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Regime Legitimacy in Troubled Waters: To What Extent Does Inequality Influence Trust in Political Institutions in Thailand (2002-2016)?

Thailand ranks not only among the world’s most unequal societies but is also a unique case regarding political instability. Along many recent legitimacy crises, contributing to the country’s instability, it turned out that Thailand mostly lacks specific support for regime institutions, as diffuse support for the national community is rather stable. This study intends to bridge a gap in the literat

Firm dynamics and productivity growth

The process of firms entering and exiting the market has since Schumpeter’s introduction of the concept of creative destruction been a subject of interest for economists aiming to determine what drives economic growth. However, limited availability of data has long been a hindrance to such ambitions and it is not until recent decades that empirical studies on the role of firm dynamics for economic

Musicerandets värmande effekt i ett kallare land

Arbetets syfte var att med en kvalitativ ansats och med djupintervjuer utforska upplevelsen av meningsfullhet kopplat till aktiviteten att musicera för migranter som genomgått en migration till Sverige. Samt att resonera kring vad musikaktiviteter kan ha för förlängda effekter på välmående och hälsan för informanterna. Syftet besvarades med hjälp av att ha analyserat materialet dels induktivt och

CTC characterization in metastatic breast cancer

Mellan metastas och primärtumör – karaktärisering av cirkulerande tumörceller Bröstcancer är idag en av de vanligaste och den typ av cancer som leder till näst flest dödsfall bland kvinnor idag. Det uppskattas att ungefär 30% av alla som lider av primär bröstcancer till slut utvecklar metastatisk bröstcancer (MBC), detta betyder att cancer spridit sig till andra delar av kroppen. MBC går idag inBackground: Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer related death among women in the developed world. Around 30% of patients diagnosed with primary breast cancer will develop metastatic breast cancer. It is believed that the tumor cells found in the blood, termed Circulating tumor cells (CTCs), could serve as a prognostic marker for this disease as it progresses. Objectives: To st

Artistic Brand or Brand with Art?

Purpose: This article explores the relation between brands and the use of art, and in which way art helps brands in expressing their values and identity. Furthermore, this article will identify the components that characterize Artistic Brands and Brands with Art. Design/Method/Approach: A qualitative approach will be used, and data will be drawn from six different case studies of brands collaborat

Med mänskliga rättigheter i beaktande : den konceptuella förståelsen av human rights due diligence i svenska statliga skrivelser om företags ansvar

Uppsatsens syfte är att studera det mångtydiga begreppet due diligence och dess innebörd för ansvarsfördelning mellan stat och privata aktörer. Med utgångspunkt i Millers ansvarsteori analyseras uttryck för de dominerande tolkningarna i svenska statliga skrivelser. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys synliggörs karakteristiska drag för både den folkrättsliga och den företagsekonomiska tolknEnglish title: Human rights in consideration – the conceptualization of human rights due diligence in Swedish government documents on corporate responsibility. This study examines the ambiguous concept due diligence in Swedish government documents on business and human rights. This is achieved by analyzing how the two concepts of due diligence are embodied through characteristics from existing d

Revolutionary Youths- A study of the Iranian revolution in 1979 in light of the youth bulge theory

Demographic changes have created large youth cohorts in many developing countries. These large groups of young people are claimed to increase the risk of political violence according to the youth bulge theory, a theory that has been used to explain the outbreak of the Egyptian revolution in 2011. The paper uses a hypothetical-deductive method to test if the youth bulge theory can be applied as a m

“Plata o Plomo?”

Denna B-uppsats har undersökt hur de colombianska drogkartellerna Calis och Medellins handlingar 1980-1996 kan förstås utifrån neorealismens teorier om hur stater interagerar sinsemellan. Neorealism, samt dess avgreningar offensiv och defensiv realism, har använts som teoretiskt ramverk för att analysera när karteller väljer att samarbeta med kontra attackera varandra eller andra väpnade aktörer.

