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Towards a Definition of a Sustainable Corporation Under the International Frameworks on Business and Human Rights

The study offers a prescriptive definition of a sustainable corporation from a human-rights-based approach. It defines a sustainable corporation as any business created with or that has human rights and the environment as its fundamental values, and integrates as well as implements such values into all aspects of its operations. This definition implies that all companies their sizes or sector notwThis study finds that the concept of a sustainable corporation is better created as a construct of corporate law rather than international human rights law. The study proposes that a sustainable corporation should be defined by an international framework to ensure consistency, and to promote its effectiveness, States should amend their existing corporate legislation and/or enact due diligence legi

Estimation of combined sewer overflow discharge from the city of Malmo.

A study aiming at the estimation of yearly volumes of CSO and yearly quantities of pollution load from CSO had been carried out in the city of Malmo, Sweden. Storm Water Management Model was used both to simulate single CSO events and for continuous simulation. The results from these simulations were compared with actual measurements.-from Authors

Corporate climate futures in the making: Why we need research on the politics of Science-Based Targets

In this Perspective article, we call for more scholarly attention to the politics of the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Specifically, we argue for a need to examine the emission pathways and decarbonised futures that are expressed and promoted through Science-Based Targets and what futures they render more likely in the pursuit of low-carbon transitions. We highlight how the SBTi's guida

Rediscovery of the lost skink Proscelotes aenea and implications for conservation

Biodiversity loss is recognized as a grand challenge of the twenty-first century but ascertaining when a species is “lost” can be incredibly difficult—since the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. This may be a relatively easy task for large and conspicuous animals, but extremely difficult for those living hidden lives or at low population sizes. We showcase this challenge by focusing

Prevalence of hypertension and associated factors among diabetic patients in Kilimanjaro region, northern Tanzania : A hospital-based cross-sectional study

Introduction: Hypertension is among the most common non-communicable diseases, being the major cause of premature deaths worldwide. The co-existence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus increases the risk of cardiovascular events and death. Objective: To determine the prevalence of hypertension and associated factors among individuals with type II diabetes mellitus in the Kilimanjaro region, nort

Delineating Health and Health System : Mechanistic Insights into Covid 19 Complications

This book discusses the organ-specific systemic manifestations of COVID-19. The initial chapters of the book review the origin and evolution of the coronaviruses, followed by pathogenesis and immune response during COVID-19 infection. The book also provides insight into the role of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in the onset of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pathogen

A human meniscus explant model for studying early events in osteoarthritis development by proteomics

Degenerative meniscus lesions have been associated with both osteoarthritis etiology and its progression. We, therefore, sought to establish a human meniscus ex vivo model to study the meniscal response to cytokine treatment using a proteomics approach. Lateral menisci were obtained from five knee-healthy donors. The meniscal body was cut into vertical slices and further divided into an inner (ava

Arrival of Normative Power in Planetary Politics

This lead article in a JCMS symposium marking 20 years of normative power provides a prospective intervention into thinking through the rest of the century by taking the language of Arrival, the 2016 speculative fiction film based on Ted Chiang's 1998 short ‘Story of Your Life’ and applying it to normative power by double-decolonising the anthropocentrism of capitalist culture and Eurocentrism in

The structural basis of hyperpromiscuity in a core combinatorial network of type II toxin-antitoxin and related phage defense systems

Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are a large group of small genetic modules found in prokaryotes and their mobile genetic elements. Type II TAs are encoded as bicistronic (two-gene) operons that encode two proteins: a toxin and a neutralizing antitoxin. Using our tool NetFlax (standing for Network-FlaGs for toxins and antitoxins), we have performed a large-scale bioinformatic analysis of proteinaceous

Man kan se hennes BH-band : den ofrivilliga konsumtionen av andras kroppar och dess påverkan på generation Z.

Generation Z have grown up in a different environment than earlier generations since they have been given different circumstances in which to create their identity. The previous generations such as generation X experienced involuntary consumption of other’s bodies in the changing rooms. Generation Z have however consumed edited bodies and their differences on social media during their early teens