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Who should bear the blame? The allocation of criminal liability for greater deterrence in international criminal law.
The French Attempt to Legalize Human Rights Due Diligence: Is France leading the European Union in Business and Human Rights?
This thesis is a comprehensive analysis of the different regulatory designs and arguments shaping French law in order to hold French businesses liable for their human rights abuses occurring in global supply chains. It focuses on the innovative law proposal on the duty of vigilance for parent and ordering companies currently debated within the French Parliament, and France’s potential to make huma
The protection of work-related human rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers in the Netherlands
The aim of this thesis is to describe the rights of asylum seekers, refugees and migrant workers with regard to the right to have access to employment, the right to work under safe and fair conditions and the right to have access to social security in the Netherlands. One of the purposes of this thesis is furthermore to bring clarity and awareness to the fact that asylum seekers and refugees have
Hur digitala knytnävar kan skapa smärta i det fysiska livet
Denna uppsats syftar till att öka förståelsen för näthat och dess spridning bland ungdomar i åldern 12-16 år. I denna studie konkretiseras och definieras fenomenet näthat för att skapa en djupare förståelse av ämnet. Utifrån tidigare forskning har två huvudsakliga aspekter lyfts fram - ansvar och kommunikation Studien syftar till att konkretisera vem som bär ansvar att informera om näthat och lyftThis Bachelor thesis aim to increase the understanding of expressions of hate, hatred and vitriol on the Internet, in other words cyber bullying. Furthermore the study aims to increase the understanding of how the phenomenon is spread. The essay focus to embody the question of the liability issue within the phenomenon and how it can be prevented by strategic communication. Based on previous resear
Polymeric single Li+-ion conductors: preparation and characterisation
Batterier finns överallt, t.ex. i mobiltelefoner, bärbara datorer och surfplattor. I och med klimatförändringarna i världen så ökar intresset för miljösmarta bilar som t.ex. elbilar vilket medför att nya användningsområden för batterier skapas. Litiumjonbatterier är en typ av lätta, återuppladdningsbara och energirika batterier som skulle kunna användas för att möta de krav på nya batterier som upLithium-ion batteries are a common type of light-weight, rechargeable batteries. There are safety concerns because these batteries typically use an organic solvent electrolyte which presents fire hazards. By using dry polymer electrolytes, the fire hazards can be eliminated. The single-ion conductor is a type of polymer electrolyte in which the ion-containing group has been covalently bonded with
Malmököket - Andrum i staden med möten kring mat
“Alla har en relation till odling och mat, oavsett om man kommer från Somalia, Irak eller Nydala i Malmö.” (Jimenez, 2012). Visst är det så! Att mat är något som vi alla har gemensamt och som förenar människor har varit utgångspunkten för detta arbete. Projektet har resulterat i ett sprudlande matcentrum i Nyhamnen i Malmö. Här kan människor från stadens alla hörn och besökare utifrån samlas krinThe fact that food is something that we all have in common and that it brings people together has been the starting point for this thesis work. The project has resulted in a vibrant food center in the future city district Nyhamnen in Malmö. Here people from all over the city can gather around the People’s Kitchen and Diner, a wine bar, urban farming facilities, food markets and more. The inspirati
Structure and reactivity of surface oxides on Cu(100)
Sedan den industriella revolutionen har koncentrationen av koldioxid, CO2, i atmosfären ökat kraftigt och fortsätter att öka. Den ökande CO2-halten förväntas höja den globala temperaturen genom växthuseffekten, vilket i sin tur kan leda till en oönskad klimatförändring. Det finns flera metoder för att minska problemet. Istället för fossila bränslen så kan förnybar energi, som sol-, vind- och vatteAdsorption of oxygen onto Cu(100) leads to formation of a well-ordered surface structure known as the `missing row' (MR) reconstruction. The aim of the work described in this thesis was to characterize the chemical properties of this MR structure, which serves as a well-defined analogue for oxidized copper surfaces used in catalysis for CO2 hydrogenation. Specifically, the interaction of CO2 w
A Recipe for Success: using design as an ingredient within the business mix
Supported by the Design Business Association, the purpose of my research is to explore and explain how organisations are successfully using design as an ingredient within their business mix, in order to provide insights for managers, designers and design-promoting organisations. The research adopted an inductive approach and utilised an interpretive qualitative methodology which fits with a subje
Location based functionality in public transport applications
In recent years, a new technology for location based functionality has emerged. The technology is called Bluetooth Low Energy, or Bluetooth Smart, and allows a device to emit low energy Bluetooth signals to its surroundings. When picked up by modern smart phones, these signals can be used to provide the user with a physical location. Unlike other positioning technologies, such as GPS, this technol
Investigating the common barriers that high-skilled Asian immigrant entrepreneurs face in the western countries
