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Maternal dietary selenium intake is associated with increased gestational length and decreased risk for preterm delivery

The first positive genome-wide association study on gestational length and preterm delivery showed associations with a gene involved in the selenium metabolism. In this study we examine the associations between maternal intake of selenium and selenium status with gestational length and preterm delivery in 72,025 women with singleton live births from the population based, prospective Norwegian Moth

Seeking No War, Achieving No Peace : The Conflict over the Siachen Glacier

This paper models ‘no war, no peace’ situations in a game theoretical framework where two countries are engaged in a standoff over a military sector. The first main objective is to identify rational grounds for such situations and, more precisely, for the explicit equilibria that lead to such situations. It is demonstrated that both countries gain the same payoff from being in this continuous stat

Memetic Algorithm for the Minimum Edge Dominating Set Problem

The minimum edge dominating set (MEDS) is one of the fundamental covering problems in graph theory, which finds many practical applications in diverse domains. In this paper, we propose a meta-heuristic approach based on genetic algorithm and local search to solve the MEDS problem. Therefore, the proposed method is considered as a memetic search algorithm which is called Memetic Algorithm for mini


IGF-1 is an essential regulator of fetal growth and brain development. Preterm birth in the human is followed by a rapid decrease in serum levels of IGF-1 and decreased levels of IGF-1 have been associated with development of severemorbidity. A recent clinical trial indicated that supplementation with IGF-1 prevented development of severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in extremely preterm infa

Cultivation technology development of Rhodothermus marinus DSM 16675

This work presents an evaluation of batch, fed-batch, and sequential batch cultivation techniques for production of R. marinus DSM 16675 and its exopolysaccharides (EPSs) and carotenoids in a bioreactor, using lysogeny broth (LB) and marine broth (MB), respectively, in both cases supplemented with 10 g/L maltose. Batch cultivation using LB supplemented with maltose (LBmalt) resulted in higher cell

The epidemic of methylisothiazolinone contact allergy in Europe : follow-up on changing exposures

Background: Methylisothiazolinone (MI) has caused an unprecedented epidemic of contact allergy in Europe and elsewhere. Subsequently, regulatory action has been taken, at least in Europe, aiming at reducing risk of MI sensitization. Objective: To follow-up on the prevalence of contact allergy to MI in consecutively patch tested patients and assess the spectrum of products containing MI or methylch

Vad säger vår historia om finanskriser?

Som följd av den globala finanskrisen befinner sig nu Sverige i en djup ekonomisk kris – troligen den djupaste sedan 1930-talet. Det dystra läget har skapat ett intresse för kriser i vår historia. Lars Jonung diskuterar i denna artikel vad vi kan lära från tidigare finanskriser, vilken vägledning de ger oss beträffande dagens kris och vad de säger om framtiden.

Ekonomporträtt: Ingemar Ståhl 1938-2014

Under lång tid var Ingemar Ståhl en välkänd nationalekonom i vårt land. Han presenterade nya perspektiv inom forskning, debatt och undervisning. På områ- den som bostäder, försvarsekonomi, energipolitik, finansiell ekonomi, industri- politik, högre utbildning, löntagarfonder, rättsekonomi, sjukvårdsekonomi och skatter lämnade han avtryck. Han förespråkade ett public choice-perspektiv, vilket han a

Developmental bias in the fossil record

The role of developmental bias and plasticity in evolution is a central research interest in evolutionary biology. Studies of these concepts and related processes are usually conducted on extant systems and have seen limited investigation in the fossil record. Here, I identify plasticity-led evolution (PLE) as a form of developmental bias accessible through scrutiny of paleontological material. I

Adopting hydrogen direct reduction for the Swedish steel industry : A technological innovation system (TIS) study

The Swedish steel industry stands before a potential transition to drastically lower its CO2 emissions using direct hydrogen reduction instead of continuing with coke-based blast furnaces. Previous studies have identified hydrogen direct reduction as a promising option. We build upon earlier efforts by performing a technological innovation system study to systematically examine the barriers to a t

Recent Advances in the Use of Molecularly Imprinted Materials in Separation and Synthesis

Molecularly imprinted materials, prepared using self-assembly imprinting protocols using only non-covalent interactions, can be used as chromatography media in aqueous phase. The recognition properties are highly dependent on the interacting species used in the imprinting protocol. Ionic interactions, together with strong hydrogen bonding, represent useful means of obtaining recognition. With incr

Botulinum and tetanus neurotoxins

Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) and tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) are the most potent toxins known and cause botulism and tetanus, respectively. BoNTs are also widely utilized as therapeutic toxins. They contain three functional domains responsible for receptor-binding, membrane translocation, and proteolytic cleavage of host proteins required for synaptic vesicle exocytosis. These toxins also have dist

Isolation of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria in Southeast Asian and African Human Immunodeficiency Virus-infected Children with Suspected Tuberculosis

We enrolled 427 human immunodeficiency virus-infected children (median age, 7.3 years), 59.2% severely immunodeficient, with suspected tuberculosis in Southeast Asian and African settings. Nontuberculous mycobacteria were isolated in 46 children (10.8%); 45.7% of isolates were Mycobacterium avium complex. Southeast Asian origin, age 5-9 years, and severe immunodeficiency were independently associa

Femtosecond x-ray diffraction reveals a liquid–liquid phase transition in phase-change materials

In phase-change memory devices, a material is cycled between glassy and crystalline states. The highly temperature-dependent kinetics of its crystallization process enables application in memory technology, but the transition has not been resolved on an atomic scale. Using femtosecond x-ray diffraction and ab initio computer simulations, we determined the time-dependent pair-correlation function o