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Palestine's Ratification of International Treaties: A Back Door to Independence?

The State of Palestine is drafting a new constitution to replace a patchwork of foreign and outdated legislation, and to harmonise national law with dozens of ratified international treaties. Since its 2012 ascension from non-member observer ‘entity’ to non-member observer ‘state’ in the UN, Palestine has signed fifty-five multilateral treaties covering a wide range of areas. All treaties have bee

Behandlingsstudie avseende tre sessioners exponeringsfokuserad KBT vid panikångest. En pilotstudie vid en vårdcentral i södra Sverige.

Studiens syfte var att undersöka det kortsiktiga utfallet av en ny, exponeringsfokuserad behandling – E-KBT – för personer med panikångest. Den primära frågeställningen var om en kortare KBT-behandling bestående av tre sessioner med exponering in vivo som huvudkomponent, kan ge kortsiktiga effekter jämförbara med det positiva utfall som ses vid standard KBT-behandling för individer som har panikånThis study investigated the short-term outcome of a three session exposure in vivo treatment – E-CBT – for eight primary health care patients with panic disorder, who used distraction techniques as their most common safety behavior. The primary question was if this abbreviated treatment that, besides initial psychoeducation, solely used exposure in vivo as therapeutic intervention, could show shor

Om revisorns externa skadeståndsansvar

Revisorn med sin granskande funktion har sedan länge varit ett av de obligatoriska bolagsorganen i aktiebolaget, skadeståndsansvaret som sanktionerar eventuell vårdslöshet i revisorns uppdrag likaså. Den tidigare absoluta revisionsplikten som fanns i svensk rätt försvann 2010. Skadeståndet revisorer åläggs har de senaste åren varit högaktuellt, främst har felaktigheter i bl.a. årsredovisningen aIt has been compulsory to Swedish limited companies to appoint an auditor to examine the company’s annual report and accounts as well as the management by the board of directors and the managing director up until the year of 2010. The duty to appoint an auditor partly disappeared and is now optionable for smaller private limited companies. Even though it is an option almost 50 % out of all of the

Ramavtalsupphandlingar - En konsekvensanalys av överprövningar vid ramavtalsupphandlingar ur ett rättsekonomiskt perspektiv

En betydande del av alla offentliga upphandlingar leder till upprättandet av ramavtal. Denna avtalsform anses vara att föredra vid tillfällen då den upphandlande myndigheten har svårighet att på förhand avgöra vilken volym som kommer behövas, vid vilken tidpunkt leveransen ska ske samt vid osäkerhet kring den exakta utformningen av kontraktsföremålet. 2014 godkände Europaparlamentet tre nya direkA considerable part of all public procurements leads to the establishment of a framework agreement. This form of agreement is considered to be preferable at times when the contracting authority has difficulty to determine the volume that will be needed, at which point delivery is to take place and in the case of uncertainty about the exact framing of the subject- matter of the contract. In 2014,

Befogad tillit och fullmaktskompetens - Vilken relevans har tredje parts uppfattning i svensk fullmaktsrätt?

Fullmaktsrätten som rättsområde behandlar situationen då en representant (fullmäktige) rättshandlar med en tredje part för en principals (fullmaktsgivares) räkning och i principalens namn. Genom att representanten rättshandlar inom sin fullmaktskompetens blir principalen direkt avtalsbunden med tredje parten. Representanten står utanför avtalet, i enlighet med fullmaktsinstitutets partbindningsmönAs a branch of law, the rules of representation deals with the situation where a representative transacts with a third party on behalf of, and in the name of, a principal. The principal becomes directly contractually bound with the third party when the representative acts within the scope of the authority. The representative is not made a party to the contract, in accordance with the normal effect


Being fed through a feeding tube is a part of many peoples everyday lives, and comes with some challenges. One of these challenges are mobility. Today people with feeding tubes are able to stay mobile using a backpack, either provided by a feeding tube company or using an altered regular backpack. Unfortunately the backpacks are often seen as heavy and uncomfortable. In order to further und

Att bli invaderad - en fenomenologisk studie om schizofreni som en störning i självet

I syfte att få en bild av subjektiva upplevelser av självet hos personer med schizofreni intervjuades fyra personer som är eller har varit diagnostiserade med schizofreni och/eller har upplevt återkommande psykotiska episoder. Självet definierades utifrån the minimal self som innebär en omedelbar, upplevelsemässig realitet, och schizofreni som en störning i självet snarare än närvaro och utbredninIn purpose of gaining insight into subjective experiences of the self in people with schizophrenia, four people, who have or have had schizophrenia and/or have experienced recurring psychotic episodes, were interviewed. The self was defined as the minimal self which has an immediate experiential reality, and schizophrenia as a self-disorder rather than presence and prevalence of psychotic symptoms

The impact of omni-channel retailing on demand planning for new products at IKEA

Background: Omni-channel retailing has led to customers becoming more demanding and less tolerant than before. For instance, customers are demanding shorter delivery times, and higher precision in deliveries. Unless retailers adapt to an omni-channel approach today, their business is likely to suffer. To do so, more efficient planning of the supply chain is necessary. The first step of the plannin

