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Phase Diagrams, Microstructure and Phase Separation in Alkyl Glucoside Systems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Tensider, eller amfifiler, är molekyler som består av en hydrofil (”vattenälskande”) och en hydrofob (”vattenskyende”) del. Denna dualistiska karaktär ger tensider speciella egenskaper av vilken den viktigaste är att den självaggregerar i en del lösningsmedel, som i de allra flesta tillämpningar är vatten. Självaggregeringen i vattenlösningar beror på att vattnet vill hThe aim of this thesis work was to study phase diagrams, microstructure and phase separation in alkylglucoside systems. Both alkyl glucoside/water systems and microemulsions with alkyl glucosides have been studied. The phase diagram of the ternary n -nonyl-beta-glucoside (C9G1)/ n -decyl-beta-glucoside (C10G1)/water system has been determined and is discussed in relation to the binary C9G1/water

Structuring sustainability issues: the case of the Swedish sugar system

This paper suggests an approach to conceptualize problems of unsustainability situations by embedding the Drivers-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) scheme within a system of jurisdictional levels represented by Torsten Hägerstrand’s system of nested domains. Taken together these frameworks offer one way to decipher complex situations at different levels by identifying specific problem areas,

Numerical Study of Cellular Instability in Burner Stabilized Adiabatic Laminar Premixed Flames

The thesis deals with experiments and numerical simulations of adiabatic laminar premixed flames anchored to a heat-flux burner using different mixtures under various operating conditions. The aim is to obtain a better understanding of cellular instability in heat-flux burner anchored flames. Numerical and experimental studies were carried out to characterize the onset and the evolution of cellula

Research methods courses as a mean of developing academic general practice

Since 1989, the authors have given courses in research methodology, and these courses are now given at six venues in southern Sweden, as well as in Denmark. The course corresponds to half a year's full-time study, with half the time devoted to lectures and studies of literature, while the rest is spent on an individual project under supervision. To enable part-time study, the course extends over 1

Optimal Linear Joint Source-Channel Coding with Delay Constraint

The problem of joint source-channel coding is considered for a stationary remote (noisy) Gaussian source and a Gaussian channel. The encoder and decoder are assumed to be causal and their combined operations are subject to a delay constraint. It is shown that, under the mean-square error distortion metric, an optimal encoder-decoder pair from the linear and time-invariant (LTI) class can be found

Blood treatment apparatus and method

A proposed blood treatment apparatus includes: a blood treatment unit (D), a pair of fluid pumps (PF1, PF2) and a pair of blood pumps (PB1, PB2). The blood treatment unit (D) is configured to receive untreated blood and fresh blood treatment fluid, and emit treated blood and used blood treatment fluid. The fluid pumps (PF1, PF2) are configured to pass blood treatment fluid through the blood treatm