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The Nexus of Financial Development and Economic Growth - Impact on property prices

This study investigates the negative effects generated from the nexus of financial development and economic growth. Through recent years have the financial sector escalated in ‘speed’ due to the high levels of financial integration which have in turn caused an effect of ‘too much finance’. The effect has been notice in the constant increase of property prices and hence private debt. In order to an

Media Wars: The Caliphate Strikes Back. Islamic State’s Propaganda Magazine Dabiq as a Possible Paradigm Shift in Visual War Reporting and Propaganda

This thesis analyses the history and usage of war photography and propaganda according to theories of their utilisation for the establishment of national narratives in times of war. While Western media and nations alike try to establish narratives of just war without loss of innocent people and own soldiers, the newly emerged terrorist group Islamic State indicates a paradigm change in the approac


The project is located in Aden City. Aden is a city in the Yemeni Coastal Plains, on the Gulf of Aden just at the Southern End of the Red Sea. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city has a desert climate. During the year, there is virtually no rainfall in Aden. The hot weather and the humidity is a big challenge in this kind of cities. The project is a kind of research and a design in climate

Struggling with Technology; A critical investigation of the role of the information and communication technology-sector in Stockholm’s regional development

This thesis investigates the role of the local ICT-sector in Stockholm’s regional development over the last four decades. The inquiry is motivated, on the one hand, by economic polarization in the region and, on the other hand, by the increasing centrality of technical innovation in the region’s development over the last decades. The theoretical background is based on the literature that covers f

Neutron Reflectometry performed on an Iridium Sample using the Multi-Blade Detector

The current thesis presents the results from a neutron reflectometry analysis performed on data collected at ISIS in Rutherford Appleton Laboratories, England, in October 2017. The CRISP instrument was used and the Multi-Blade incorporated as a detector. This was the first attempt ever to use the Multi-Blade in this type of measurement. The Multi-Blade is a cold and thermal neutron detector curren

Opportunity Recognition, Evaluation and Exploitation in the Context of Prototyping

This research advances the theoretical knowledge of the entrepreneurial process by investigating opportunity recognition, evaluation and exploitation in the context of prototyping. In particular, this thesis studies if, how and why the phenomenon changes the new venture creation process. Eight in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with founders of startups offering a digital solution

Om offentlig konsumtion och växelkurs -ett finanspolitiskt samarbete?

This paper examines if the simultaneous fiscal consolidations of the United Kingdom and Greece after 2010 are related to each individual country’s successive development in economic growth. By using data mainly from the countries’ own national statistical institutions two hypotheses argue that each country’s development in economic growth is due to an exogenous shift of a thought IS-curve, either

Länsstyrelsen Skåne på Facebook

Sociala medier är relativt nya kommunikationskanaler som ständigt är i ropet. För att följa med i trenden är det många myndigheter som har bestämt sig för att synas på sociala medier. För dem gäller det oavsett medium att följa språklagen. Den säger att alla offentliga verksamheter måste producera texter som är enkla, vårdade och begripliga. Samtidigt finns det rekommendationer för hur man bör skr

Influence of fear on the behavioural decisions of common roach (rutilus rutilus)

Under predation risk, a trade-off between the need for safety and foraging opportunity occurs. Fish have been shown to adopt several behavioural strategies in order to reduce the risk of being attacked by a predator. In order to deeper investigate this phenomenon, in the present study common roach (Rutilus rutilus) behavioural personalities have been assessed under laboratory conditions and in the

Modeling of the immune response during virus infection of the human respiratory tract

In this master thesis a temporal model of the dynamics between virus and the immune system during a HRV infection was developed. The model was utilized to achieve numerical estimates for parameters governing the mechanisms in the immune system. Through a sensitivity analysis the interplay between different cells in the model was examined. The reliability of the parameter estimates were evaluated t

Aktivitetsbaserat kontor -­ hur sker kommunikationen?

