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Your search for "*" yielded 532142 hits
Using the principle of hydrophobic interaction to bind and remove wound bacteria.
Effect of type of fragrance compounds on their location in hexagonal liquid crystal
Three fragrances, limonene, benzaldehyde, and phenethylalcohol (that differ in their polarities), were solubilized in hexagonal liquid crystal using the polyethylene oxide-polypropylene oxide-polyethylene oxide, (EO27 PO61 EO27), P-104 triblock copolymer, and water. The interlayer spacing of the hexagonal liquid crystals were established using small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). The SAXS data are
Interchain photoluminescence in substituted polyfluorenes
We have characterised the interchain emitting states of two substituted polyfluorenes with steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL). Site selective excitation of the interchain state shows that physical dimers are formed in the film. These dimers have low concentration in the films but exciton diffusion to the dimers is reducing the intrachain exciton lifetime. With asymmetrical subst
De värjde sin rätt : senmedeltida bondemotstånd i Skåne och Småland
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka på vilka sätt bönder kunde göra motstånd och protestera mot överheten under de avslutande decennierna av nordisk senmedeltid, åren 1490-1525, som också utgjorde Kalmarunionens slutskede. Undersökningen består av en komparation mellan det danska Skåne och det svenska Småland, och utförs i tre steg. Först görs en genomgång öv"They defended their Right: late medieval Peasant Resistance in Scania and Småland." The aim of this thesis is to explore in what ways peasants could resist and protest against authorities during the final decades of the Nordic late middle ages, the years 1490-1525. It consists of a comparison between the Danish province of (Scania) Skåne and the Swedish province of Småland. The study is performe
Object-Oriented Modelling of a Controlled Chemical Process
Radiative lifetime measurements and oscillator strengths of astrophysical interest in HoIII
Radiative lifetimes of three long-lived levels belonging to the 4f(10)5d configuration of Ho III have been measured, for the first time, using the time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence technique. A good agreement between the experimental lifetimes and theoretical results obtained within a multiconfigurational pseudo-relativistic Hartree-Fock (HFR) approach including core-polarization (CP) effec
Prognostic significance of flow cytometric DNA analysis and estrogen receptor content in breast carcinomas--a 10 year survival study
The prospective prognostic significance of flow cytometry derived DNA-ploidy status, the level of the S-phase fraction (SPF), estrogen receptor (ER) content, and combinations of these factors, was evaluated with respect to overall survival (OS) in a series of 516 breast cancer patients who were without signs of residual or distant disease after primary completed treatment. The median duration of s
Leaching of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using a Column Method
Popular Abstract in Swedish Polycykliska aromatiska kolväten (PAH) är en grupp organiska ämnen som kan vara giftiga men även starkt cancerframkallande. De bildas vid förbränning av organiskt material vid låg syretillförsel och återfinns i olika produkter som tjära och fossila bränslen. De källor som tillför störst mängd till miljön idag är bostadsuppvärmning med ved, kol och olja (i Sverige ca 2/3Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of organic pollutants of great environmental concern, due to their toxicity, carcinogenicity and long persistence in the environment. To determine the potential risk associated with PAHs released from contaminated soil or waste materials, knowledge is required on the leachable concentrations of PAHs and the amounts available for release. The obj
Cooperation during morning care between nurses and severely demented institutionalized patients.
Nurse-patient cooperation during morning care in two wards for the care of severely demented patients (107 observations) were analyzed by using a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach. Nurse-patient cooperation was found to be characterized by their acting in mutuality or unilaterality and in or out of pace with each other. When acting in pace and mutuality, the nurse and patient turned to each ot
Evidence for superdeformation in Dy-149,Dy-150: Onset of the collapse of the Z=66 deformed shell closure?
An experiment has been performed to search for superdeformed (SD) states in Dy-149,Dy-150. While no evidence for discrete superdeformed states has been observed, a superdeformed ridge with a separation of Delta E-gamma=52 keV with a total intensity of 1.8+/-0.5% that of Dy-150 has been observed. An upper limit of 0.8% (0.9%), of the intensity of Dy-150 (Dy-149), is placed for observation of the mo
Generating highly polarized nuclear spins in solution using dynamic nuclear polarization
A method to generate strongly polarized nuclear spins in solution has been developed, using Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) at a temperature of 1.2 K, and at a field of 3.354 T, corresponding to an electron spin resonance frequency of 94 GHz. Trityl radicals are used to directly polarize C-13 and other low-gamma nuclei. Subsequent to the DNP process, the solid sample is dissolved rapidly with a
Åskådningens kris – roten till 1900-talets filosofi
Shadows of language in physics and cybernetics
In a large variety of disciplines, fundamental studies often straddle in self-referential situations, in need of relativization to language and complementaristic resolution. In such attempts, the languages at play are hardly visible themselves. Only shadows of language, somewhat characteristic of the various disciplines, become visible and tractable. We select two domains, quantum mechanics and cy
Sweden vs. Apartheid: Putting Morality ahead of Profit
Human impact on the fish diversity in the four largest lakes of Sweden
The four largest Swedish lakes, Vanern, Vattern, Malaren, Hjalmaren, host important commercial fisheries for char, salmon, trout, whitefish, vendace (cisco), perch, pike-perch, pike and eel, i.e. highly diverse biological resources. Case studies illustrate physical, chemical and biological impacts on some of these commercial species caused by constructions of dams and ship canals, eutrophication,
Circular Reference Attributed Grammars - their Evaluation and Applications
This paper presents a combination of Reference Attributed Grammars (RAGs) and Circular Attribute Grammars (CAGs). While RAGs allow the direct and easy specification of non-locally dependent information, CAGs allow iterative fixed-point computations to be expressed directly using recursive (circular) equations. We demonstrate how the combined formalism, Circular Reference Attributed Grammars (CRAGs
Cyclin A1 Expression and Regulation in Hematopoietic and Leukemic Cells
Popular Abstract in Swedish Man har tidigare sett att patienter med akut myeloisk leukemi (AML) har förhöjda nivåer av det cellcykelreglerande proteinet cyklin A1 och överuttryck av cyklin A1 i de myeloiska cellerna hos transgena möss resulterade i att mössen utvecklade AML. Syftet med avhandlingen var att ytterligare studera uttrycket och regleringen av cyklin A1 i hematopoetiska celler. Vi börjaIncreased expression of the cell cycle regulatory protein cyclin A1 has previously been detected in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and targeted overexpression of cyclin A1 in a transgenic mouse model initiated AML. The aim of this thesis was to further study the expression and regulation of cyclin A1 in hematopoietic cells. We started with evaluating the subcellular localization of cyc