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Does symbolic recognition matter? - Secession-inducing features of symbolic recognition in two autonomous sub-state entities within Spain

This essay is a hypothesis-generating study that theorizes on secession-inducing features of symbolic recognition in places divided by national, ethnic, linguistic or cultural diversity, something that has generally been overlooked in the research field of constitutional design, secessionism and power sharing systems. The hypothesis is partially tested using a most-similar research design for two

Including but not limited to: How Brussels is emerging as a global regulatory superpower, establishing its data protection standard worldwide

Can the European Union shape global regulatory policy? If it can, what conditions exist? This is the essential question at the centre of this thesis. This thesis will employ the case of global data protection regulation and put the two opposing theories of realist Daniel Drezner and institutionalist Anu Bradford against each other. To answer the first questions data protection authorities around t

Hot mot demokratin - En komparativ studie om demokratiska nedgångar

Democracies around the world is once again on decline. In this thesis I examine why some democracies face a recession, while other democracies do not. I chose four countries, that I have examined in pairs. Hungary in comparison to Czech Republic and Venezuela compared to Chile, where Hungary and Venezuela are the two countries that have faced a democratic recession. I chose three factors from the

Intra-locus sexual conflict and sexually antagonistic genetic variation for fitness in hermaphroditic flatworm Mactrostomum lignano

Sexuell konflikt uppstår när optimum för en viss egenskap skiljer sig mellan könen, och kan ske på olika nivåer. Ur ett evolutionärt perspektiv studeras det framförallt mellan gener (IRSC), eller mellan alleler inom en och samma gen (IASC). Det fundamentala problemet ligger i att honor och hanar delar genetisk arkitektur men har olika ekologiska krav och behov. Konflikten mellan de två könen hanIntra locus sexual conflict (IASC) occurs when sex-specific optima for a certain trait differs, and the trait is controlled by shared genes across the sexes. Sexual dimorphism is recognized to be a sign of previous or ongoing sexually antagonistic selection in separate sexed species, while hermaphrodites have been overlooked in the past due to their monomorphic appearance. Despite this, hermaphrod

Thermodynamics of a Two-Qubit Absorption-Driven Heat Pump

Quantum thermal machines, a sub-field of quantum thermodynamics, are actively studied with the aim to understand the connection between quantum mechanics and thermodynamics. In this work, qubits are used as the active medium in an absorption driven heat pump. The dynamics of this thermal machine are computationally simulated by treating the qubits as an open quantum system interacting with three b

Predicting Customer Lifetime Value and its underlying short-term cash flow effects

Background The intense competition in the Telecom industry makes service providers invest heavily in acquiring new customers. In Telavox case, the majority of these initial expenses are related to the sales process. To be profitable it is necessary for the customers to generate a net profit during its time at Telavox that compensates for this initial expense, i.e. a positive Customer Lifetime Valu

Advantages of using Virtual Reality as a financial instrument

Fenomenet Virtual Reality (VR) har dom senaste åren uppmärksammats av de flesta teknikintresserade världen över. Tekniken möjliggör bland annat visualisering och interaktion med miljöer och som i verkligheten skulle bli för kostsamma att återskapa. Samtidigt så står bankernas sätt att presentera finansiell information förhållandevis stilla och utgörs fortfarande av listor och 2D-grafer. I studien In recent years, the phenomenon of Virtual Reality has been highlighted by most technology-interested persons around the world. The technology allows visualization and interaction with environments, which in real life would be too costly to recreate. At the same time, the banking sector’s ways of presenting financial information are relatively old fashioned and still consist of lists and 2D graphs

Robot Tool Calibration of an Active Pen with Python using an Enabled Surface from Anoto Technology

This master thesis has shown multiple uses of the Anoto dot pattern and Anoto pen for different applications. One application is the calibration of the robot tool and work object. Another is the use of an Anoto pen and paper as replacement of the ABB Flexpendant to create a lightweight and intuitive control device to control an industrial robot, experimentally demonstrated for the IRB140 robot arm

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: an analysis of the European policy response

This master’s thesis analyses the extent to which EU member states and EU bodies have responded coherently towards China’s Belt and Road Initiative. The master’s thesis uses a mixed method approach: it begins with a comparative study of the Dutch, German, Czech and Hungarian policy responses towards the BRI. These are: an analysis of the national policy stance, the foreign policy stance and an ana

Vishet från visamhet – en fenomenologisk studie av dyadisk affektreglering och dess implikationer för psykoterapi

I denna studie intervjuades sex AEDP-terapeuter med syfte att undersöka deras erfarenheter och upplevelser rörande dyadisk affektreglering. Intervjuerna analyserades enligt Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), vilket genererade två huvudteman och nio underteman. Analysen visade att dyaden upplevs som något substantiellt och påtagligt, samt visade på de olika sätt som terapeuterna jobbarSix interviews were conducted with AEDP-therapists with the purpose of examining their experiences concerning dyadic affect regulation. The transcripts were analyzed with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) and two main themes and nine sub-themes emerged. The first main theme concerns the dyad as a substantial and palpable experience, how this influenced the therapeutic endeavor, and ob

