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Effects of front surface plasma expansion on proton acceleration in ultraintense laser irradiation of foil targets

The properties of beams of high energy protons accelerated during ultraintense, picosecond laser-irradiation of thin foil targets are investigated as a function of preplasma expansion at the target front surface. Significant enhancement in the maximum proton energy and laser-to-proton energy conversion efficiency is observed at optimum preplasma density gradients due, to self-focusing Of the incid

High Throughput Screening Method to Explore Protein Interactions with Nanoparticles.

The interactions of biological macromolecules with nanoparticles underlie a wide variety of current and future applications in the fields of biotechnology, medicine and bioremediation. The same interactions are also responsible for mediating potential biohazards of nanomaterials. Some applications require that proteins adsorb to the nanomaterial and that the protein resists or undergoes structural

Inverse relation between vitamin D and serum total immunoglobulin G in the Scandinavian Cystic Fibrosis Nutritional Study

Background/Objectives: The hallmark of cystic fibrosis (CF) is chronic lung inflammation. The severity of lung disease is closely correlated with immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels. Beyond its contribution to the bone health, the importance of vitamin D has not been fully recognized owing to the lack of human studies providing evidence of its benefit. In the context of the recently described immunomodu

The Descents of Military Violence against Civilians: a history of the present

Inspired by the works of Michel Foucault and Erling Sandmo, this article explores contemporary discourses of military violence against civilians from a genealogical perspective. The purpose is to shed light on the historicity of certain structures of knowledge, thoughts, politics and ethics that are fundamental for the ways in which military violence against civilians is put into words, interprete

Sustainability Challenges from Climate Change and Air Conditioning Use in Urban Areas

Global climate change increases heat loads in urban areas causing health and productivity risks for millions of people. Inhabitants in tropical and subtropical urban areas are at especial risk due to high population density, already high temperatures, and temperature increases due to climate change. Air conditioning is growing rapidly, especially in South and South-East Asia due to income growth a

Prediction of Alzheimer’s disease in subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment using biomarkers

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alzheimers sjukdom (eng. Alzheimer’s disease, AD) är den vanligaste orsaken till de- mens. Demens innebär en permanent sänkning av intellektuella förmågor som påverkar individen påtagligt i vardagen. Förekomsten av demenssjukdomar ökar betydligt efter 65 års ålder. AD är en långsamt progredierande sjukdom, som oftast börjar med försämrat närminne. Redan idag är AD en beBackground: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia. In order to have effect of future disease-modifying therapies for AD, the disease must be identified early, before the patients have developed dementia. Many patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) have prodromal AD, but other causes for the syndrome are common. No diagnostic method can identify AD in patients with MC

Size-selectivity of a synthetic high-flux and a high cut-off dialyzing membrane compared to that of the rat glomerular filtration barrier

The aim of the present study was to investigate the size-selectivity of two different synthetic dialyzing membranes, having widely differing sieving properties, with respect to their handling of polydispersed fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-Ficoll, FITC-dextran and of proteins, i.e. I-125-human serum albumin (RISA) and I-125-myoglobin (Myo). Are Ficoll and dextran, compared to proteins, "hyperpe

Long-term molecular remissions in patients with indolent lymphoma treated with rituximab as a single agent or in combination with interferon alpha-2a: A randomized phase II study from the Nordic Lymphoma Group

The purpose of this phase II randomized trial was to evaluate the effect and safety of interferon-2a (IFN) in combination with extended dosing rituximab in patients with symptomatic, advanced indolent lymphoma responding to a standard single course of rituximab. Totally 123 patients were treated with rituximab 375mg/m2 once weekly for 4 weeks leading to 14 complete response (CR; 11%), 56 partial r

Don't Fall Off the Adaptation Cliff: When Asymmetrical Fitness Selects for Suboptimal Traits

The cliff-edge hypothesis introduces the counterintuitive idea that the trait value associated with the maximum of an asymmetrical fitness function is not necessarily the value that is selected for if the trait shows variability in its phenotypic expression. We develop a model of population dynamics to show that, in such a system, the evolutionary stable strategy depends on both the shape of the f

Design and implementation of a distributed Web-based system for itinerary planning in uncertain urban multimodal network

Today’s traffic is one of the main concerns of urban managers. One of the solutions that have been proposed to reduce traffic is encourage people to use public transport instead of personal vehicles, so the quality of public transport should be increased. One way promoting public transport systems quality is creating urban traveler guidance system. In other hand, public transportation network is l

Long-term follow-up after radical cystectomy with emphasis on complications and reoperations: A Swedish population-based survey

Objective. To evaluate outcome after radical cystectomy for primary bladder cancer in a large population-based material. Material and methods. Between 1997 and 2002 all patients treated with radical cystectomy within 3 months after diagnosis of primary bladder cancer without distant metastasis were retrieved through the Swedish Bladder Cancer Registry. A follow-up questionnaire was distributed to

Long-term prognosis of cerebral vein and sinus thrombosis

In recent reports, cerebral vein and sinus thrombosis has had a better long-term prognosis than previously thought. However, there may be long-term problems that have not attracted enough attention. The aim of this chapter is to examine the literature for studies reporting long-term prognosis and outcome after cerebral vein and sinus thrombosis. The long-term prognosis after cerebral vein and sinu

The very long-term course of severe depression, with focus on suicidality

Abstract Objective: To study the very long-term course of severe depression and the subjects own experiences many years after a suicide attempt. Method: Patients diagnosed with severe depression/melancholia between 1956 and 1969 were interviewed 37- 53 years after index admission. Seventy-five telephone interviews were held and medical records were read in many cases. Long-term course of depressio

Dietary fat intake and risk of prostate cancer in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Background: Findings from early observational studies have suggested that the intake of dietary fat might be a contributing factor in the etiology of prostate cancer. However, the results from more recent prospective studies do not support this hypothesis, and the possible association between different food sources of fat and prostate cancer risk also remains unclear. Objective: The objectives wer

Structural and functional consequences of buserelin-induced enteric neuropathy in rat

Background: Women treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogs may develop enteric neuropathy and dysmotility. Administration of a GnRH analog to rats leads to similar degenerative neuropathy and ganglioneuritis. The aim of this study on rat was to evaluate the early GnRH-induced enteric neuropathy in terms of distribution of neuronal subpopulations and gastrointestinal (GI) function

Clinical evaluation of wireless inductive tongue computer interface for control of computers and assistive devices

Typing performance of a full alphabet keyboard and a joystick type of mouse (with on-screen keyboard) provided by a wireless integrated tongue control system (TCS) has been investigated. The speed and accuracy have been measured in a form of a throughput defining the true correct words per minute [cwpm]. Training character sequences were typed in a dedicated interface that provided visual feedback