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Välkommen till Sverige - Kvalitativa intervjuer med personer som kommit till Sverige som ensamkommande asylsökande barn

The aim of this study was to examine how unaccompanied asylum seeking children perceived their time within the social service system in Sweden, and in what way this time period in their life has affected them today. In researching this, its specific aim was to explore if there was any specific way of meeting these children which had a positive effect on their future in their new country. The stud

Samverkan mellan samhällsviktiga verksamheter avseende gränsöverskridande risker – Metodutveckling med tillämpning på Lunds kommun

Arbetar samhällsviktiga verksamheter gemensamt för att hantera samhällets sårbarheter? När en händelse såsom då en storm sker, kan de allra flesta se hur sårbart samhället är och hur lätt ett problem hos en verksamhet snabbt sprider sig till andra verksamheter i samhället. Hur arbetar aktörer gemensamt för att hantera detta? Vi är många som har vaknat upp en morgon och sett att vägarna ligger vThe objective of this thesis is to provide answers to how a method can be designed to gain better knowledge of how collaboration looks between different critical societal activities in a preparing and preventive stage related to the management of transboundary risks. The designed method consists of two parts; a technique for data acquisition, and a method for data analysis. In order to evaluate th

Gröna taks samhällsekonomiska nytta och kostnader

Gröna tak – en samhällsekonomiskt lönsam lösning för att bibehålla viktiga ekosystemtjänster i städer? Den växande urbaniseringen är en global trend och idag bor åtminstone 54 procent av världens befolkning i städer. År 2070 förväntas 70 procent av världens befolkning bo i städer och Sverige är idag det land med näst högst urbaniseringstakt. Precis som i flera andra länder används i Sverige förtäCity densification in Sweden has decreased the amount of green areas in Swedish cities. This undermines the existing ecosystem services that could for instance provide climate change mitigation and adaption. Green roofs are considered to be a product that can strengthen or substitute the urban ecosystem services produced by natural vegetation. This paper investigates whether retrofitting green roo

Technological Innovation Systems for Decarbonisation of Steel Production

Den europeiska stålindustrin står för en betydande del av EUs CO2-utsläpp, men har samtidigt begränsade möjligheter att minska utsläppen från befintliga produktionsmetoder. Det krävs därför nya, banbrytande processinnovationer för att åstadkomma verkligt stora utsläppsminskningar. Denna rapport ger en översiktlig beskrivning av den europeiska stålindustrin teknologiska innovationssystem, belyst geThe EU steel industry is a major contributor to human-induced CO2 emissions and has limited possibilities to improve incumbent production methods further. The industry is therefore strongly dependent on new breakthrough decarbonisation technologies in order to further mitigate emissions. This report provides an overview of the EU steel industry’s technological innovation system, through a new mapp

Val av åtgärd vid spårbildning på busshållplatser

Lund Municipality, just like many other municipalities, has recurring problems with rutting at their bus stops. There is a notable problem in Lund though and the rutting occurs regardless of whether the stops are placed at high, medium or low-volume roads. In this thesis, eleven of the most vulnerable coatings in Lund Municipality were investigated. This thesis is written in collaboration with roa

Capturing Ideas in Retail Chains - A Case Study of Telia Company

Title: Capturing Ideas in Retail Chains - A Case Study of Telia Company Seminar date: May 30 2016 Course: BUSN68 Degree Project in Accounting and Management Control Authors: Lotta Fahlander and Cecilia Prior Advisor: Mattias Haraldsson Five key words: Management Control Systems, Innovation, Retail, Idea Capturing, Suggestion Systems Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to describe and anal

Specialiseringseffekten - Om hög- och lågpresterande lärosäten

The Resource-Based View (RBV) är teorin som beskriver processer där företag har och utvecklar konkurrensfördelar. I RBV identifierar Dierickx & Cool (1989) att en resurs imiterbarhet villkoras av dess ackumuleringsprocess. Författarna nämner därefter olika förhållanden som försvårar imiterbarheten i en resurs. Två av dessa är Asset Mass Efficiencies och Interconnectedness of Asset Stocks, i deThe Resource-Based View describes processes in which business corporations develop competitive advantages. Dierickx & Cool (1989) identifies the imitability in an asset stock as dependent of the process in which it is accumulated. The authors highlight different situations which aggravates the imitability in an asset stock. Two of these are Asset Mass Efficiencies and Interconnectedness of Ass

