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Your search for "*" yielded 525085 hits

Engaging in Work for Gender Equality - A Quantitative Study of Male Engagement in the Work for Gender Equality and Against Violence

In this thesis I argue that one of the missing components in movements working against inequalities and violence is a larger participation of men. I review the theoretical arguments on why it is important for men to join these movements by exploring recent research on the topic of motivations for engagement in gender equality work. I investigate these motivations and situate them in the Swedish co

Bitcoin vs Gold, The Hedge Game - Volatility and Portfolio Analysis of Bitcoin and Gold during Market Distress

Over the recent years the interest in cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin has increased significantly. The price of Bitcoin has gone up substantially since the end of 2020 and more individual and institutional investors are incorporating Bitcoin to their portfolio. This thesis explores the features of Bitcoin as another financial asset, specifically compared to Gold as Bitcoin has been referred to as the

‘Ghetto’ Ecologies in the Neoliberal City: From Citizen Power to Ritualised Resistance in Danish Non-Profit Housing

This thesis demonstrates how neoliberal urbanism has unrolled in the context of the Danish non-profit housing sector, using the case of Copenhagen neighbourhood Tingbjerg as a case study. Arguing that this process has significantly altered the relations of power within the neighbourhood, it further investigates the mode of resistance emerging locally as a response. Danish non-profit housing has be

Cell based evaluation of safety aspects in novel ultrasound imaging system using magnetic nanoparticles

Cancer är en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna i världen idag och mycket forskning läggs på den. Det görs ständiga framsteg och nya tekniker utvecklas som kan hjälpa oss att upptäcka och bekämpa cancer. Något som har fått mycket uppmärksamhet är användningen av nanopartiklar för dessa ändamål. Nanopartiklar kan beskrivas som väldigt små partiklar som kan bestå av olika ämnen och finns i allt från matNanoparticles are widely used in biotechnology, yet their toxicity is still being investigated. Determining the toxicity of nanoparticles in vitro and how to reduce it, can facilitate their implementation in vivo. Magnetomotive ultrasound imaging is an emerging technique where magnetic nanoparticles are used as contrast agents in combination with a magnetic field to visualise tissue. The magnetic

Investigating eco-hydrological relationships between fishes and flow regimes in Spanish rivers

There is currently a need in Spain for monitoring the effects of the environmental flows. The use of eco-hydrological relationships to design both environmental flows regimes and the monitoring programs that track their effects on riverine ecosystems is highly recommended. Fishes are the biological element more sensitive to flow regime changes, thus the relationship between fishes and flow dynamic

Sexualundervisning i Polen: Ideologi eller kunskap? En analys av Ordo Iuris diskurser om lagförslaget att kriminalisera sexualundervisning i Polen

This essay explores the anti-gender ideology movement in the case of Poland’s sex education bill aiming to prohibit comprehensive sexuality education for minors. This is done with the catholic conservative legal organisation and foundation Ordo Iuris as research subject who are advocates for the bill on restrictive sexuality education and are making efforts to influence the politics on both nation

A new evidential in Turkish? The online use and interpretation of –mışımdır and –ıyorumdur marked sentences

The Turkish tense-aspect-modality system and its complexity has been the topic of many previous studies (Csato, 2000; Johanson, 2016; Slobin & Aksu, 1982) and there are many arguments on whether some of the tense-aspect-modality markers should be categorized as such in the first place, as well as what they express when used in combination with different grammatical markers. This thesis focuses

Converting Hardware to a Container Solution and its Security Implication

Hardware today can be inaccessible to users due to cost or the customer’s desire for flexibility. By using virtualization one can reduce customer costs while increasing flexibility. To do this, companies might need to redesign or migrate their hardware to suit a virtualized environment. However, migration from custom to virtual hardware introduces security risks. This thesis, therefore, explores t

Constructing reproductive agency in an environmentally focused world: An anthropological analysis of how population control is portrayed by anglo-saxon news media

This dissertation examines the change that has occurred in the discourse around population growth in Anglo-Saxon mainstream media. The research focuses on the representation of the “Third World woman” in the context of population control and environmental threats. Drawing on postcolonial feminism and post-development theory, this dissertation highlights how women and their fertility are constructe

Stråldosreducerande tekniker vid datortomografiundersökningar

Bakgrund: Datortomografi (DT) är en användbar och viktig röntgenmetod för diagnostik inom vården som har ökat i omfattning de senaste 20 åren vilket innebär en ökad kollektiv stråldos. Eftersom röntgenstrålning kan skada och DT ge högre stråldoser än konventionell röntgen har det väckt oro för den ökade mängden strålning till patienterna. Syfte: Att beskriva effekten av stråldosreducerande teknike

