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"Vi vill ju alla barnets bästa..." : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares syn på vad som påverkar tolkningen av barnets bästa i samverkan med andra instanser

Sveriges riksdag har beslutat att FN:s konvention om barns rättigheter (Barnkonventionen) ska bli lagstadgad år 2020. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur socialsekreterare vid enheten Barn och Familj uppfattar och talar om sina egna och andra samhällsaktörers tolkning av vad som är barnets bästa, och om de anser att dessa tolkningar påverkar samarbetet med andra organisationer. Metoden sSweden's government has decided that the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) will be made into law by the year 2020. The aim of this study was therefore to explore how child welfare social workers perceive and talk about what affects their own and other community actors interpretation of the best interest of the child, and if they believe those interpretations have an

Vilka faktorer påverkar precisionen vid värdering av fastigheter till verkligt värde?

Examensarbetets titel: ​Vilka faktorer påverkar precisionen vid värdering av fastigheter till verkligt värde? Seminariedatum: ​31 maj 2018 Kurs: ​FEKH69, Examensarbete i redovisning på kandidatnivå, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: ​David Raso Handledare: ​Peter W Jönsson Nyckelord: ​Värderingsprecision, tillförlitlighet, IFRS 13, förvaltningsfastigheter, verkligt värde Syfte: ​Studiens syfte är

Land of In-betweenship - Identity construction amongst second and third generation immigrant Muslims in Malmo

The last decades, far-right political parties made huge advancements in divisive elections in the West with growing anti-refugee and anti-Islam sentiments. There is no doubt that policies in Sweden have emboldened the far-right. The real question is how does this affect the already established lives of children of immigrants that come from a different culture? The purpose of this study is two-fold

Strategic / Managerial Changes in the Wake of the Newly Implemented 2014 EU Tobacco Product Directive

The phenomenon of interest here is change management in the tobacco industry in a European policy context. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how one European-based tobacco company approaches change management in an effort to combat strict regulatory changes stemming from the recently revised and highly enforced European Union (EU) 2014 Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). Comparing the Comp

Privileged citizens go global, others go home - A study about the concept of global citizenship

Global citizenship is an ambiguous concept that is often referred to in political and social contexts, but hardly being defined what it actually entails. This study aims to examine the universal construction of global citizenship, according to which every human being is constructed as the same with same rights. It becomes evident that there are differences when it comes to accessing the global bel

No more noise

The project started out with me wanting to improving peoples lives in the public space. Through initial research I encountered several articles about the awful sound environment in kindergartens and subsequently the health problems it causes on children in general. I took on the project and set out to make a product that helps lower the noise levels in kindergartens. Information about sound a

Transformation and linking of authoritative multi-scale geodata for the Semantic Web : a case study of Swedish national building data sets

Semantic Web technology has attracted much interest for its ability to integrate and deliver information from different sources, and increasingly, geodata are being published as triple data according to the graph structure laid out in the Resource Description Framework (RDF). Although the Semantic Web already contains a large volume of geotagged information, there is still a lack of suitable geome

A Shrinking World: How Developments of the Airline Industry Impact People’s Perception of Distance

The world as we know it today has evolved to be a very connected space, where not only ICT’s (information & communication technologies) have made it easy to interact with individuals around the globe at any time, but also developments in air travel allow to reach ever more distant destinations. Many go as far as describing the world as shrinking or small; it seems that at least it feels smalle

Development of Tempeh on Swedish Legumes

The emerging market for meat substitutes has largely been filled with different types of soy products. Although soy usually has a lower environmental impact than meat, soy is not entirely unproblematic. Deforestation and global transportations are two negative effects of the increasing production of soybeans. One of these meat substitutes is tempeh: an Indonesian mold-fermented food usually made o

"Det handlar inte om vad samhället säger till dig, utan det handlar om vad du själv tror att du kommer må bäst av" - Om individers syn på sitt narkotikabruk samt deras inställning till stöd- och behandlingsinsatser

The purpose of this study has been to look at four peoples life stories about their experiences of drug use over time as well as to share their individual attitudes, and possible experiences, of drug-related support and treatment. The life stories of these four people were collected through semi structured interviews, after which they were analyzed based on narrative aspects conveyed in their stor

A Gentrification Story

The housing question has been a core societal issue for centuries. Since Engels (1988) intervened in the debate in 1872, housing has become increasingly central as a commodity in financialised capitalism. Hong Kong has experienced some of the most problems with housing, as it has been the most unaffordable place in the world eight years in a row (Demographia, 2018). Yet, there is more than unaffor

