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Analysis of the Software supply chain from a logistics control point of view

In industries like high-tech and automotive, increasingly more of the product value delivered to the customer is based on a combination of hardware (HW) and software (SW), where SW handles much of the differentiation of capacity and features. The “logistics process” of SW, especially when it merges with HW along the process, has so far been little studied but a problem noticed is the difficulties

Assessing interleaver suitability for turbo codes

The two major purposes of the interleaver in a turbo coding scheme are, firstly, to improve the weight distribution of the turbo code, and, secondly, to make the performance of iterative decoding as close to maximum likelihood as possible. Both these purposes should be considered when ranking and designing interleavers for turbo codes. In lack of a measure of how well the second purpose is carried

Läkarutbildningen tycks »immun« mot köns- och genusdiskussioner. Könsperspektivet i undervisningen är begränsat [Medical education seemingly "immune" to discussions on sex and gender. A study indicates that the gender perspective in teaching is limited]

Medical education seemingly immune to discussions of gender. Study indicates gender perspective in teaching is lacking Maria Norstedt, Karen Davies Läkartidningen 2003:100;2056-62 This article builds upon qualitative interviews with teachers and students in the medical education at Lund university. The results found that a gender perspective is understood primarily in terms of the biological body.

Coopetitive Capabilities in a Standardization Setting

A stream of research has highlighted the variations in competitive dynamics where the aim of firm interaction can range from competition, in order to appropriate value from competitors, to cooperation with competitors for mutual benefit. This study develops a typology of coopetitive value creation-appropriation strategies in standardization settings and then outlines a framework of a coopetitive c

Frost Damage in Concrete in the Waterline of Porsi Hydro Power Plant

The majority of the large hydro power plants in Sweden were built 1935 - 1975 and are located in a cold climate in the northern parts of Sweden. Since the power plants were designed for a service life of 50-100 years, some of them are soon to reach their estimated service life and some have already passed it. During a condition assessment to determine the status of the Porsi hydro power plant, con

Induction of the nuclear proto-oncogene c-fos by the phorbol ester TPA and v-H-Ras.

TPA is known to cooperate with an activated Ras oncogene in the transformation of rodent fibroblasts, but the biochemical mechanisms responsible for this effect have not been established. In the present study we used c-fos promoter-luciferase constructs as reporters, in transient transfection assays, in NIH3T3 cells to assess the mechanism of this cooperation. We found a marked synergistic interac