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Your search for "*" yielded 531156 hits

Complement Cascade in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Analyses of the Three Activation Pathways

The complement (C') cascade is an important part of the innate immunity. It acts through three major pathways: classical (CP), alternative (AP) and mannose-binding-lectin (MP). C' reduction is a key feature in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), for its pathogenesis and for disease relapse. The aims of our study are to correlate C' variations with disease activity and verify the presence of C' def

Vibrational vs. electronic coherences in 2D spectrum of molecular systems

Two-dimensional spectroscopy has recently revealed the oscillatory behavior of the excitation dynamics of molecular systems. However, in the majority of cases there is considerable debate over what is actually being observed: excitonic or vibrational wavepacket motion or evidence of quantum transport. In this letter we present a method for distinguishing between vibrational and excitonic wavepacke

Antibodies Covalently Immobilized on Actin Filaments for Fast Myosin Driven Analyte Transport

Biosensors would benefit from further miniaturization, increased detection rate and independence from external pumps and other bulky equipment. Whereas transportation systems built around molecular motors and cytoskeletal filaments hold significant promise in the latter regard, recent proof-of-principle devices based on the microtubule-kinesin motor system have not matched the speed of existing me

Nano particles as the primary cause for long-term sunlight suppression at high southern latitudes following the Chicxulub impact - evidence from ejecta deposits in Belize and Mexico

Life on Earth was sharply disrupted 66 Ma ago as an asteroid hit the sea-floor in what is today Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Approximately 600 km(3) of sedimentary rock were vapourized, ejected into the atmosphere and subsequently deposited globally as an ejecta apron and fallout layer. Proximal ejecta deposits occur in Belize and southern Mexico where the so called Albion island spheroid bed is sup

Theory of attosecond delays in laser-assisted photoionization

We study the temporal aspects of laser-assisted extreme ultraviolet (XUV) photoionization using attosecond pulses of harmonic radiation. The aim of this paper is to establish the general form of the phase of the relevant transition amplitudes and to make the connection with the time-delays that have been recently measured in experiments. We find that the overall phase contains two distinct types o

Size-dependent evolution of electronic structure in neutral Pb clusters-As seen by synchrotron-based X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

Neutral Pb clusters in the size range from a few tens of atoms up to similar to 100 atoms are studied using synchrotron-based photoelectron spectroscopy. The electronic structure is seen to differ increasingly from that of the solid when the cluster size decreases. The valence band narrows gradually - down to about one fifth of the solid-state band width at the smallest size of few tens of atoms.

Verifying Fire Safety Design in Sprinklered Buildings

This report contains a verification method that could be applied when evaluating trail fire safety design in a performance-based code environment. The report is focused on design alternatives (i.e. design alternatives) where fire sprinkler systems have an important role. Three possible verification methods are proposed together with the procedure on how they could be applied in design. The covered

Electroencephalography for neurological prognostication after cardiac arrest

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärt-kärlsjukdom är en av västvärldens stora folksjukdomar. I Sverige drabbas årligen cirka 10 000 personer av plötsligt hjärtstopp. Den vanligaste orsaken är att en akut hjärtinfarkt orsakar ett ”elektriskt kaos” i hjärtat. Vid ett hjärtstopp upphör blodförsörjningen till hjärnan, vilket leder till medvetslöshet inom några sekunder och inom några få minuter börjar hjäThis thesis focuses on the prognostic value of electroencephalography(EEG) in comatose patients resuscitated after cardiac arrest (CA), using both simplified continuous EEG monitoring (cEEG) and routine EEG. Background: Comatose survivors are admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) to support vital functions. Postresuscitation care includes target temperature management (TTM) for 24 hours. The d

The effect of pelvic floor muscle training on sexual function in men with lower urinary tract symptoms after stroke

Background: Erectile dysfunction and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) are common sequelae in men after stroke. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) on measured erectile function as an indicator of sexuality in men with LUTS after stroke. Method: A sample of 516 men with stroke was invited to participate in this single-blinded,

Familial risk and familial survival in prostate cancer

The Swedish Family-Cancer Database has been the major source of population-based prospective data on familial risks on most cancers, including prostate cancer. In the present review, I focus on three lines of family studies with novel results. The covered studies originate from the same database with publication dates spanning a period of somewhat over 3 years. Age-specific hazard ratios (HRs) of

The Role of Informal Sector in Waste Management, A Case Study; Tafila-Jordan

Scavengers play a major role in the waste management process in developing countries. This study analyzed the informal recycling activities carried out by scavenger in the Tafila region of Jordan. The results show that scavengers have an important role in the informal solid waste management (SWM) especially in term of waste reduction, minimization and material recovery. Significant values from the

Measurement of three-jet production cross-sections in [Formula: see text] collisions at 7 [Formula: see text] centre-of-mass energy using the ATLAS detector.

Double-differential three-jet production cross-sections are measured in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of [Formula: see text] using the ATLAS detector at the large hadron collider. The measurements are presented as a function of the three-jet mass [Formula: see text], in bins of the sum of the absolute rapidity separations between the three leading jets [Formula: see text]. In

Swedish municipalities and public participation in the traffic planning process - Where do we stand?

In this paper public participation in Swedish municipal traffic planning is studied with the focus onto what extent and how municipalities and consultants interact with participants in traffic-planning processes. Telephone interviews with planners were performed and planners' insight and knowledge of participation methods are analysed in order to give an indication of which prerequisites seem to d

Krasch, boom, krasch? Den svenska kreditcykeln

Finanskrisen 2008 har väckt starkt intresse för kreditvolymens och skuldsättningens roll i samhällsekonomin. Här kartlägger vi framväxten av en svensk kreditcykel. Den har längre varaktighet och större svängningar än den traditionella konjunkturcykeln samt en nära koppling till den internationella kreditcykeln. Långvarig och hög tillväxt i kreditvolymen i förhållande till den reala tillväxten lede

Use of benzodiazepines and benzodiazepine receptor agonists during pregnancy: maternal characteristics

Background Use of benzodiazepine (BZD) drugs or hypnotic benzodiazepine receptor agonists (HBRAs) during pregnancy may represent a hazard for the foetus. In order to analyse this in an adequate way, knowledge of maternal characteristics as putative confounders is needed. Methods In the Swedish Medical Birth Register, 2149 pregnant women using BZDs or HBRAs were identified, 1944 of them in early pr

Riksbanken och inflationen 1995-2012 - missar Svensson målet?

Vi granskar den uppmärksammade kritik som Lars E O Svensson riktat mot Riksbankens penningpolitik. Vi har en rad invändningar. Svensson har ett för snävt synsätt när han bedömer om Riksbanken har uppfyllt sitt inflationsmål. Hans ekonometriska resultat, vilka utmynnar i slutsatsen att Riksbankens politik gett 38 000 fler arbetslösa per år under 1997−2011, är inte robusta. De vilar på en alltför en

Current routines for transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy: A web-based survey by the Swedish Urology Network

Objective. This study aimed to survey current Swedish practices for performing and handling transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsies. Material and methods. A Swedish Urology Network (SUNe) was organized for the distribution of information, survey studies and research collaborations. A web-based questionnaire was distributed to the members in 2011. Results. In this first SUNe survey, 137 (91