Microbial test organisms for sterilization processes in food industry

The importance of sterilization processes has been a major topic in the food manufacturing industry since it preserves the quality and provides longer shelf-life by preventing microbiological recontamination of products. Aseptic packaging is an alternative technique to pack commercially sterile products into containers with a very low recontamination rate, thus, the entire production chain must be

Analys med hydraulisk modell av metod för reducerat kapacitetsprov i sprinkleranläggningar

I dagsläget utförs fullskaliga kapacitetsprov på sprinkleranläggningar med syfte att undersöka om erforderligt tryck och flöde kan erhållas i händelse av brand. Fullskaliga kapacitetsprov är däremot relaterade till risker som lågt tryck i vattenledningsnät, blödning på gjutjärnsrör, översvämning av lågt belägna områden och tryckslag i rör. I detta arbete undersöks om reducerade kapacitetsprov sammTo this date, full-scale capacity tests are performed in sprinkler facilities in order to investigate if sufficient pressure and flow can be achieved in case of fire. Full-scale capacity tests may, however, cause problems such as low pressure in pipes, scaling of pipe walls, flooding of low topography areas, and water hammer. This report intends to research whether reduced capacity tests together

Digital Landscapes of Imperialism - US Intervention in Video Games

Within the cultural imaginary of video games, armed conflicts have always occupied a central space. Their subject material, as well as technologies and visual techniques, are often based on historical and present-day conflicts, often involving US Armed Forces, subcontractors or intelligence agents. US actors and interests disproportionally occupy the privileged position of protagonist, which has c

Adaptiv tillgångsallokering - En studie på amerikanska aktier

På senare år har ökad konkurrens och kapitalmigration från aktiv till passiv förvaltning ställt krav på förnyelse inom kapitalförvaltningsbranschen för att behålla lönsamheten. Adaptiv tillgångsallokering (ATA) har presenterats som ett flexibelt och innovativt alternativ till traditionella metoder såsom strategisk tillgångsallokering. Allokeringsmetoden kombinerar en momentumstrategi med portföljv

Brottsprevention på kommunal nivå- en rättssociologisk studie med intersektionellt perspektiv

Uppsatsen är en case-studie i kommunalt brottspreventivt arbete med fokus på hur kön, ålder och ursprung spelar roll för insatser mot utanförskap. Utgångspunkten är regeringens skrivelse Tillsammans mot brott samt CEMR-deklarationen. Tillsammans mot brott är en regeringsskrivelse som lyfter kommunerna som centrala aktörer inom brottspreventivt arbete och uppmanar kommunerna att samarbeta med polis

Riskvärdering, faroanalys och HACCP plan vid produktion av frukt- och bärbaserade produkter

Livsmedel är någonting som alla individer konsumerar flera gånger om dagen utan att reflektera över om det man äter kan påverka ens mående och välbefinnande. Det som konsumenten förväntar sig av livsmedlet är att det inte är förorenat eller innehåller mikrobiella, kemiska eller fysikaliska faror som göra en sjuk. De frågor som man som konsument kan ställa sig är: Hur vet livsmedelsföretagen att deThe English title of this master thesis project is ”Risk assessment, hazard analysis and HACCP plan during production of fruit- and berry based products”. As the title refers to, this projects is divided into two part. The first one is the risk assessment of a company’s raw material for their production. The second part is a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) method that is used to eva

Thinking Inside and Outside of 'The Square': Barriers, audience engagement, and contemporary art in Ruben Östlund’s film 'The Square'

It is easy to see that not everyone belongs in the same social circle as those who regularly engage with art and who visit contemporary art museums. I take this as intuitive. In 2017, Ruben Östlund’s film, The Square, garnered tremendous critical acclaim for satirizing the problems in high-end contemporary art culture. In my research, I take these issues seriously, using The Square as a point from

From Cambridge to Charlottesville: Media outlets and the relation between social media and far-right radicalisation

Far-right radicalisation and social media are subjects that are increasingly addressed in a joint fashion. However, a nuanced understanding of the features of this relationship remain elusive due to their novelty, research emphasis in large organisations, and the difficulty to access radical groups and individuals. Online media outlets are one of the few channels through which these features can b

Integrationen mellan hög- och lågstatus samarbeten: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Balenciaga x Crocs och Gosha Rubchinskiy x Burberry — kollaborationerna som sägs vara ojämna enligt Vogue

This writing assignment is a study about the two fashion collaborations: Balenciaga x Crocs and Gosha Rubchinskiy x Burberry, which were launched during Paris Fashion Week and Goshas SS18-show in Russia, in 2017. These collaborations have been assessed to be created unequally by Vogue Magazine, but the question is if they really are. Vogue believes that the partnerships are not created evenly, sin

Britain and Europe: leaving one union in a union of four, constitutional complications and devolution in contemporary constitutionality.

This research seeks to raise awareness of the wide range of constitutional issues engaged by the British referendum decision to withdraw from the European Union. Through the conducting of an empirical macro study, engaging experts from every major political party in the United Kingdom, it aims to provide an overarching view of the many substantive constitutional issues raised by Brexit and draw at