Den här studien har undersökt hur den formella och informella kommunikationen sker i ett aktivitetsbaserat kontor samt vilken roll digitala verktyg har i ett aktivitetsbaserat kontor, vilket i sin tur påverkar internkommunikationen. Med ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt har elva kvalitativa intervjuer med medarbetare från olika avdelningar på ett svenskt telekombolag genomförts. Resultatet visar

Using herbarium data to study impact of climate change on flowering phenology and hybridization potential of closely related plant species

Considerable attention has been devoted to assessing the biological consequences of global warming during the past decades. Phenological events in plants, especially onset of flowering, has generally been observed to advance with rising temperature. However, phenology research is often restricted to short time periods because of limited data availability. Collection of flowering data from herbariu

Akerselva The Right Side of The Brain

Oslo has until now been divided into the west and east, separated by categories of economic and social class as well as a physical barrier, the river, Akerselva. The west predominantly represents people of middle to upper class, whereas the east represents the middle to lower class people. This division has been formed throughout history, as the river that separates Oslo has been home to industry,

Kulturens roll i stadsförnyelse - en diskursiv kamp och dess rumsliga konsekvenser. En fallstudie av Gåsebäck i Helsingborg

Different interests ascribe different meaning to the role of culture in urban regeneration and discourses are created. Previous research showed that successful examples of urban regeneration happened as culture-led bottom-up processes, where inhabitants had a supporting cooperation with the city administration. No strong evidence has been presented in previous research that culture has trickle-dow

Ryska Federationen och det Tyska Riket - är en analogi möjlig?

In this essay two parallel analyses of today’s Russia in relation to the annexation of Crimea and the German Empire from its creation following the Franco-Prussian war until the outbreak of the first world war will be conducted with the purpose to answer the question; if an analogy can be made between these cases. These analyses will be from the theoretical perspective of Neoclassical Realism. Fol

Medias påverkan på människors attityd till pornografi : en kvantitativ- och kvalitativ undersökning om medias påverkan på människors attityd till pornografi

Denna studie undersöker medias påverkan på människors attityd till pornografi. Bakgrunden till undersökningen kom av ett radioprogram på P3 som pratade om pornografi utan att problematisera vad de lyfte i programmet. Studien bygger på dels en kvantitativ undersökning och dels en kvalitativ analys. Primärmaterialet till studien har hämtats från en enkätundersökning där målgruppen har fått ta ställnThis study examines medias influence on peoples attitude on pornography. The background for the study is a radio show that talked about pornography without problematize what they where talking about. The study is using partly a quantitative method and partly a qualitative method. The primary material in the study has been collected from a internet based survey. The target group has been allowed to

Sexuellt våld i Sydafrika - En feministisk analys av fredsprocessen efter apartheid

Fredsprocessen i Sydafrika efter apartheidkonflikten används ofta inom Freds- och Konfliktstudier som ett lyckat exempel. Detta trots att Sydafrika idag är ett av länderna med högst antal sexuella övergrepp globalt. Vi har analyserat varför fredsprocessen kan betraktas som lyckad utifrån Roland Paris teori Institutionalization Before Liberalization genom att göra en fallstudie på Sydafrikas fredsp

Prediction of Volatility and Value at Risk with Copulas for Portfolios of Commodities

Value at Risk (VaR) is a popular measurement for valuing the risk exposure. Correct estimates of VaR are essential in order to properly be able to monitor the risk. This thesis examines a copula approach for estimating VaR for portfolios of commodities. The predictions are made from a semi- parametric model with Monte Carlo methods. The underlying model is constructed by choosing the best fit from

Hotellens val av hållbara strategier i förhållande till gästens upplevelse

Problemområde: Turism är en stadigt växande bransch och många reser för att koppla bort från vardagen. Samtidigt ökar medveten om hållbarhetsfrågor vilket genererat ett intresse för verksamheters ansvarstagande i frågan. I studien undersöks hotellens vattenbesparande strategier eftersom det fanns exempel då de påverkats av gästens upplevelse. Det identifierade problemområdet är således hotellens b