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En jämförelse mellan vita LED och lågenergilampor i korridor - med avseende på effekt och upplevelse

The project has been developed from a proposal made by RegionService (technical real estate for Region Skåne) and based on the replacement of light fixtures from fluorescent lamps to white LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) in some hallways in Helsingborgs Lasarett (The Hospital in Helsingborg). The results turned out to be positive and further replacement were made in nearby buildings as well. My part

Sexmånadersregelns förenlighet med EU-rätten

Uppsatsens syfte har varit att beskriva den svenska sexmånadersregeln i IL 3 kap. 9 § första stycket, och utreda om den i en situation där lön utbetalas retroaktivt kan verka diskriminerande och därmed strida mot EU-rätten. Som obegränsat skattskyldig i Sverige är man enligt bosättningsprincipen skattskyldig för alla sina inkomster här, även sådana inkomster som kommer från utlandet. SexmånadersreThis thesis aims to describe the Swedish six months rule and analyse whether the provision in a situation where compensation is given retroactively should be viewed as discriminating and incompatible with EU law. An individual unlimited liable to tax in Sweden is tax liable on his worldwide income. The six months rule works as an exception, stating that anyone that is unlimited liable to tax in Sw

Forced Labour in Armed Conflicts: Special Case of the Democratic Republic of Congo

International human rights bodies that monitor and report human violations across the world like Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, among others have found that forced labour is being exacted in the armed conflict that has been raging for many years now in the DRC. Armed groups have systematically abducted civilians in the DRC for purposes of forced labour and sexual slavery as part of the

“Greek Agriculture, CAP and Agenda 2000: A Case Study in the External Trade, 2000-2008”

Europe has established the Common Agricultural Policy, CAP, from the early years of the construction of the EU as a tool against rural poverty and food deficit. As the years passed by CAP became more goal oriented towards the economic growth and development of each country. The latest development known as Agenda 2000 opted for a competitive agriculture led by the international market powers and fo

Hur påverkas beslutsprocessen under en nyetablering?

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att försöka utvärdera hur grundare i tre olika klädföretag fattar beslut under deras företagsetablering. Detta hoppas vi skall försöka bidra till en ökad förståelse för hur beslutprocessen ser ut i nyetablerade företag samt, vilka faktorer som påverkar denna process. Vi har genomfört en abduktiv fallstudie där primärdata samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer i

Democratic education in Sweden: A study of democratic values in Swedish elementary schools

Education is a basic welfare pillar. Education in schools influence and is influenced by society and politics. Democratic education is the alternative that the students seek in many countries where there is an authoritarian education system like Greece my country of origin. The idea of the present Master thesis topic emerged out of my studies in the Master program of Global studies at Lund Univer

Konstpedagogernas nya identitet : en analys av Kultur Skånes nya uppdrag för kulturpedagogik

The cultural board of region Skåne decided fall of 2008 to reorganize the fundings of the cultural pedagogy. What the reorganization implicates is that the everyday practice of the pedagogues will not be paid for by the region, and instead the pedagogues will focus on capacity building and competence maintaining towards all of those who work pedagogically with children. They will work in five diff

Is Trust a Necessity? - A case study of group lending within microfinance in the Mbarara district, Uganda

One reason for poverty is that many people are denied access to financial markets. A new alternative way of providing credit to people living in a vulnerable economic situation is microfinance. Microfinance has often been a success story and one explanation has often been the impact of social capital. This thesis investigates the relationship between social capital and microfinance. Do individual

Green Identity: Visual Representations of Ecological Food Products through Their Packages: A case study on the Products by ICA and Coop

Green movement has started in the 1970s and gained popularity in the 1980s. Its expansion continued to grow even more in the 1990s. Today, in 2010, environmental issues are parts of political agenda, and everyday life. It has become a must to consider environmental aspects in design processes. Green design has gained enormous importance as well as green consumption and green marketing over the yea

The Appearance of Colour and Light Elements at Knutpunkten, a Transportation Hub in Helsingborg : observations of the visual impact of some design and architectural elements

This thesis is dedicating to analysis the contribution of Knutpunkten building which is located in Helsingborg southern Sweden with regards to its visual impact role on the society and environment from its visual appearance of the elements of design mainly colour and light element. Different philosophical conceptions of colour and light from different theoretician notion is using as a main empiric

Giving the Toaster Eyes : Applied Anthropomorphism and its Influences on User-Object Relations with Everyday Objects

Anthropomorphism, or the attribution of human characteristics and attributes to nonhuman objects, is evidenced in the design world, especially in product lines by companies such as Alessi and Koziol. As case studies, this thesis investigates Fred Flare’s Inanimates and Jenny Lundgren’s Plasticks, both of which are sheets of stickers that feature cartoonish facial features like eyes and mouths. The