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The American Dream - A History About Credit

The American Dream is a concept that includes several spectra of the economic cycle in the U.S. It also actualizes values such as self-fulfillment, hard work and possibilities to achieve a better life irrespective of ones background. The discussion of what The American dream is, what it has become and how you can achieve it, varies depending on whom you ask. According to several scholars tradition

Vi måste prata om Riksbanken, eller…?

This essay examines the occurrence of ideas related to either competitive elitist democracy or deliberative democracy in the public debate regarding the Swedish Riksbank and interest rate policy, during the time period 2008-2013. The essay applies an ideal type analysis on a broad material of opinion pieces published in major Swedish newspapers. The ideal types used in the essay are one based on c

Impact of Macroeconomic Shocks on Remittance Inflows to Bangladesh

The increasing flow of remittances to Bangladesh plays a significant role in balance of payments of the country. The study investigates the dynamic long run and short run impact of macroeconomic shocks on remittance inflows to Bangladesh. The empirical analysis uses Cointegration Technique and estimates Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) for the period 1976 to 2011. The study also estimates the

A Case Study on Conservation Agriculture Adoption in Northern Mozambican Province Nampula

The thesis addresses adoption of conservation agriculture in the northern Mozambican province Nampula. In a situation of food insecurity and increasing pressure on land with soil erosion and reduced yields as a result, conservation agriculture is promoted as an agriculture approach which is environmentally sustainable and which also has potential to improve farmers’ livelihoods. The adoption of co

In 100 meters turn left by the runestone - Least cost path and spatial statistics study of the Scanian runestones, in realation to Viking Age infrastructure

This thesis concerns the patterns of organization visible within the context that is the Scanian runestones in relation to roads, organized clustering and energy-conservativity. As well as the digital methods increasingly used to analyze such patterns. Using FMIS databases and LIDAR-elevation data it analyses the long, spread out lines of runestones visible in the landscape through GIS spatial-sta

Another Dam Development Project? Development-forced Displacement and Resettlement in Nepal

In Nepal, dams have been targeted as the most viable means of energy generation. However, dam projects often necessitate the relocation and resettlement of people to make way for reservoirs; processes that may pose great challenges for affected people, given that their homes, land, and livelihoods are lost to some extent. This thesis analyzes the challenges facing the Nepali state in ensuring th

Dynamics of Philanthropy in China: Patterns of Negotiations and Collaboration in Shenzhen and Yunnan

The relations between the Chinese government and philanthropic organizations is complex and in a state of flux and rapid change. The fragmented nature of Chinese politics and local autonomy further contribute to the regional variations of philanthropy. The author examines two representative models of cooperation between government and philanthropic organizations in Yunnan and Shenzhen to explore d

Smarta fjärrvärmenät - En simuleringsstudie av prosumers inverkan på tekniska parametrar i distributionsnät

Environmental awareness increases, with demands for environmental certifications of new communities and buildings as a result. The introduction of climate friendly energy solutions is an important part of this sustainability development. Some examples of such solutions are solar collectors and heat pumps, which is why E.ON wants to investigate ways to combine small-scale, local solar collectors or

Förhållandet mellan den allmänna omplaceringsskyldigheten och turordningsreglerna- Rättsläget och individens trygghet

Anställningsskyddslagen syftar till att skapa anställningstrygghet genom bestående anställningar. Två mekanismer som bidrar till detta är den allmänna omplaceringsskyldigheten i 7 § andra stycket LAS och turordningsreglerna i 22 § LAS. Utfallet av turordningen är (bland annat) i praktiken beroende på hur omplaceringsskyldigheten tillämpas. En central fråga rör under vilka förutsättningar arbetsgiv

Självmordsproblematik på Sri Lanka- En socialkonstruktionistisk studie baserad på hälsoarbetares berättelser

Sri Lanka is an island that suffers from high suicide rates and is ranked as one of the top countries in the world that have people committing suicide. Sri Lanka has been through Tsunami and a long time of conflict during a civil war. The aim of our study is to clarify how health workers talk about the high suicide rates in Sri Lanka. This is a qualitative study with an inductive approach which to

Boys will be boys- Ett socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv på barnavårdsutredningar

The purpose of this study is to examine how swedish social workers describe the three different element of care that are described in the swedish forced law concerning children and youths. I have used a discourse analysis to capture the descriptions and how they construct the elements. The study contains six investigations about teens who have a risky behaviour and requires care without their cons

Business Rules on Trial: Exploring hindrances in validation of Natural Language Business Rules

