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Bargaining and Communication in Games

Popular Abstract in Swedish Idén om att företag försöker koordinera sina handlingar för att försöka förhindra rivalitet mellan dem har en lång historia inom nationalekonomin och den har undersökts relativt grundligt. Trots detta är många frågor fortfarande obesvarade och den här avhandlingen ämnar försöka besvara några av dessa. Avhandlingen kan delas in i två relaterade delar. För det första, ävChapter 2 investigates an infinitely repeated Bertrand duopoly where firms with different discount factors bargain over which collusive price and market share to implement. The bargaining is modelled as a strategic game and the main results of the paper is that it shows existence of a unique subgame perfect equilibrium and that the least patient firm's equilibrium market share is not monotone in i

A time-domain approach to the extinction paradox for scattering of electromagnetic waves

The extinction paradox states that a perfectly electric conducting target which is large compared to the wavelength removes from the incident radiation exactly twice the amount of power it can intercept by its geometrical cross section area. In this paper, the extinction paradox is generalized to include temporally dispersive material parameters with finite values of the permittivity and the perme

Dynamic speed adaptation in adverse conditions

Accident risk in adverse conditions (wet/slippery road, darkness) increases drastically and speed adaptation in these conditions is often inappropriate. The safety potential of more appropriate speeds in these situations is high. Appropriate highest speeds in different conditions are discussed. A system, which limits the maximal speed of the vehicle in the actual situation (on wet/slippery road, a

A modified Drude-Born-Fedorov model for isotropic chiral media, obtained by finite scale homogenization

Isotropic chiral media can be modeled in several ways. We show that when realizing such a medium from spiral inclusions with real permittivities and permeabilities in a periodic structure, a modified Drude-Born-Fedorov model is obtained. This model equals the original Born model for small wave vectors, but the strength of the chirality depends on the propagation direction. The effective parameters

Coexistence of gain and absorption

Scattering not only broadens the width of the optical transition between two levels but can enable optical gain and absorption to coexist — a fact that is unambiguously demonstrated by the observation of 'Bloch gain' in a quantum cascade laser.