluntary employee turnover have been studied so far, but the construct of psychological safety has largely been ignored as a potential predictor of turnover in prior research of voluntary employee turnover. I

The Effect of Natural Resource Dependence on Education in Indonesia

Empirical evidence on the effect of natural resource dependence on education so far has revealed mixed results. As a result of the ongoing controversy, this examination offers the opportunity to extend knowledge about the relationship between natural resource dependence and education. Using a panel dataset of 26 Indonesian provinces from 1996 to 2012 a fixed effects regression is performed to inve

Isolation of nanoplastics in fish from the North Aegean sea

The breakdown of plastics in our oceans is one of our times biggest challenges. What happens when these plastics are broken down into pieces too small to see is still a mystery. Nanoplastics is a relatively new area of research and much more studies need to be done before we can get a perspective of how big the problem is. To be able to study these plastics we need a way to attain nanoplastic samp

Socialisation via Instagram - En netnografisk studie av #hållbarkonsumtion

Bakgrund: ​Några av de viktigaste aspekterna att ta hänsyn till i vår nutid är att konsumera hållbart och minska mängden avfall vi efterlämnar. En del enskilda individer har börjat ta aktivt ansvar för sin egna miljöpåverkan och sociala medier har visat sig vara ett viktigt verktyg i att engagera sig i hållbarhet. Detta för att nå ut till andra, engagera dem, sprida medvetenhet och kommunicera medBackground: ​Some of the most important aspects to take into account in our present time are to consume sustainably and reduce the amount of waste we leave behind. Some individuals have begun to take active responsibility for their own environmental impact and social media has proved to be an important tool in engaging in sustainability to reach out to others and engage them, spread awareness and

The development of non-binary gender identities – an example from the muxes of Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca, Mexico

The growing complexity of the concept of gender highlights the importance for a deeper understanding of the diversity underlying this construct. Recent studies have shown large numbers of individuals experiencing non-conforming feelings with their sex assigned at birth, emphasising the need to gain a better understanding of gender identities outside the binary system, one of these being non-binary

A Comparative Study about International Occupational Safety and Health Law and Regulations in the European Union, India and China over the Inland Transport Sector

The international occupational safety and health law is structured by international human rights in- struments and regulations issued by the ILO. OSH responsibilities are assigned to each stakeholder engaged in workers’ working process. The international OSH legal system as well is a legal basis for countries to set up their own OSH legal systems at the national level. Though core concerns of this

A struggle between reality and reliability: The uncertainties of including indirect land use change in life-cycle assessments

Är bensin bättre än biobränslen utifrån ett klimatperspektiv? Det frågade sig forskarna bakom två studier 2008 som skapade stor debatt. Sedan dess har debatten fortsatt och den rör beräkningar över de indirekta effekterna på markanvändning vid biobränsleproduktion. Enligt den ena studien ledde de indirekta effekterna från biobränslet till större utsläpp av växthusgaser jämfört med bensin. IndirektSerious questions have been raised about the environmental impacts of biofuels concerning indirect land use change (ILUC) and this concept may also be applied to other products such as bio-based plastics. The purpose of this study is to identify the uncertainties of including ILUC in life-cycle assessments. This study performed a literature review of journal articles examining ILUC. Including ILUC

Visualizing the third dimension : map guidelines for a 3D detailed development plan

Public participation during urban development is key for setting a project up for success and for supporting sustainable growth, but current detailed development plans available in paper-based 2D format are difficult for the public to understand. The literature has shown that the introduction of 3D visualizations can improve citizens’ understanding of a plan proposal; however, moving from static 2

Identification of Neutrons Using Digitized Waveforms

The advantages of performing neutron-tagging measurements using a waveform digitizer are explored. An existing analog setup consisting of modular crate electronics at the Source-Testing Facility at the Division of Nuclear Physics in Lund, Sweden has been digitally replicated. Neutrons are detected using an organic liquid-scintillator detector while the corresponding 4.44 MeV gamma-rays are detecte

Commodity Price Boom and Copper mines in Chile: The assessment of local spillover effects on the labor market.

Chile has been benefited from a commodity boom in the copper industry during the first decade of the 21st century. Does a mineral boom increase local labour opportunities? Can women get benefit from a resource boom? Can the mineral boom have indirect effects in non-mining sectors? The present paper attempts to explore and measure the impact of an exogenous increase in copper global prices between

Remote control of mechanical rat traps based on vibration and audio sensors

The main aim with this master’s thesis was to study the possibilities of detecting an event (rat trap going off) by analyzing audio streams from a MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) microphone or movement patterns from a MEMS accelerometer. To achieve this goal, a small, power efficient and cost efficient embedded system was built with the help of a development board, a MEMS accelerometer, a

The Cocoon

The Cocoon is a Bachelor’s Project created in Studio Samtid at Lund School of Architecture. The assignment was to create a crematory in Limhamns Kalkbrott using the tools of Rhinoceros and Grasshopper to help explore and creating spaces. Spaces where people can say goodbye to their loved ones with the help of architecture.

Drying Lakes: A Review on The Health Conditions and Restoration Strategies

Great salt lakes around the world are drying at a rapid rate. The drying salt lakes gives rise to several health and socio-economic concerns for the population in the surrounding region. The respective governments undertook various measures to address the concerns relating to the drying of salt lakes. This research aims to assess the strategies towards increasing the water level of saltwater lakes