The ability for organizations to respond to change has become ever more important in today's rapidly changing macro environment. The Business Rules Approach, a relatively new Information Systems Development methodology, promises business agility through the focus on and use of Business Rules. Business Rules are to be stated in natural language, so that they can be accessed and validated by peo

Rehabilitering och socialt kapital. En studie av patientens tillgång till och val av rehabilitering i samband med cancersjukdom

ABSTRACT Author: Moa Stinggård Kristensson Title: Rehabilitation and Social Capital. A Study of the Patient's Access to and Choice of Rehabilitation in the Context of Cancer Disease. Supervisor: Marianne Larsson Lindahl Assessor: Max Koch, Anna Meeuwisse The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which patients were informed about the possibility of rehabilitation. Further, to investig

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda personer med psykiatrisk diagnos i somatisk vård - Litteraturöversikt

Bakgrund: Patienter som vårdas i somatisk vård kan även vara drabbade av psykiatriska sjukdomar. Sjuksköterskor i den somatiska vården behöver även tillgodose dessa patienters omvårdnadsbehov. Syfte: Att ta del av den forskning som undersöker sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med psykiatrisk diagnos på somatiska vårdavdelningar. Metod: En litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ ansats s

Sydafrika och Rhodesia - En jämförande fallstudie av två regimers konstitutioner

I denna B-uppsats har vi undersökt de sista konstitutionerna som Rhodesia och Sydafrika hade innan regimerna i dessa stater föll 1969 respektive 1983. När vi analyserar dem använder vi statsvetaren Arend Lijpharts konsensus- och majoritetsteori. Vi vill se om skillnader i konstitutionerna kan förklara varför övergången till demokrati i Sydafrika blev relativt fredlig medan Rhodesia föll samman i e

The visual album as a hybrid art-form: A case study of traditional, personal, and allusive narratives in Beyoncé

The combination of visual art and music has resulted in many innovative audio-visual phenomena and provides an on-going exciting avenue of artistic production. This thesis explores one such phenomenon, the visual album. The visual album is a hybrid medium between music video and film; like music video, it promotes an audio album, and like film, it is conceived as a whole work of art. The visual al

Space Rewritten - an exploration of spaces at the Tycho Brahe Museum

In this thesis I use the text Mythic, Aesthetic and Theoretical space by Ernst Cassirer to reflect on the Tycho Brahe Museum, Ven. Questions asked, are if conflicting spaces can be seen at the site and if one space can subjugate another. It is also discussed if there exist other spaces than mythic, aesthetic and theoretical. The thesis begins with a short reflection on the definition of the concep

Särskilt utsatt: En kritisk diskursanalys av kvinnan i svenskt bistånd

Samhället är uppbyggt av diskurser som innehåller olika anspråk på verkligheten. Genom språk konstrueras och reproduceras verkligheten och därmed utövas makt. I svensk biståndspolitik formuleras idéer om individer aktuella i bistånd, och då framförallt en idé om kvinnan. Den här uppsatsen har för syfte att ur ett poststrukturalistiskt och feministiskt perspektiv uppmärksamma vilken idé om kvinnan

Analyses of thermal conductivity from mineral composition and analyses by use of Thermal Conductivity Scanner : a study of thermal properties of Scanian rock types

I ett ökat behov av grön energi, ökar även användadet av geoenergi. Berggrunden kan fungera som både energikälla och som energilager, vilket gör den passande för både värme- och kylanläggningar. Berggrundens termiska egenskaper är en av de viktigaste parametrarna vid planering av borrdjup och brunnsutformning för en optimal geotermisk anläggning. Detta mastersarbete innefattar en metodstudie och uWith an increase in demand for green energy the interest has grown in Geoenergy. The bedrock may function both as energy source and as energy storage, which makes it suitable for both heating and cooling. The thermal properties of the bedrock are essential when effectively planning and designing a geothermal energy well. This thesis focuses on research and study of the thermal properties of the Sc

Domstolsprövning av förvaltningsbeslut i Sverige och Danmark - en komparativ studie mot bakgrund av europarätten

Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka domstolsprövningen av förvaltningsbeslut och hur dess roll i det konstitutionella systemet har förändrats till följd av europeiseringen av den nationella rätten. Uppsatsen inleds med ett kapitel om de europarättsliga kraven på domstolsprövning av förvaltningsbeslut. Därefter ägnas ett kapitel åt utvecklingen av den svenska förvaltningsprocessen. FörThe aim of this study is to examine the judicial review of administrative decisions and how its function in the constitutional system has changed following the Europeanization of national law. The essay begins with a chapter on judicial review of administrative proceedings according to the European law. Then a chapter follows on the Swedish administrative procedural law and its development. To cla