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Partiell Förångning I Solfångarsystem. Överhettningsskydd för värmebäraren (främst glykol)
Ingvar Svennilsson
Ur det förflutnas skuggor - historiediskurs och nationalism i Tyskland 1990-2000
Popular Abstract in Swedish Föreställningen om att det fanns ett vänsterliberalt åsiktsmonopol som måste brytas var central när kristdemokraten Helmut Kohl som nybliven förbundskansler 1982 utlovade en ”intellektuell och moralisk vändpunkt”. Den tyska nationalkänslan skulle ”normaliseras”. Det negativa förflutna skulle neutraliseras. I avhandlingen skildras hur detta pund förvaltades under 1990-taThe subject of this study is the re-construction of German national identity and nationalist thinking within the framework of the 1990s’ history discourse in relation to the Nazi past and the Holocaust. The empirical focus is on national politics and the press. Maurice Halbwachs’ social constructionist theory on collective memory and Jan Assmann’s thesis on the defining power of elites in the cult
Nationell implementeringsplan för IKT i matematikundervisningen
Detta är det första av tre inlägg för att ge perspektiv på IKT i matematik- undervisningen. Bakgrunden till inlägget är en nyligen släppt rapport från Skolverket, som visar att användningen av IKT är i stort sett lika låg i flera ämnen, som den var för tre år sedan. Det är, enligt rapporten, fortfarande ovanligt att eleverna använder datorer på lektioner i matematik. Det finns inte heller någon ty
Review of Markus Dahlberg (ed), “Sockenkyrkorna. Kulturarv och bebyggelsehistoria” (Stockholm 2008)
Review of Markus Dahlberg (ed), “Sockenkyrkorna. Kulturarv och bebyggelsehistoria” (Stockholm 2008)
The agricultural revolution and the conditions of the rural poor, southern Sweden 1750–1860
The social consequences of agrarian change have been widely debated. The traditional view of the lower classes becoming increasingly vulnerable due to the loss of access to resources has been met with the revisionist view that this change was counteracted by an increase in the volume and regularity of employment due to investments and new farming practices. This article address this issue by study
There Must Be a Border
Dissolved oxygen controller based on on-line measurements of ammonia combining feed-forward and feedback
As the largest single energy-consuming component in most biological wastewater treatment systems, control of aeration is of great interest seen from an energy savings point of view. This paper suggests a simple way of using on-line ammonium measurements to control aeration in a pre-denitrification plant by controlling the dissolved oxygen setpoint. The controller works primarily by feed-forward ba
Supply Chain Operations: Serial and Distribution Inventory Systems
Natural Radiative Lifetimes and Stark-shift Parameters In the 4p2 Configuration In Ca I
Role of parenting styles in adolescent substance use: results from a Swedish longitudinal cohort study.
Adolescent substance use is an area of concern because early substance use is associated with a higher risk of adverse outcomes. Parenting style, defined as the general style of parenting, as well as substance-specific parenting practices may influence children's substance use behaviour. The present study aims to probe the impact of parenting style on adolescent substance use.
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, α-irone, CAS registry number 79-69-6.
The use of this material under current use conditions is supported by the existing information. This material was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, developmental toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity, skin sensitization potential as well as environmental assessment. Repeated Dose Toxicity was determined to have the most conservative systemic e
Could audiovisual training be used to improve cognition in extremely low birth weight children?
Aim: To study whether a dyslexia remediation programme, Audilex, improves cognition in extremely low birth (ELBW) children. Methods: Six-year-old ELBW children were allocated to a 5-week training with Audilex or playing control computer games. Before and after intervention, auditory event-related brain potentials (ERP) to sound changes were recorded and reading related skills assessed. Primary out
Digital inkludering eller exkludering: Arbetslösas användning av Arbetsförmedlingens webbplats
Idéerna som satte Europa i brand
Interoperating AliEn and ARC for a Distributed Tier1 in the Nordic Countries
To reach its large computing needs, the ALICE experiment at CERN has developed its own middleware called AliEn, centralised and relying on pilot jobs. One of its strength is the automatic installation of the required packages. The Nordic countries have offered a distributed Tier-1 centre for the CERN experiments, where the job management should be done with the NorduGrid middleware ARC. We have de
Strukturmekanik - Modellering och analys av ramar och fackverk
Strukturmekanik är den del av fysiken som beskriver hur olika material, som formats och sammanfogats till strukturer, bär sina laster. Kunskapen om dessa strukturers verkningssätt kan användas i en skapande process där hållbara och effektiva, funktionella och uttrycksfulla byggnadsverk utformas. Den här läroboken i strukturmekanik baseras på finita elementmetodens metodik. Förståelsen för struktu