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Man kan se hennes BH-band : den ofrivilliga konsumtionen av andras kroppar och dess påverkan på generation Z.

Generation Z have grown up in a different environment than earlier generations since they have been given different circumstances in which to create their identity. The previous generations such as generation X experienced involuntary consumption of other’s bodies in the changing rooms. Generation Z have however consumed edited bodies and their differences on social media during their early teens

Vad kan, vill och törs de? Kroppslig inverkan av ett tryggt rum i feministisk organisering

Utifrån individers behov av att skapa ett utrymme av säkerhet från det övriga samhället uppstår separatistiska, trygga rum. Utifrån en fenomenologisk grund, att vi är våra kroppar och genom dessa percipierar och förhåller oss till vår omgivning, har denna kvalitativa undersökning velat belysa feministisk organisering och mer specifikt tjej- /tjej- och transjoursrörelsen. Detta utifrån deras arbete

Evacuation modelling for wildland-urban interface fires in touristic areas

This technical note presents a brief overview of the models available for the simulation of fire evacuation at the wildland-urban interface in touristic areas. Depending on the scale of the scenarios under consideration and the evacuation mode considered, models are split into macroscopic vs microscopic tools and 1) pedestrian models, 2) traffic models, 3) coupled evacuation models, 4) modelling u

Higher plasma β-synuclein indicates early synaptic degeneration in Alzheimer's disease

INTRODUCTION: β-Synuclein is an emerging synaptic blood biomarker for Alzheimer's disease (AD) but differences in β-synuclein levels in preclinical AD and its association with amyloid and tau pathology have not yet been studied. METHODS: We measured plasma β-synuclein levels in cognitively unimpaired individuals with positive Aβ-PET (i.e., preclinical AD, N = 48) or negative Aβ-PET (N = 61), Aβ-po

Collective Genocidal Intent in Sri Lanka

The end of the Sri Lankan war was marked by a devastating loss of life, with hundreds of thousands of casualties. Amidst this tragedy, victims have claimed that the crimes committed against them constitute genocide, specifically targeting the Eelam Tamils solely because of their ethnic identity. However, denialists argue that there is insufficient evidence to support the presence of genocidal inte

Exploring healthcare authorities’ decisions to sustain or abandon a management control initiative

We explore how a management control initiative travels across and is translated within organizations—from the decision motives for adoption or rejection to the subsequent decision motives for sustaining or abandoning the control—through the lens of diffusion theory. Our empirical case is the journey of activity-based funding of hospitals across 21 Swedish healthcare authorities. We develop a frame

Hängselbyxornas återkomst : en semiotisk bildanalys av en återkommande trend

This bachelor thesis studies a specific recurring trend from the 1990’s, which in this case is exemplified as dungarees, or as more commonly used, overalls. To understand the essence of this trend and why it’s recurring, a semiotic analysis is applied to the study and to understand the qualitative values it houses, such as social practices and structures, as well as signs, codes and symbolism, wil

Excited-State Dynamics in a DNA-Stabilized Ag16 Cluster with Near-Infrared Emission

Due to desirable optical properties, such as efficient luminescence and large Stokes shift, DNA-templated silver nanoclusters (DNA-AgNCs) have received significant attention over the past decade. Nevertheless, the excited-state dynamics of these systems are poorly understood, as studies of the processes ultimately leading to a fluorescent state are scarce. Here we investigate the early time relaxa