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Your search for "*" yielded 533571 hits

Rate of heat release experiments with living materials

Results from rate of heat release (RHR) experiments with lining materials are presented. A total of 13 materials including both cellulosic and synthetic materials were tested. In small scale RHR was measured using a modified Ohio State University (OSU) RHR apparatus. In intermediate/large scale RHR measurements were carried out in a room-corner configuration with the tested material mounted on the

Improving OFDM: Multistream faster than Nyquist signaling

Mazo's concept of Faster Than Nyquist signaling is extended to pulse trains that modulate adjacent subcarriers, in a manner similar to orthogonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) transmission. Despite pulses that are faster than the Nyquist limit and subcarriers that significantly overlap, the transmission system achieves the isolated pulse error performance. Systems with at least twice the spe

Simulation of gain in quantum cascade lasers

The gain profile of a quantum cascade laser is strongly influenced by the lifetime of the carriers in the upper and lower laser state. The quantitative description of gain within the concept of nonequilibrium Green's functions allows for a detailed understanding of various features affecting the gain spectrum: Compensation effects between scattering processes in the upper and lower laser level, re

Individen i den globala kapitalismen – Om empatikern Kristian Lundberg

Essän diskuterar författaren Kristian Lundbergs skildringar av det samtida arbetslivet med utgångspunkt i olika centrala sociologiska begrepp och problemställningar. Essän slår fast att Lundberg skönlitterärt ger gestalt åt flera viktiga och återkommande erfarenheter för det som kommit att kallas prekariatet, en ny, uppkommande, sammansatt social klass vars liv kännetecknas av ovisshet, utsatthet,

Singular Inverse Wishart Distribution with Application to Portfolio Theory

The inverse of the standard estimate of covariance matrix is frequently used in the portfolio theory to estimate the optimal portfolio weights. For this problem, the distribution of the linear transformation of the inverse is needed. We obtain this distribution in the case when the sample size is smaller than the dimension, the underlying covariance matrix is singular, and the vectors of returns a

Superpolynomial growth in the number of attractors in Kauffman networks (conference report)

The Kauffman model describes a particularly simple class of random Boolean networks. Despite the simplicity of the model, it exhibits complex behavior and has been suggested as a model for real world network problems. This work is based on an earlier paper where we introduced a novel approach to analyzing attractors in random Boolean networks. Applying this approach to Kauffman networks, we prove

A school-curriculum-based exercise intervention program for two years in pre-pubertal girls does not influence hip structure.

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: It is known that physical activity during growth has a positive influence on bone mineral accrual, and is thus possibly one strategy to prevent osteoporosis. However, as bone geometry, independent of areal bone mineral density (aBMD), influences fracture risk, this study aimed to evaluate whether hip structure in pre-pubertal girls is also affected by a two-year exercise inte