This study investigates the barriers that high-skilled Asian immigrant entrepreneurs have in the process of starting their entrepreneurial ventures outside of Asia. The study interviewed eight high-skilled Asian immigrant entrepreneurs from Sweden, Germany, France, and USA. The study uses five theoretical frameworks to investigate the barriers, which are: cultural barriers, social capital, human c
Saving us from ourselves? A fundamental rights approach on standardised packaging in the EU
The Court of Justice of the European Union delivered three decisions on the 4th of May on the validity of the new Tobacco Products Directive; one on the standardisation of packaging that is obligatory for member states to adopt. The present thesis examines the measure to be adopted only by four member states as part of the implementation of the Directive. The United Kingdom, Ireland, France and Hu
The Demographic Dividend and Institutions: A Comparison of Asia and Latin America
This thesis investigates the relationship between the demographic dividend and institutions. The aim is to make an attempt of attaining further knowledge about the requirements for obtaining a demographic dividend. This is done through the comparison of Asian countries and South American countries. The obtained results confirm the positive effects of an increase in the working-age population relat
Evaluation of Models for Estimating of Handball Game Flow
Att kunna följa och spela in handbollsmatcher automatiskt skulle kunna vara ett kraftfullt verktyg för både spelare och tränare vid utvärdering av lagprestationer. Automatisk inspelning skulle aven kunna användas för att webbsända matcher. Även om elitmatcher i handboll ofta spelas in, är syftet med inspelningarna inte att ge tränare data om hur laget har spelat. När idrott spelas in för att sändaThis thesis presents and evaluates different models aimed at tracking the play in handball matches. The tracking is designed to be used with automatic broadcasting of handball matches without any camera operator present. To solve this problem the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi tracker is used to generate data of player movements on the handball court. From the tracker data, features are extracted and used as
The EU as a global leader? : A comparative study on Copenhagen and Paris UN climate change negotiations
Climate change is a global and demanding issue, which affects all the states on the planet. The European Union has from the 90s been vigorously engaged in the international efforts to tackle climate change and even pursued to take on the leading role in the global climate regime. The two most anticipated UN conferences for combating climate change at the global level were the COP15 in 2009 and COP
Decarbonising the Macedonian Economy:Evaluating Consistency and Coherence of Climate and Energy
Macedonia is implementing a multitude of climate and energy policies concurrently aiming to mitigate climate change and CO2 emissions. These policies can interact in various ways depending on the differing objectives, instruments, measures, and implementation practices, resulting in an inconsistent and incoherent policy mix. Furthermore, with the submission of an Intended Nationally Determined Con
Developing a Business Model for Commercial Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
The adoption of commercial electric vehicles (CEVs) is beginning to pick up traction by fleet operators and vehicle manufacturers. Carbon emission legislation, fuel prices and improving battery technology are ever-increasing the attractiveness of the business case for electric vehicles. CEVs represent a massive opportunity to reduce global transportation emissions, vehicle manufacturers to reach n
The impact of monetary policy announcements on stock prices - A panel data study on large Swedish firms
This thesis aims to investigate the impact of domestic- and foreign monetary policy on stock returns of Swedish firms, currently listed at the Nasdaq Large Cap. Daily stock returns are regressed against FOMC- and Riksbank policy changes respectively on the day of their announcements, using a fixed effects model. Control variables and time dummies are included in the model to account for changing c
Föreställningar och kommunikation om psykisk ohälsa – en fallstudie av 1177
Psykisk ohälsa ökar i dagens samhälle och användandet av digitala medier likaså. Få studier har gjorts på hur organisationer kommunicerar kring psykisk ohälsa online., Sveriges samlingsplats på nätet för information och tjänster inom hälsa och vård, har skapat en temasida om psykisk hälsa med anledning att sprida kunskap och förändra attityder kring ämnet. Denna studie ämnar att öka förståMental illness is increasingly common in today's society, and so is the usage of digital media. Few studies have been made about how organisations communicate about mental illness online., Sweden’s designated site for information and services regarding health and healthcare, has created a theme site about mental health for spreading knowledge and changing attitudes concerning the subje
Byggserviceverksamheten - logistik och materialflöden
Many construction companies have a construction service department but it is normally never the largest part of the company. Rather, the building services department has been seen as a fender to keep employees engaged when the economy’s been bad, with the result that no large investments have been put towards the service department. The logistics of the construction services business is different