Optimization of protocol for in vitro generation of HPV-specific T-cell lines

Studies on several target factors like specific antigens, biomarkers and cellular signals involved in High-risk Human papilloma virus (HR-HPV) infection and its mediated immune response aid in narrowing the gap to generate effective therapeutic solutions for oropharyngeal carcinomas. Thus, establishing cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) lines will aid in investigating and carrying out functional studie

Står vi över kärleksförbindelser - en kvalitativ studie om självständigt moderskap

Följande uppsats är en kvalitativ studie vars syfte är att förstå och redovisa heterosexuella kvinnors motivation och beslut till självständigt moderskap förankrat i senmodernitetens kärleksförbindelser. Mitt tillvägagångssätt har varit semistrukturerade intervjuer där empirin och materialet har fått styra studiens teoretiska fokus. Frågorna som uppsatsen önskar besvara är: hur kan heterosexuella

Employees as sensemakers: a case study on perceptions about CSR, employee engagement and organisational identity

Employees as sensemakers: a case study on perceptions about CSR, employee engagement and organisational identity. Global warming, , environmental damage and economic and financial crises have put businesses under scrutiny. Today, stakeholders demand that companies engage in social and environmentally responsible behaviours beyond what is required by law. For that reason companies heavily invest in

Design parameterizable filter using High Level Synthesis

As the ASIC designs continue to grow in complexity, traditional RTL level of abstraction is becoming a productivity bottleneck. The RTL design process requires extensive time and effort for verification of algorithmic correctness as well as correct timing and interface behavior. Furthermore, a non-trivial change to the algorithm often results in a complete rewrite of the RTL implementation. High L

Medarbetarengagemang vid arbete på distans

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om och hur medarbetarengagemang påverkas vid arbete på distans. Vi ställde följande frågor. Hur har det individuella medarbetarengagemanget blivit påverkat i relation till distansarbete? Är medierande faktorer så som kön, ålder, pendlingstid, antal vuxna och barn i hushållet samt trivsel av arbetsplats hemma relaterade till medarbetarengagemang? Är personThe purpose of this thesis was to investigate factors impacting employee engagement, with a focus on the recent increased trend of working remotely. We raised the question: How is the individual employee engagement impacted by the degree of remote work? Are the mediating factors gender, age, commuting time, number of adults and children in household and home office satisfaction related to employee

Distansundervisning i sång på gymnasiet: Fyra lärares berättelser under våren 2020

Den 18 mars 2020 och vårterminen ut övergick Sveriges alla gymnasieskolor till distansundervisning i ett försök att minska smittspridningen av coronaviruset Covid-19. Syftet med den här studien har varit att genom kvalitativa intervjuer undersöka och söka kartlägga hur fyra gymnasielärare i sång löste omställningen till digital distansundervisning utifrån ett pedagogiskt perspektiv. Vidare var syfBeginning March 18, 2020, and continuing throughout the spring semester, all of Sweden’s upper secondary schools switched to remote instruction in an attempt to reduce the spread of COVID-19. The aim of the study was to use qualitative interviews to investigate and document how four secondary school vocal music instructors handled the transition to digital teaching and learning from a pedagogical

Från universitet till investment bank

Syftet med studien är att kvalitativt undersöka hur väl en masterutbildning med finansiell inriktning förbereder en student för ett framtida arbete inom Investment Banking. Studien följer en kvalitativ metod där två empiriska källor ställs emot varandra för att urskilja likheter och skillnader. Innehållet för två universitetsutbildningar jämförs med praktisk tillämpning som sammanfattas av intervThe study aims to investigate how well a master programme within finance prepare a student for employment within Investment Banking. The study follows a qualitative method where the two empirical foundings are set against each other to distinguish similarities and differences. Two university programs are compared with a compilation of seven different interviews conducted with persons that are ope

The Impact of Public Employment on Child Labour and School Attendance: Evidence from a Social Protection Programme in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, India

To address child labour, research discusses the potential of social protection programmes. This thesis therefore examines the unresolved impact on child labour and children’s school attendance of its household members’ participation in the public employment programme MGNREGS in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, India. By applying the combined difference-in-differences propensity score matching method,

Balancing between environmental impact and vibroacoustic performance for lightweight buildings

Multi-storey buildings constructed in timber have become more common in recent years. A reason for this lies in the growing interest for sustainable building, where timber is seen as a particularly interesting alternative. As efforts have been made to improve the heat insulation in buildings, the energy consumption from manufacturing materials and from constructing buildings, referred to as embodi

Multi-Level Governance of Climate Change: A case study of Istanbul

As climate change continues to threaten us more and more, different ways of governing climate change are considered. Multi-level governance approach is widely used in the literature to examine how global, national, and local actor interacts and influence each other. In this thesis I analyse how multi-level governance of climate change work in the case of Istanbul by adopting a powerbased approach.