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High exposure to perfluorinated compounds in drinking water and thyroid disease. A cohort study from Ronneby, Sweden

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are extremely persistent manmade substances. Apart from exposure through food and indoor air and dust, humans can be exposed through drinking water if the surface or groundwater is contaminated. In 2013 very high levels of PFOS and PFHxS were found in the drinking water from one of the two waterworks supplying the municipality of Ronneby, Sweden. A cohort

Timing of onset affects arthritis presentation pattern in antisynthetase syndrome

Objective To evaluate if the timing of appearance with respect to disease onset may influence the arthritis presentation pattern in antisynthetase syndrome (ASSD). Methods The patients were selected from a retrospective large international cohort of ASSD patients regularly followed-up in centres referring to AENEAS collaborative group. Patients were eligible if they had an antisynthetase antibody

Leadership : Convergence and Divergence in Leadership Relations

The article argues for theorizing and studying the significance of how so-called leaders and followers converge or diverge in their views and understandings of the leadership/followership relations they may be part of. Divergence or misfits may be common yet missed by the researcher who takes only one party’s view of leadership into account and/or assumes that people involved define the relationsh

Maximum gain, effective area, and directivity

Fundamental bounds on antenna gain are found via convex optimization of the current density in a prescribed region. Various constraints are considered, including self-resonance and only partial control of the current distribution. Derived formulas are valid for arbitrarily shaped radiators of a given conductivity. All the optimization tasks are reduced to eigenvalue problems, which are solved effi

APETALA2 control of barley internode elongation

Many plants dramatically elongate their stems during flowering, yet how this response is coordinated with the reproductive phase is unclear. We demonstrate that microRNA (miRNA) control of APETALA2 (AP2) is required for rapid, complete elongation of stem internodes in barley, especially of the final 'peduncle' internode directly underneath the inflorescence. Disrupted miR172 targeting of AP2 in th

Allergic contact dermatitis caused by 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate in a hospital wristband

Background: 1,6-Hexanediol diacrylate (1,6-HDDA) is a multifunctional acrylate and a potent sensitizer. Objectives: To report a case of allergic contact dermatitis caused by 1,6-HDDA in a hospital wristband. Methods: A male patient presented with eczema on his wrist where he had worn a hospital wristband. Patch testing was performed with our extended European baseline series, additional series, an

Hydrological Seasonal Forecasting

In Sweden, almost half of the electricity produced comes from hydropower. However, the amount of water in the reservoir catchments is not evenly distributed throughout the year. During the colder months, precipitation usually falls as snow and accumulates into a snowpack. This frozen water is not available to the energy producers until the spring snow melt when as much as 70% of the annual dischar

Renal clearance of heparin-binding protein and elimination during renal replacement therapy : Studies in ICU patients and healthy volunteers

BACKGROUND: Heparin-binding protein (HBP) is released by neutrophils upon activation, and elevated plasma levels are seen in inflammatory states like sepsis, shock, cardiac arrest, and burns. However, little is known about the elimination of HBP. We wanted to study renal clearance of HBP in healthy individuals and in burn patients in intensive care units (ICUs). We also wished to examine the level

Human neuropeptide Y signal peptide gain-of-function polymorphism is associated with increased body mass index : possible mode of function

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has been implicated in the control of food intake and energy balance based on many observations in animals. We have studied single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the regulatory and coding sequences of the human NPY gene. One variant (1128 T>C), which causes an amino acid change from leucine to proline at codon 7 in the signal peptide of NPY, was associated with increas

Neuropeptide Y effector systems : perspectives for drug development

Neuropeptide Y was isolated in 1982 and has since attracted considerable interest. It is widely distributed in central and peripheral neurones and can produce a multitude of biological effects in the brain and the periphery. For example, the peptide has been associated with stimulation of food and water intake, control of mood, and regulation of central autonomic functions. In the periphery, sympa

Functional effects and ligand binding of chimeric galanin-neuropeptide Y (NPY) peptides on NPY and galanin receptor types

1. The effects and binding characteristics of a series of chimeric galanin-neuropeptide Y (NPY) peptides were examined in various preparations known to contain a predominant population of either Y1 or Y2 receptors for NPY or galanin receptors. 2. NPY suppressed the electrically stimulated twitches of the rat vas deferens (Y2 receptors), while galanin enhanced the electrically stimulated twitches.

Neoarchean-mesoproterozoic mafic dyke swarms of the indian shield mapped using google earth™ images and arcgis™, and links with large igneous provinces

We present dyke swarm maps generated using Google Earth™ images, ArcGIS™, field data, and available geochronological ages of Neoarchean-Mesoproterozoic (ranging in age from ~2.80 to ~1.10Â Ga) mafic dyke swarms and associated magmatic units of the different Archean cratons of the Indian shield which represent the plumbing system of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs). The spatial and temporal distribut

The cloned guinea pig neuropeptide Y receptor Y1 conforms to other mammalian Y1 receptors

We have cloned the guinea pig neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y1 receptor and found it to be 92-93% identical to other cloned mammalian Y1 receptors. Porcine NPY and peptide YY (PYY) displayed affinities of 43 pM and 48 pM, respectively. NPY2-36 and NPY3-36 had 6- and 46-fold lower affinity, respectively, than intact NPY. Functional coupling was measured by using a microphysiometer. Human NPY and PYY were eq

Assessing heterogeneous effects and their determinants via estimation of potential outcomes

When analyzing effect heterogeneity, the researcher commonly opts for stratification or a regression model with interactions. While these methods provide valuable insights, their usefulness can be somewhat limited, since they typically fail to take into account heterogeneity with respect to many dimensions simultaneously, or give rise to models with complex appearances. Based on the potential outc

Dispersion forces in inhomogeneous planarly layered media : A one-dimensional model for effective polarizabilities

Dispersion forces such as van der Waals forces between two microscopic particles, the Casimir-Polder forces between a particle and a macroscopic object, or the Casimir force between two dielectric objects are well studied in vacuum. However, in realistic situations the interacting objects are often embedded in an environmental medium. Such a solvent influences the induced dipole interaction. With

The precambrian mafic magmatic record, including large igneous provinces of the kalahari craton and its constituents : A paleogeographic review

The study of Precambrian dyke swarms, sill provinces and large igneous provinces on the Kalahari craton in southern Africa has expanded greatly since the pioneering work initiated almost four decades ago. The main contributors to this progress have been a large number of precise U–Pb crystallization ages of mafic rocks, published in a number of recent papers. This information is compiled here into

Steering innovations towards a green economy : Understanding government intervention

In this paper we analyse institutional conditions facilitating the transition towards a green economy by encouraging investment in the enhancement of natural capital and social equity, focussing especially on government interventions. Presenting a conceptual institutional model how innovation generally occurs, we depict system levels that can be influenced by government interventions to facilitate