Mångfaldsarbete - inkluderande men också styrande

Sammanfattning Vad: ​Kandidatuppsats VT 2018. Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, institutionen för service management och tjänstevetenskap. Titel: Mångfaldsarbete - inkluderande men också styrande. En fallstudie om hur inkludering och styrning i mångfaldsarbete skapar mening i Stena Fastigheter Malmö. Syfte och frågeställningar: ​Syftet är att undersöka hur styrning och inkludering sker som pa

Eco-innovation for Economic Growth

As the capacity of our planet to sustain the needs of future generations is deteriorating at an unprecedented rate, the role of innovation, research and development is becoming increasingly important. While the restrictions imposed on economic growth by the environment have been extensively examined and subject to much debate, the emerging concept of eco-innovation has not gained similar attention

Huvudcykelstråk för ett hållbart Lund - Studie av det gula huvudcykelstråket i Lund.

The purpose of the report is to study the yellow cycle route in the city of Lund and investigate the inadequacies that could be found on today's route. The yellow cycle route goes from Dalby in the south to Gunnesbo in the north. The method used to answer the questions of this report is literature study and a technical inventory. The analysis of the studied route is based on Lund’s cycle strat

Klimatneutral kollektivtrafik med biogas

För att motverka klimatförändringarna har Sverige satt som mål att växthusgasutsläppen från inrikes transporter ska minska med minst 70 % senast år 2030 i förhållande till år 2010 (utom inrikes luftfart). För att uppnå detta krävs en satsning på förnybar energi. Skånetrafiken har målsättningen att bli fossilbränslefri senast år 2020, dessutom vill de använda biodrivmedel som genererar så lite växt

Building a circular economy

The construction sector is one of the biggest contributors to global CO2 emissions and buildings account for a significant part of the energy use in Sweden. Population growth in combination with economic development is putting more pressure on the environment, resulting in escalating consumption trends and larger quantities of raw material extraction. Policies and directives are promoting a circul

Construction and Characterization of a Confocal Setup for Functionalization of Light Emitting Diodes and Laser Diodes Using an Amorphous Nonlinear Medium

A confocal microscope is built to examine molecular powders, and in particular the (PhSn)_4S_6 cluster, that emits white light when irradiated with infrared laser light. The confocal microscope operating at long working distances is assembled and characterized. The components of the setup are first chosen according to requirements of the planned experiment. Thereafter, the microscope is assembled

The Stories of Cologne. Governing Emotions in Strange Encounters

The sexual assaults reported on New Year’s Eve 2015 in Cologne and the reactions towards it have changed political and public opinion on the issues of migration, gender equality, and sexual violence in Germany. Based on theories from postcolonial studies, feminist studies, security studies, approaches on collective trauma, and emotion studies this thesis analyzes ‘Cologne’ as a trauma which has en

”Jag kan shoppa vad, när och hur jag vill”. Generation Ys kundlojalitet genom omnikanaler.

Studien belyser hur digitaliseringen och framväxten av omnikanaler har skapat ett dynamiskt shoppingbeteende hos generation Y. Vid inköp av kläder rör sig kunder inom generation Y idag mellan flera försäljningskanaler, vilket ökar tillgängligheten till ett större utbud av klädföretag. Syftet med studien är bidra med förståelse för den lojalitetsskapande effekt hos kundgruppen generation Y som kläd

Risk Management in Agile Projects

The necessity of agile risk management has been a debated topic. While some claim that agile methods mitigate risks with their agile techniques and principles, others claim that it is not enough and an explicit risk management process is necessary. The findings of this study show that agile methods do mitigate risks extensively. By working closely with customers, following an iterative and increme

Familjecentralers arbete med Barnkonventionen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie ur de professionellas perspektiv

The aim of my research was to study the implementation of the UNs Convention on the Rights of the Child on different family centers in Sweden. I wanted to examine if the family centers had policies concerning the Children’s Convention that affected their daily work, and if not, how they managed the implementation through the daily work. The study used a qualitative method with semi structured inte