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"Man vill ju bryta sig loss men det går inte" : en kvalitativ studie av debatten kring Instagrams nya uppdatering, systemstyrda algoritmer och hur dessa förhåller sig till en upplevd frihet och kontroll online
Den 15 mars 2016 offentliggjorde Instagram hur applikationens kommande uppdatering ska fungera i praktiken. Företaget berättade att på grund av att personer ofta missar sina vänners Instagram-uppdateringar så ska Instagram nu – efter den tidigare kronologiska ordningen i innehållet – styras av algoritmer, alltså system som baseras på användare och olika typer av aktivitet. Uppsatsen “Man vill ju b
Trots att preventivmedel är lättillgängligt för kvinnor i Sverige idag, både praktisk och ekonomisk, visar nyligen framlagd forskning att abortstatistiken i Sverige ökat bland kvinnor 24-29 år. Studien lyfter fram negativa attityder gentemot hor-monella preventivmedel som en bidragande faktor. Vår studie ser till hur missupp-fattningarna kring preventivmedel kan förklaras, vilken roll kommunikatioEven though contraceptives in Sweden are made sure to be easily accessible to women both practically and economically resent research by medical institutions in Sweden shows that the abortion statistics are increasing amongst women aged 24-29. The study implicates that the statistics are related to negative attitudes to-wards hormonal contraceptives amongst these women. In our study we aim to in-v
Modelling maize (Zea Mays L.) phenology seasonal forecast data
Agriculture is an essential economic activity which sustains the livelihood of millions of people around the world. Maize is one of the most grown, consumed and traded cereals in the world mostly because of its adaptability to varied environmental conditions. Maize farming depends on climatic factors like temperature, rainfall and radiation to thrive but this also means that it is very susceptible
When Species Meet
Lunds Civila Ryttarförening, LCR, is one of Sweden’s largest equestrian clubs with its facilities located in between Norra Fäladen to the north and LTH to the south. To the west of the horse facilities is “Smörlyckans Idrottsplats” with football pitches, tennis courts, a Jujutsu club and a Home Guard’s building. The club has approximately 500 weekly riders and offers a wide range of activities wit
Studenter, Sex och Sociala Medier: En analys av studenter i Lunds uttryckande av sexualitet på sociala medier, och dess inverkan på normer om sexualitet
Abstract Sedan internets intåg i världshistorien har mängder av studier kring sociala mediers påverkan på människor uppkommit. Att människor skapar sociala rum på internet har därför lett till att antropologin anpassat sin metodologi efter en ny typ av fält. Detta har öppnat upp för studier som tidigare inte varit möjliga och gjort att grupper och problem som tidigare varit omöjliga att undersöka,
Butikerna bakom skärmen – Kapabiliteter inom e-handeln och dess påverkan på effectiveness i en dynamisk miljö
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilka kapabiliteter inom e-handeln som påverkar företags värdeskapande genom effectiveness i en dynamisk miljö. Metod: Via en kvalitativ ansats genomfördes en multipel fallstudie med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vi granskade zero-level kapabiliteter och dynamiska kapabiliteter hos företag där intervjupersoner fick besvara ett antal frågor, som kompPurpose: The purpose of this study is to examine which capabilities within e-commerce affect organizations abilities towards value creation through effectiveness in a dynamic environment. Methodology: The research was done by multiple case studies through semi structured interviews consisting of several questions and relevant follow-up questions. We have chosen a qualitative approach in order to
Silencing the Subaltern: A Postcolonial Critique of NGO-run Orphanages in Jinja, Uganda
The large number of orphanages in Jinja, Uganda has promoted the widespread institutionalisation of children from poor families. Parents are left disempowered and have very few options but to sign over the rights of their children because NGOs in the region have largely prioritised orphanage care over other services. This paper critically analyses the failure of non-state actors in addressing the
The Autonomy and Specific Characteristics of EU law – An obstacle to the EU’s accession to the ECHR?
Since the Lisbon Treaty’s entering into force in 2009 it is stated in Article 6(2) TEU that the EU shall accede to the European Convention for the Protection of Fundamental Rights (ECHR). In the second sentence of the same article it is provided that “such accession shall not affect the Union’s competences as defined in the Treaties”. Attached to the Lisbon Treaty is also Protocol No 8 in which it
Explaining the Continuous Use of BI Systems
Business intelligence (BI) has evolved from mere management reports to powerful decision-making solutions, analytics and rich visualizations that have made organizations to gain intelligence and competitive advantage. Many organizations have reported successful BI adoptions. However, there are also failure stories where managers and IT departments have faced undesirable attitude, reaction or behav
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Relationsinriktad omvårdnad vid postpartumdepression. En litteraturstudie.
