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Att behöva röka med ledningen på toaletten för att få information om organisationen

Med utgångspunkt i en kvalitativ ansats undersöker och problematiserar denna studie hur medarbetare i en flexibel organisation, genom den interna kommunikationen, befäster och omförhandlar organisationens identitet. Vidare skapar den förståelse för de flexande medarbetarnas möjlighet till medskapande, och deras syn på vikten av att kunna identifiera sig med organisationen de jobbar på. Studien basBased on a qualitative approach, this study examines and problematizes how employees in a flexible organization, through the internal communication community, consolidate and renegotiate the organization's identity. Furthermore, it creates an understanding of the flexible employees ability to co-create, and their view on the importance of being able to identify themselves with the organization

On Risk Analysis Of Extreme Sea Levels In Falsterbo Peninsula

Rising sea level is very frightening and can cause huge amount of damage, thus coastal protection is vital for protecting infrastructure, coastal environments and human lives against flooding. To build effcient coastal protection one has to know the magnitude of the flood. Usually one has little information of flooding since they don't occur very often, hence it can be hard to know how to bCoastal protection is vital for protecting infrastructure, coastal environments and human lives against flooding. Building ecient coastal protection requires a good understanding of maximum sea levels which might occur indifferent time periods in the future. Extreme value theory provides a mathematical framework for such analyses. On November 13, 1872 the biggest recorded sea level surge devastat

External factors and their influence on Green IS adoption: A qualitative study of 4 Swedish municipalities

The literature within Information Systems has approached Green IS from different perspectives and using different theoretical frameworks. The present paper analyzes the corre-lation between the existence of external pressures and Green IS adoption in the case of Swe-dish municipalities. A qualitative research was conducted, with the performance of in-depth interviews with representatives of a 4 Sw

How do listed non-financial companies adjust their capital structure after an increase in corporate income tax rate?

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how listed non-financial companies in the German and French markets adjust their leverage after corporate income tax increases. Methodology: We performed a panel data regression analysis with a difference-in-differences approach based on Heider & Ljungqvist (2015) and Schandlbauer (2016). We used the firm size, market-to-book and tangibil

Interna business blindspots: Misslyckandet med att utnyttja och förstå vad organisationen redan vet

Att fatta beslut begränsas på flera olika sätt. Vid dataanalys kan man begränsas av business blindspots. Business blindspots har definierats som misslyckandet med att ta reda på och ut- nyttja relevant information om sin marknads- och konkurrenssituation. Det är dock inte i bara marknads- och konkurrenssituationen det går att misslyckas med att ta reda på och utnyttja re- levant information. Detta

Kroppar på fel plats: en undersökning om rasifierade studenters erfarenheter av humaniora

In this thesis I interview four racialized humanities students. I do so to understand how the academic room is oriented towards whiteness and to examine how the interviewees experience and handle experiences of racialization in the humanities. My purpose is to shed light on these experiences from an intersectional perspective. In doing so I want to reach an understanding of power structures within

Fundamental review of the trading book - The new approach to measure market risk

The Fundamental Review of the Trading Book sets the standard for the most recent regulatory framework for minimum capital requirement within market risk. It will be implemented gradually up until 2019 and will overhaul a major part of the current regulation. More specifically it will cause financial institutions to estimate risk with Expected Shortfall instead of Value-at-Risk and add a new way of

Digitalisera mera! Får det oss att trivas bättre?

I dagens konkurrenskraftiga samhälle måste organisationer digitalisera sin verksamhet för att gynnas av de fördelar som ny teknik kan bidra med. Detta leder till förändringar i organisationens existerande värdekedjor vilket påverkar organisationens anställda och arbetet de utför. Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur anställda upplever att digitalisering inom organisationen påverkar anställdas upplevda

Ett liv i trängsel

The aim of this paper was to analyse how stakeholders such as municipalities and tourism operators at small-scale destinations strategically work to handle issues regarding carrying capacity in order to protect the social sustainability. The paper examines the world heritage site Cinque Terre in Italy, which has experienced a major change in tourist flows during the last decade. The comprising fiv

Documenting sustainability, stone by stone : climate change mitigation in the building sector with unnamed implications

The building sector is the greatest single contributor to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. A change in the patterns of building practices has the potential to contribute to mitigate the sector’s CO 2 emissions. Contemporary governance mechanisms see Non-Governmental actors take a considerable proportion of the action with market mechanisms. Building Councils as multi-stakeholder, non-state

Personuppgifter som en nödvändig facilitet - I vilken utsträckning tillåts EU:s dataskydds- och konkurrenslagstiftning samarbeta i syfte att främja en effektiv konkurrens?

Det kommersiella värdet av personuppgifter och behandling av dessa är av stort värde för aktörer i den digitala ekonomin. Den ökade insamlingen och behandlingen av personuppgifter utgör risker och utmaningar, inte bara för att skydda EU: s medborgares integritet och personuppgifter, men också för den fria konkurrensen på den inre marknaden. Nya aktörer kan behöva ha tillgång till personuppgifter fThe commercial value of personal data and the processing of these is of great value for players in the digital economy. The increased collection and processing of personal data poses risks and challenges not only to the protection of EU citizens’ privacy and personal data, but also to the competitive environment on the internal market. New entrants may need access to personal data in order to comp

Amortera mera

Since 1st of June 2016, an amortisation requirement in Sweden applies, which means that new mortgages will be amortised to 50 percent of the value of the housing price. This was introduced when the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen) considered that there was a need to dampen the aggregated debt in Sweden and the purpose of the requirement was to increase household resista

Polyfenoler i olivolja - förordningar, halter och hälsopåståenden

I dagens livsmedelsbutiker ser man allt fler produkter märkta med närings- och hälsopåståenden. Functional foods är en miljardmarknad där man tydligt ser en årlig tillväxt för dessa livsmedelsprodukter. I början av år 2017 konstaterades att majoriteten av de svenska aktörerna inom olivoljebranschen väljer att använda sig av livsmedelsverkets nyckelhålsmärkning, vilket indikerar till konsumenterna

The Geothermal Potential in Isla Campuzano, Nicaragua

Nicaragua has a geothermal potential of 1519 MW (CNE 2001) due to its volcano chain created by the tectonic activity between the Cocos plate and the Caribbean plate. The Ministry of Energy and Mines in Nicaragua has the ambition to have 91% of Nicaraguas energy consumption from renewables energy for 2027 where geothermal energy will constitute 22%. In June 2016 an earthquake of magnitude 6.1 occur

Escaping Sanctions by Trade Diverting

Sanctions are one of the main policy tools used in order change behaviour of countries involved in conflicts, without using armed forces. This paper examines the possibility for a targeted country to escape the potential negative effects from sanctions by increasing trade with third countries that has not imposed sanctions. The analysis is carried out on the specific case of the sanctions against

The Effects of Availability and Trust on Stock Market Participation: A cross-sectional study based on China

This paper investigates the effects of behavioral finances on stock market participation by employing data from China Family Panel Study (CFPS). Availability and trust are chosen as the target variables to explain the participation problems in the stock market. The study finds evidence that financial service availability and individual trust have positive influences on the stock market participati

”Alla ska prata med oss liksom inte om oss” : En kvalitativ undersökning om ensamkommande ungdomars resurser och upplevelser av delaktighet och självbestämmande.

The intention of this study was to investigate how individuals who arrived to Sweden as unaccompanied children perceived their possibilities of using their strengths to achieve participation and autonomy. The questions posed in the essay aimed to capture the indivi-duals’ experiences of how their participation and autonomy were affected by their abilities, needs and preconditions. The results of t