Rum för väntan - En studie av keramiska material i arkitektur

Clay as a craft material has fascinated me for a long time. It is a very versatile material that can be so smooth and ductile but also, after firing, extremely hard and strong. Why is this material, with all its characteristics not used as an architectural material more often? I started looking at ceramic materials in architecture and found that they are somewhat related to the act of waiting. In

Fakturan var en bluff - vem bär ansvaret? En undersökning av det straffrättsliga ansvaret vid bluffakturaupplägg

Bluffakturabedrägerier är ett fenomen som har ökat markant de senaste åren. Det blir allt vanligare att bedrägerierna begås som en planerad del av ett aktiebolags verksamhet i kombination med annan ekonomisk brottslighet, exempelvis skattebrott och bokföringsbrott. I dagsläget är det på grund av bedrägeribestämmelsens konstruktion svårt att lagföra systematiska faktura-bedrägerier varför det i SOUFrauds with fake invoices, is a phenomenon that has increased significantly during the last years. It is has become more common that frauds are committed as a planned part of the business in limited companies, in combination with other financial crimes such as tax crimes and accounting crimes. Because of the construction of the fraud regulation it is difficult to take legal actions against systema

Den försiktiga revolutionen i Latinamerika

Den postliberala teorin uppkom som en kritik mot liberala teoretikers klassiska perspektiv på frihet och demokrati. C.B MacPherson argumenterade för att en högre grad av jämlikhet var nödvändigt för att verklig frihet i demokratier skulle kunna förverkligas. Phillipe C. Schmitter byggde vidare på MacPhersons kritik genom att bidra med normativa förslag på vad denna demokratimodell skulle innehålla

“This nation is great because we get each other’s backs” - En studie av inrikespolitisk påverkan av den amerikanska Presidentens utrikespolitiska diskurs.

Vårt uppsatsarbete strävade efter att undersöka och klargöra om USA:s parlamentariska förhållanden kan påverka Presidentens utrikespolitiska diskurs. Arbetet gick ut på att pröva om det fanns ett samband mellan en polariserad amerikansk Kongress och en aggressiv diskurs hos Presidenten. För att komma fram till vårt resultat definierade vi aggressivitet utifrån tre olika teorier (säkerhetisering, i

Investigating the relationship between linking and communication to a ‘new public’

Internetlänkar – såsom hyperlänkar och inlinelänkar – är centrala inom internet och World Wide Web (”nätet”). Länkning förenklar navigering på nätet och informationssökning till den grad att det är svårt att föreställa sig ett nät utan dem. Upphovsrättsinnehavarens rätt till överföring av verket till allmänheten är en exklusiv, ekonomisk rättighet. Varje ny överföring av verket till en publik måsIn the context of the internet and the World Wide Web, the position of links – such as hyperlinks and embedded links – is essential. Linking facilitates web navigation and information retrieval to a point where it is difficult to conceive of a web without them. The copyright holder’s right of communication of the work to the public is an exclusive, economic right. Each new act of communication of

Asylum Seekers and the Right to Work - A comparative study between the Swedish and German legal system

Due to the current refugee crises the question of asylum seekers’ right to work has gained renewed relevance. This paper analyzes the Swedish regulations regarding asylum seekers’ access to the labor market de lege ferenda. Due to the many similarities between Germany and Sweden, the German regulations are studied from a comparative perspective, with the aim of assessing whether some of the German

To be(e) a(t) risk. Contextualising the perceptions of increased bee mortality as a risk among Swiss farmers

The phenomenon of increased bee mortality has reached wide attention and concern among Swiss farmers. This thesis analyses, from a phenomenological approach, how the farmers - as agricultural key actors interacting closely with honey bees - perceive increased bee mortality as a risk. The quantitative analysis indicates that the age, the perception of the future of global agriculture and all farm

På privaträttens område? En studie av EU-domstolens tolkning av art. 1.1 Bryssel Ia-förordningen samt dess förhållande till en svensk nationell syn på distinktionen mellan offentlig rätt och privaträtt

Uppsatsen undersöker EU-domstolens tolkning av begreppet ”privaträttens område” i art. 1.1 Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EU) nr 1215/2012 av den 12 december 2012 om domstols behörighet och om erkännande och verkställighet av domar på privaträttens område (omarbetning) (Bryssel Ia-förordningen). Begreppet, som bestämmer förordningens materiella tillämpningsområde, definieras inte i föroThe essay examines the CJEU's (Court of Justice of the European Union) interpretation of the concept "civil and commercial matters" in art. 1.1 Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of 12 December 2012 on Jurisdiction and the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters (recast) (Brussels Ia-regulation). The concept, which determines the material scope of the regul