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Your search for "*" yielded 531651 hits

Sustainable consumption through policy intervention—A review of research themes

Policy-makers are starting to acknowledge the urgent need for policy-intervention to achieve sustainable consumption. However, it is difficult to achieve policy-making that leads to impactful consumption interventions. Generally speaking, sustainable consumption can be achieved in three ways; to reduce consumption, to change consumption, and to improve consumption. These strategies all have their

eChem : A Notebook Exploration of Quantum Chemistry

The eChem project features an e-book published as a web page (10.30746/978-91-988114-0-7), collecting a repository of Jupyter notebooks developed for the dual purpose of explaining and exploring the theory underlying computational chemistry in a highly interactive manner as well as providing a tutorial-based presentation of the complex workflows needed to simulate embedded molecular systems of rea

Perceptual Assessment of Cleft Palate Speech—Bridging the Gap From Research to Clinical Practice—the Swedish Perspective

Purpose:The purpose of this tutorial is to describe an evidence-based scientifically sustainable perceptual assessment of cleft palate speech and how standardized assessment methods for research on cleft palate speech have been implemented in clinical practice in Sweden, which makes it possible to carry out research on clinical data.Method:This tutorial is based on a literature review and own rese

On the post-pandemic travel boom : How capacity building and smart tourism technologies in rural areas can help - evidence from Iran

While there have been numerous studies investigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism, few research projects have examined the impact of the outbreak on using smart tourism technologies (STT), especially in developing countries. This study adopted thematic analysis, with data collected using in-person interviews. The participants for the study were selected using the snow-balling tec

Flashlamp Annealing for Improved Ferroelectric Junctions

The effects of flashlamp annealing (FLA) on the quality of ferroelectric HfxZr1–xO2 (HZO) interfaces, integrated on InAs substrates, are evaluated. For the integration of ferroelectric HZO on III-V semiconductors the crystallization via rapid thermal processing (RTP) can severely degrade the HZO/III-V interface. Thermal annealing in the millisecond duration were used in the efforts of reducing dif

Antibiotic Treatment for Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in Primary Care : A Register-Based Study Examining the Role of Radiographic Imaging

When imaging (i.e., chest-x-ray or computed tomography) is used to differentiate between acute bronchitis and pneumonia, many patients are being prescribed antibiotics despite the absence of radiographic pneumonia signs. This study of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) with negative chest imaging compares cases where antibiotics were prescribed and not prescribed to find characteristics th

Determinants of sexually transmitted infections among female sex workers in Ethiopia: a count regression model approach

Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) remain a major public health problem worldwide, with the burden of these infections being high among female sex workers (FSWs), who are often not aware of their infection status. This study aimed to determine the factors that are associated with the number of STIs among FSWs in Ethiopia.Methods: A cross-sectional bio-behavioral study involving res

Underlag för kostnadsberäkning av sanering efter ett utsläpp från en kärnteknisk olycka : Tvärvetenskapligt forskningsprojekt vid Lunds, Göteborgs och Örebro universitet på uppdrag av Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap

Direkta saneringskostnader efter en kärnteknisk olycka för ett typiskt svenskt bostadsområde med enfamiljshus uppskattades genom att skicka ett underlag liknande en offertförfrågan till en entreprenör med verksamhet riktad mot bl.a. konventionell sanering av fastigheter. Det fiktiva uppdraget omfattade en rad saneringsmetoder som tidigare beskrivits i olika handböcker för sanering av radioaktiv be

Complete Active Space Methods for NISQ Devices : The Importance of Canonical Orbital Optimization for Accuracy and Noise Resilience

To avoid the scaling of the number of qubits with the size of the basis set, one can divide the molecular space into active and inactive regions, which is also known as complete active space methods. However, selecting the active space alone is not enough to accurately describe quantum mechanical effects such as correlation. This study emphasizes the importance of optimizing the active space orbit

The OpenMolcas Web : A Community-Driven Approach to Advancing Computational Chemistry

The developments of the open-source OpenMolcas chemistry software environment since spring 2020 are described, with a focus on novel functionalities accessible in the stable branch of the package or via interfaces with other packages. These developments span a wide range of topics in computational chemistry and are presented in thematic sections: electronic structure theory, electronic spectroscop

Datering av vulkanen Rangitoto, Nya Zeeland, genom paleomagnetiska analysmetoder

Från Nya Zeeland så har en borrkärna från den största och yngsta vulkanen i Aucklands vulkaniska fält (Auckland volcanic field, AVF) extraherats för att undersöka vulkanfältets förflutna. Detta fält består till största delen av basalt och började bildas för ca 200 000 år sedan och består av ca 50 utdöda vulkaner. Den största av dessa vulkaner, Rangitoto utgör 41% av fältets vulkaniska material och