Svenska fastighetsbolags efterlevnad av IAS 40

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för hur väl svenska fastighetsbolags årsredovisningar (2016) följer de upplysningskrav som specificeras i IAS 40 p.75/76, samt undersöka huruvida samband existerar mellan efterlevnad och företagsspecifika egenskaper. Metod: Fastighetsbolagens årsredovisningar studeras och bedömningar görs huruvida upplysningskraven enligt IAS 40 p.75/76 efterlevs. StudPurpose: The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of how well Swedish real estate company's annual reports (2016) follow the disclosure requirements specified in IAS 40 p.75/76, as well as investigating whether relationships exist between compliance and company-specific characteristics. Methodology: Real estate companies' annual reports are being studied and assessments are m

Interventioner baserade på informations- och kommunikationsteknik för patienter med ätstörningar. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Ätstörningar är psykosomatiska tillstånd som medför allvarliga konsekvenser, både fysiska och psykiska samt sociala. Vid behandling av ätstörningar kan olika informations- och kommunikationstekniker erbjudas för vårdare och/eller patienter. Syfte: Att identifiera och beskriva interventioner baserade på Internet och mobila applikationer för personer med ätstörningar, med fokus på interven

Transverse dynamics and system overview for the LEBT section of the ESS linac

Europas behov av en avancerad, kraftfull neutronspjälkningsskälla uttrycktes redan för 20 år sedan. I detta nu är European Spallation Source, ESS, under uppbyggnad i Lund, Sverige. Dess 600 meter långa accelerator kommer att accelera protoner till nära ljusets hastighet, vilka sedan ska kollideras med ett strålmål av volfram för att utvinna neutroner. Nya möjligheter till forskning inom material oThe Low Energy Beam Transport, LEBT, is the _rst part of the European Spallation Source accelerator, the ESS linac, that is currently under construction in Lund. The LEBT section, that will be installed and commissioned in early 2018, has the purpose of focusing and steering the low-energy proton beam that enters directly from the ion source. For simulation of the beam dynamics in the LEBT, ESS us

Revisorns gestaltning - En orimlig bild?

Examensarbetets titel: Revisionens gestaltning - En orimlig bild? Seminariedatum: 2018-01-11. Ämne/kurs: FEKH69, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i redovisning, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Hampus Dajcman, Dusjan Mijovski, Hanna Nilsson af Geijersstam, William Sjöberg. Handledare: Peter W Jönsson. Fem nyckelord: Revisor, revision, media, förväntningsgap och gestaltning. Syfte: Att undersöka hur revisorTitle: The Portrayal of the Auditor - an Unreasonable Picture? Seminar date: 2018-01-11. Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points. Authors: Hampus Dajcman, Dusjan Mijovski, Hanna Nilsson af Geijersstam, William Sjöberg. Advisor: Peter W Jönsson. Key words: auditor, auditing, media, expectation gap, portrayal. Pur

Konstruktion och instrumentering av försöksuppställning för kemitekniska studier

I det här arbetet har en försöksuppställning tagits fram och instrumenterats. Försöksuppställningen består av en tankserie med tre tankar monterade i kaskad, en pump, en plattvärmeväxlare, ventiler och rör samt instrumentering och elektronik och en dator för reglering. Uppställningen är designad så att den ska vara flexibel och möjliggöra ett flertal olika laborationer och försök. Målet med uppstä

Gamification - En studie om motivation i fitnessappar

Studien ämnar förstå hur användare motiveras till att gå med i utmaningar som ger en ekonomisk belöning, detta utforskas med en kvantitativ undersökning av användare i fitnessappar. Undersökningen har utförts genom att konkretisera forskningsfrågan utifrån vår undersökningsmodell som hanterar spelelement; ekonomiska belöningar och utmaningar, SDT; hur inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer kan påverka

Improved Water Management in Rural Jordanian Communities Hosting Refugees

This research set out to examine if participation can improve the management of water resources in rural Jordanian communities. Jordan is second most resource-scare country in the world, and is facing significant increase in demand for water as a result of the arrivals of refugees from the Syrian conflict. The purpose of this work is to delineate the role of participation as a facilitator for impr

Resonance Raman Scattering on Wurtzite Gallium Arsenide Nanowires

Advances in crystal growth allow for precise control of crystal phase in semiconductor nanowires. The arising novel materials, like wurtzite gallium arsenide (wz-GaAs), are promising options for new and improved, mainly optoelectronic devices. To do this, however, intensive investigation into their electroninc band structure is needed. This can for example be achieved by optical spectroscopy like

Distributing a Neural Network on Axis Cameras

Datorseende blir allt bättre, men med dess precision tillkommer en beräkningskostnad. Detta arbete undersöker hur man kan använda svagare men fler datorer, exempelvis kameror, för att implementera dagens kraftfulla algoritmer.This document describes the methods and results of our Master’s Thesis, car- ried out at Axis Communications AB. A central problem with deep neural networks is that they contain a large num- ber of parameters and heavy computations. To cope with this, our idea was to split the network into chunks large enough that they require their own core, yet small enough to not violate our memory constraints.