Background: Postpartum depression (PPD) affects around 20% of all mothers worldwide, and 8-15% of Swedish parents. PPD can harm the parent-infant attachment, which in turn can delay the child’s early development. Aim: To study nursing strategies to promote the family relations and bonding between child and parents when one of them suffers from PPD. Method: A literature review with an integrated
Lost in Translation? – A Comparative Study of Three Swedish Translations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s 'The Hobbit'
The practice of translation has many different approaches. By comparing and discussing three different Swedish translations of 'The Hobbit', this text discusses what factors affect literary translation and how these influences have changed over time. In this essay, I investigate how the translations 'Hompen, eller En resa dit och tillbaks igen' (1947), 'Bilbo: En hobbits äventy
Change is in the grassroots. The use of effectuation to enable school development in Icelandic compulsory schools
In 2011, Icelandic compulsory schools introduced a new national curriculum. Its purpose was to enable a more competencies-based school system where focus would be on independence and initiative. One of the main changes in the curriculum was the introduction of entrepreneurship as a core competency. Similar changes have taken place elsewhere in Europe and there are indications that comparable devel
Delningsekonomins verktygslåda: En fallstudie om marknadsföringsverktyg på plattformsföretaget Airbnb
Titel: Delningsekonomins verktygslåda: En fallstudie om marknadsföringsverktyg på plattformsföretaget Airbnb Universitet: Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, Institutionen för Service Management Kurs: KSKK01 Service Management: Examensarbete kandidatexamen, 15 hp Författare: Elin Thoft Thorsell och Karolina Kolton Handledare: Malin Zillinger Nyckelord: Delningsekonomi, plattformsföretag, Airbnb
En kvalitativ studie om hur sju yrkesverksamma ser på coping och välbefinnande
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur sju yrkesverksamma som i sin yrkesroll arbetar med vård och behandling av patienter upplever sin coping och sitt välbefinnande. En frågeställning var att undersöka om de som hade en bredare coping-repertoar beskrev sig ha högre välmående än de med färre copingstrategier. Den andra frågeställningen var att undersöka om deltagarna ibland beskrev sig anväThe purpose of this study was to investigate how seven professionals in their professional work with the care and treatment of patients are experiencing their own coping and well-being. One question was to examine whether those who described they had a broader coping repertoire described themselves to have higher well-being than those who used fewer coping strategies. The other question was to inv
Utveckling av versatil mindre terränggående maskin för grundförstärkande markberedning
Den här rapporten redogör för det arbete som utförts av Gustav Alvland under genomförandet av examensarbetet på CeDe Group januari till maj 2016. CeDe Group är ett företag som inriktat sig på att specialanpassa och utveckla utrustning till anläggningsmaskiner, främst tillverkade av Volvo. Ett område för detta är borrning och grundläggning där företaget under flera år tagit fram maskiner och utrustThis thesis was conducted by Gustav Alvland as a project in mechanical engineering in collaboration with CeDe Group January to May 2016. CeDe Group is a company operating in the area of designing and manufacture special applications and equipment for construction equipment, generally made by Volvo. One product segment is drilling and piling were the company has developed several complete machines
En jämförelse av implementering av ERTMS mellan Sverige och Holland
To ease railway traffic between countries in Europe, EU have decided that a new common signalling system should be implemented. This new signalling system is ERTMS, which is a shortening for European Rail Traffic Management System. Beside to ease traffic between countries, ERTMS can improve the level of safety and increase capacity on the railway network. The implementation of ERTMS amount a major
Controlling Corporate Social Responsibility with Management Control Systems: A study of four companies in Sweden
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine and contribute with some practical insights on how Management Control Systems (MCS) can be used by companies to control their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Methodology: A qualitative research method has been used to collect data. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with four different companies in the food industry and i
Beer Starter Cultures as a Source of Microbial Contamination in Beer - An Investigation on Twelve Beer Starter Cultures from Four Different Manufacturers
The aim of this project was to assess the microbiological safety of twelve beer starter cultures produced by four different manufacturers by screening for microbial contamination. Enumeration of microorganisms was done on Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA), Rogosa agar, Reinforced Clostridial Agar (RCA), Baird- Parker agar, HiCrome agar and VRBD agar. The Enterobacteriaceae count was below the detection limit