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Kvinnors val? : en uppsats om barnomsorgen i Nederländerna

This thesis describes the development of childcare facilities in The Netherlands. The Netherlands have a comparatively special position in regards to the participation of women on the labourmarket and has also a poorly developed childcare, which is traditionally not initiated or supported by the Dutch government. The Netherlands has through different factors always had a high number of housewives

En bit på väg... : om den långa vägen mellan sociala världar

The purpose of this essay was to focus on the prospects and limitations for the drug-abusers to make a change to a new way of life. Questions: What can literature tell us about the risks involved with the client leaving the treatmentfacility? How can social service departments offer support and what kind of support does the client request? What is important for him/her to feel participant in socie

Föräldrainflytande i skolan? : en undersökning om föräldrars inflytande vid mobbning i skolan. Undersökningen är gjord i en kommun i södra Sverige

Bullying should not be considered as an isolated phenomenon. Bullying does not only affect individual victims but even touches upon the basic values and rights within society. Bullying does not only occur during school hours and several researchers imply that relationships between the school and home are of significance. The aim of this essay is, by means of surveys, to illustrate the attitude of

Utbränd, stressad eller "kokt groda" : en diskursbeskrivning av begreppet utbrändhet

The purpose of this paper is to examine the current "talk" about the concept of burnout. We want to examine the genesis of the concept of burnout, the different thoughts and directions that dominate the "talk" and how these directions stand in relation to the concept of burnout. We have noticed three main factors that, more or less, all the directions suggest as causes to burno

Alkoholruset - upplevelse och funktion : en kvalitativ studie av sex studenters upplevelse av ruset

The purpose of this essay was to investigate the experience of alcohol intoxication for six students in Lund and what meaning and function alcohol has in their lives. The students were interviewed about their alcohol consumption; how they defined a problematic one, their experiences of alcohol intoxication, and its function and meaning. A qualitative method was used, as the purpose of the study wa

På spaning efter barnet i familjerådslaget

The purpose of this essay was to investigate if, and in that case, how the participation of the child appears and emphasizes in a Family Group Conference. The main questions were: How does the child experience the participation in a Family Group Conference? Does the child have opportunity to influence in its own situation? How does the informal social network and the formal social network (coordin

Inlåst - en fallstudie av hur fyra tvångsomhändertagna flickor hanterar sina upplevelser av att vara på låst utredningshem

The purpose of examining girls who are taken into charge according to the law (1990: 52) with special regulations concerning the care for young persons (LVU), their experiences of being at a locked investigation home. What we do is based on the following questions at issue: · How do the girls experience the time at the investigation home? · Do the girls feel involved and can influence the decision

Omsorgsgarantier inom äldreomsorgen

This study deals with rights for the good care of the elderly in the municipalities of Scania. The study is meant to give deeper knowledge of citizen's charters for care, why such charters have been given and if they can be used to secure the quality of the care of the elderly today and in the future. To put these citizen's charters in a context I have chosen to study how the state after v

Stress i arbetslivet : organisations- och ledningsfaktorer som befrämjar psykosocial hälsa

The purpose of this essay was to examine the causes of stress and psychosocial unhealth in organizations, and shed light on which organizational and managerial elements that can prevent unhealthy stress and aid to a good psychosocial environment. I looked into the characteristics of a "healthy" organization and investigated how the management can contribute to a good psychosocial environ

Hur är det att vara biologiskt barn i ett familjehem?

The purpose of this paper was to describe and analyze how the biological children of a foster home experience to live with foster children. Central issues were e.g. how the biological child experienced to share his or her parents with foster children, also if and how a new member of the family affected the relationships within the family. I performed my survey using a qualitative method. I intervi

Kvinnligt och manligt i missbrukarbehandling

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the view on gender in drug treatment and how it manifests in the treatment. We have made a qualitative study with interviews. We have done interviews at different treatment centres, with a social worker and two scientists. In our interviews we focused on choice of treatment and gender. Our key questions were: · What do previous studies show about m

Effekterna av självkänsla och coping på upplevd stress, mental ohälsa, upplevda krav och upplevd kontroll bland sjukvårdspersonal

The increasing numbers of people who have been put on the sick list during the last years, have in several studies been related to organizational stress. The purpose of this study was to study stress, health, demands and control in relation to self-esteem and coping strategies. 71 women and six men (medical staff) completed a questionnaire with items from Brief Cope,Perceived stress scale, Rosenbe

Validating an Instrument to Measure Dominance in a Swedish Setting

Fiske and Operario (2001) found that high scores in Gough's (1987) dominance scale indicate behavior in situations of power. We studied it together with Empathy, Social Desirability, Social Dominance and Prejudice scales. Our sample were 270 women and 186 men aged 16-20. The Prejudice scales correlated positively and with social dominance. Social Desirability and Empathy were negatively relate

Stress och coping : en fenomenologisk studie av hur kvinnliga sjuksköterskor upplever sin arbetssituation

The main purpose of this study is to describe and increase the understanding, of female nurse's experiences of stresses in their specific context, as well as their use of coping strategies in handling possible stresses. My hope is to give focus to the gender dimension within the stress literature and to lay a foundation for further research. To achieve these purposes I use a phenomenological p

Terapeutiska processer i frigörande andning

Denna kvalitativa studie handlar om en kroppsorienterad behandlingsmetod som kallas Frigörande andning (FA). Under ca tre månader utövade sex undersökningsdeltagare metoden regelbundet tillsammans. Resultaten bygger på deskriptiva intervjuer av deltagarnas erfarenheter. Det övergripande syftet var att studera om det förekommer terapeutiska processer när människor går in och påverkar sin andning ge

Upplevelsen av att arbeta i storrum

The present study attempts to investigate the co-workers experience of working in an open-plan office at the Swedish Tax Agency in four cities in Scania. Differences in the experience of working in an open-plan office together with factors behind these differences were sought by using both a questionnaire and interviews. To collect data the short version of Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (C

Regional cerebral blood flow as a diagnostic tool in frontal lobe dementia of non-Alzheimer type

This paper concerns about regional cerebral blood flow measurements in patients suffering from frontal lobe dementia. The purpose of the study was to contribute of drawing a picture of a diagnostic asset, help making an early contribution to distinguish different kinds of dementia. The 25 female and 18 male patients are a part of The Longitudinal Dementia Study in Lund. Their rCBF measurements hav

Påverkan på implicita attityder genom självinvolverings- och efterbeslutsprocesser

The purpose of this study was to examine if results on the Implicit Association Test (IAT) could be affected by self-involvment and post-decision processes. 74 participants (mainly students) completed a self-esteem and a self-involvement questionnaire and two IATs. Self-involvement was manipulated by distributing two tasks assumed to be of different difficulty level. Post-decision processes was in