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Val av inhalator är av stor vikt vid behandling av astma och KOL
There are three main types of inhalers, dry powder inhalers (DPI, single and multidose), metered dose inhalers (pMDI, spray, suspension and solution), and soft mist (SMI). There are major differences in inhalation technique and handling of the different inhaler types. Different inhalers are well suited for different patients and the choice of inhaler may be crucial for the treatment outcome. It is
Musik : ett estetiskt ämne i lärarutbildningen
The age and abundance structure of the stellar populations in the central sub-kpc of the Milky Way
The four main findings about the age and abundance structure of the Milky Way bulge based on microlensed dwarf and subgiant stars are: (1) a wide metallicity distribution with distinct peaks at [Fe/H] = -1.09, -0.63, -0.20, +0.12, +0.41; (2) a high fraction of intermediate-age to young stars where at [Fe/H] > 0 more than 35 % are younger than 8 Gyr, (3) several episodes of significant star formati
Marked and rapid change of bone shape in acutely ACL injured knees – an exploratory analysis of the Kanon trial
Background: To investigate changes in knee 3D bone shape over the first 5 years after acute anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury in participants of the randomized controlled KANON-trial. Methods: Serial MR images over 5 years from 121 young (32 women, mean age 26.1 years) adults with an acute ACL tear in a previously un-injured knee were analyzed using statistical shape models for bone. A match
Polyclonal expansion of cells with trisomy 7 in synovia from patients with osteoarthritis
Trisomy 7 as the single chromosome aberration has been found in a variety of neoplasms and in normal tissue in the proximity of tumors, as well as in non-neoplastic lesions. Recently, we described a nonrandom pattern of chromosome aberrations, in particular, a gain of chromosome 7, in synovia, cartilage, and osteophytes from patients with osteoarthritis. To study the clonal origin of trisomy 7 in
A novel serotonin-containing tuft cell subpopulation in mouse intestine
In this study, a novel subset of doublecortin-like kinase 1 (DCLK1)-immunoreactive (IR) tuft cells that also contain serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5HT) is described, in terms of their number, regional distribution, possible synthesis or reuptake of 5HT and proximity to 5-HT-containing enterochromaffin (EC) cells. The small intestine from C57BL/6J mice was divided into five segments while the lar
Maintaining multipotent trunk neural crest stem cells as self-renewing crestospheres
Neural crest cells have broad migratory and differentiative ability that differs according to their axial level of origin. However, their transient nature has limited understanding of their stem cell and self-renewal properties. While an in vitro culture method has made it possible to maintain cranial neural crest cells as self-renewing multipotent crestospheres (Kerosuo et al., 2015), these same
Silver nano-needles : Focused optical field induced solution synthesis and application in remote-excitation nanofocusing SERS
Tapered metallic nanostructures that harbor surface plasmons are highly interesting for nanophotonic applications because of their waveguiding and field-focusing properties. Here, we developed a focused optical field induced solution synthesis for unique crystallized silver nano-needles. Under the focused laser spot, inhomogeneous Ag monomer concentration is created, which triggers the uniaxial gr
Protective Effects of Pregnancy on Risk of Alcohol Use Disorder
OBJECTIVE:: The authors sought to clarify the etiology of the association between pregnancy and reduced risk of alcohol use disorder. METHODS:: The authors used data from longitudinal population-wide Swedish medical, pharmacy, and criminal registries to evaluate whether rates of alcohol use disorder are lower during pregnancy. They compared pregnant women born between 1975 and 1992 (N=322,029) wit
Children's practice of computer-based composition as a form of play : The 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC9), Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, August 22-26 2006
Music in different forms is significant in young people’s lives. Due to the media revolution in our modern society, children of today learn a lot about music on their own by taking part in an increasing production of musical cultures. In this paper different forms of play is applied as a way to reach a deeper understanding of children’s creative music making. This article describes a 2-year empiri
Learning from dense cities : Hong Kong spatial constructs as narratives
Cities all over the world are being densified in the quest for sustainable urban development. Whether or not this is a viable strategy is an ongoing debate, but as densifying cities face certain challenges, they can learn from already dense cities, where interactions between interior and exterior space are explicit. This paper takes Hong Kong as a model for the densifying city to focus on three le
Klippgravarna i Kaunos : ett 50-årsminne
Skadlig brist på akademisk kunskap i politiska toppen
Many-body effects in a binary nano-particle mixture dispersed in ideal polymer solutions
A new mean-field theory is developed to treat a binary mixture of nanoparticles imbedded in a polydisperse polymer solution. The theory is based on a many-body polymer-mediated potential of mean force (PMF) between the particles and remains accurate even in the protein regime, where the particles' diameters cannot necessarily be considered large compared to the polymer radius of gyration. As imple
Uninhibited Institutionalisms
Institutional theory (IT) is a very influential set of approaches in organization studies. There is increasing critique that the set is becoming uninhibited: too broad, dispersed, and confusing. Efforts to rejuvinate the field(s) have led to all-embracing definitions and efforts to account for too much, which makes it difficult to identify what is distinct about the assembly of research. This arti
Intravesical therapy - BCG and beyond
Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer is marked by frequent recurrences and a risk for progression to life threatening disease. Intravesical Bacillus Calmette-Gúerin (BCG), one of the earliest effective immunotherapies for cancer, remains the current standard for treating high-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. Optimal treatment with BCG includes periodic 3 weekly maintenance instillations, oft
A case for urban liveability from below : exploring the politics of water and land access for greater liveability in Kampala, Uganda
Improving urban liveability and prosperity is commonly set as a priority in urban development plans and policy around the world. Several annual reports produced by international consulting firms, media, and global agencies rank the liveability of cities based on a set of indicators, to represent the quality of life in these cities. The higher is the ranking, the more liveable is the city. In this
Foraging behaviour of Razorbills Alca torda during chick-rearing at the largest colony in the Baltic Sea
Capsule: Foraging behaviour in the Razorbill Alca torda during breeding was similar to that found elsewhere, aside from dive shape. Aims: To investigate the foraging behaviour of Razorbills during the breeding season at the largest colony in the central Baltic Sea. Methods: A combination of global positioning system (GPS) and time-depth recorder (TDR) devices were used on Razorbills breeding on th