Investmentbolagens rabatt på börsen

Signifikans hittades för de två företagsspecifika variablerna historisk överavkastning och diversifiering vilka hade ett negativt respektive positivt samband med substansrabatten. Det fanns även ett statistiskt signifikant negativt samband mellan makro-index (konjunkturläget) och substansrabatten. Interaktionsmodeller med företagsspecifika variabler kombinerade med makro-index genererade två signi


Research question: How do the contextual conditions differentiating internal and external corporate ventures influence their resource acquisition strategies? Methodology: The analysis of the study is based on four cases consisting of two internal corporate ventures and two external corporate ventures. Data was gathered through in- depth qualitative interviews with the corporate entrepreneur managi

Utvärdering av vattenkemisk data från Borgholm kommun och dess relation till geologiska förhållanden och markanvändning

Due to unusually low precipitation during late autumn and winter of the year 2015/2016 the groundwater levels of south-eastern Sweden have reached the lowest levels ever recorded since measurements began in 1968. In the month of April in the year 2016 the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU) made a public statement to the media announcing that unless substantial amounts of precipitation is added duri

Green IS in SMEs

This research is inspired by the concerns of deterioration of the environment by human activities. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) represent 90% of all businesses in the world. SMEs as organizational level members of societies are responsible for environmental sustainability as other society members for the damages of their business activities to the environment. The current study aims

Håller det?

Over the last decades sustainability reporting has developed as a global trend among international corporations as the debates regarding global warming and sustainable development have been heating up. International organisations and governmental institutions are setting the agenda for the development by introducing goals and regulations on a global, regional and national scale. The EU’s introduct

Ätstörning - En tjejsjukdom? En diskursanalys av tolv stycken svenska tidningsartiklars framställning av ätstörning bland män och kvinnor

The purpose of this study was to analyze the current discourse in Swedish press regarding how men and women with eating disorders are produced. The question formulations that we have used to answer our purpose were as follows: - How are eating disorder constructed in the selected articles? - How are men and women with eating disorders constructed in the selected articles? To find empirical data,

Cementstabiliserad asfalt på busshållplatser - Utvärdering av modell för beräkning av skador

Pavements on bus stops is a complex subject because of the different forces that occur. Cement Stabilized asphalt is therefore used on the bus stops and has been so for about 16 years in Malmö to combine the best qualities of cement and asphalt which is bearing capacity and flexibility. In 2014 a formula was developed to calculate the breakdown of the pavement of bus stops by two students at Lunds

Immigrant Occupational Mobility and the Role of Educational Mismatches in the Home Country: Longitudinal Evidence from Sweden

This thesis examines the occupational mobility of a sample of immigrants who arrived in Sweden between 1971 and 1985. The data includes information on pre-immigration occupation and on up to four occupations in Sweden. The empirical analysis supports a U-shaped pattern of occupational mobility from home country to host country which is in line with the theory of imperfect transferability of skills

POLITICIZING PREJUDICE An Investigation into the Historic use of Anti-Haitian Prejudice and Antagonism as a Political Tool in the Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic, residing Haitians and their descendants, emigrated from the neighboring country Haiti, occupy the lowest societal strata. A societal position ascribed to the long and fraught history between the two countries. Their presence has for decades caused great aversion and has officially been labeled anti-Haitianism. Described as a viable political tool for conservatives and na

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow - Consumer Experiences at Fashion Pop-Up Sales

Within business practice, the concept of pop-up retailing has already grown out its status of just being a trend, and has developed into a highly accepted and widely used retail format in a variety of business sectors. Despites this rising popularity, academic research has given rather little attention towards the phenomenon of temporary retail sites. Due to this research scarcity, the purpose of

Effect of in vitro gastrointestinal conditions on the structural and conformational properties of oat β-glucan

The physicochemical properties of oat β-glucan have been shown to govern its health benefits by a plethora of studies. However, the effect of the passage through the gastrointestinal tract on the conformational and structural characteristics is not fully explained. The aim of the present study was to elucidate the effect of in vitro gastrointestinal conditions on the structure and conformation of