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‘The loved home’ and other exclusionary care discourses. A multi-scalar and transnational analysis of heteroactivist resistances to gender and sexual rights in Sweden.

Based in a conceptualization of heteroactivism as a transnational phenomenon which manifest in local contexts, this article aims to illuminate new dimensions of heteroactivism beyond a more limited focus on gender and sexuality, by bringing the specificities of heteroactivism in a Swedish context to the fore. Drawing on digital ethnography with members of the neo-conservative, far-right think tank

Centrality dependence of the nuclear modification factor of charged pions, kaons, and protons in Pb-Pb collisions at s NN =2.76 TeV

Transverse momentum (pT) spectra of pions, kaons, and protons up to pT=20GeV/c have been measured in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76TeV using the ALICE detector for six different centrality classes covering 0%-80%. The proton-to-pion and the kaon-to-pion ratios both show a distinct peak at pT≈3GeV/c in central Pb-Pb collisions that decreases for more peripheral collisions. For pT>10GeV/c, the nuclear

Reflektioner om nya och saknade nyckelpersoner i kriminalpolitiken

I en artikel har Per Ole Träskman diskuterat i vilken utsträckning brottslingen, brottsoffret eller ”jag själv” – det allmänna rättsmedvetandet – bör ges inflytande över kriminalpolitiken. Inspirerad av frågan om kriminalpolitikens nyckelperson riktar jag i den här texten blicken mot två andra aktörer: rättsvetaren och polisen. Först konstaterar jag att rättsvetarens minskade inflytande över krimi

Fostering Reflection, Dialogue and Collaboration among Actors at the UN Climate Change Conferences

At their core, the UN Climate Change conferences known as “COPs” are the primary international venue for negotiating how countries should act and cooperate to avoid dangerous climate change. The 2015 Paris Agreement is its most recent notable success. Although the climate negotiations are a state government-led process, the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) community h

Charge-transfer processes and carrier dynamics at the pentacene - C 60 interface

Heterostructures of pentacene (PEN) and buckminsterfullerene (C 60 ) are frequently attracting scientific interest as a well-defined small-molecule model system for the study of internal interfaces between two organic semiconductors. They are prototypical representatives forming a donor-acceptor combination for studies of fundamental optoelectronic processes in organic photovoltaics. Despite thei

Pange lingua : en klassisk hymn till det frälsande korset

Pange lingua är en hymn från femhundratalet av Venantius Fortunatus. Den sjöngs under fastetiden och framför allt på långfredagen och återfinns i Den svenska psalmboken, men inte som en regelrätt översättning utan som bearbetningar och förkortningar, i psalmerna 147 och 456. Artikeln ger en bakgrund till hymnens tillkomst och en nyöversättning av hela hymnen.

Insight into the temperature dependent properties of the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice YbNiSn

Analyzing temperature dependent photoemission (PE) data of the ferromagnetic Kondo-lattice (KL) system YbNiSn in the light of the periodic Anderson model (PAM) we show that the KL behavior is not limited to temperatures below a temperature TK, defined empirically from resistivity and specific heat measurements. As characteristic for weakly hybridized Ce and Yb systems, the PE spectra reveal a 4f-d

The role of circulating galectin-1 in type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease : evidence from cross-sectional, longitudinal and Mendelian randomisation analyses

Aims/hypothesis: Galectin-1 modulates inflammation and angiogenesis, and cross-sectional studies indicate that galectin-1 may be a uniting factor between obesity, type 2 diabetes and kidney function. We examined whether circulating galectin-1 can predict incidence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and type 2 diabetes in a middle-aged population, and if Mendelian randomisation (MR) can provide eviden

Gas in Scattering Media Absorption Spectroscopy on Small and Large Scales: Towards the Extension of Lung Spectroscopic Monitoring to Adults

Numerous natural materials are porous, contain free gas, and are scattering light strongly. Scattering brings about a strong trapping of light and an associated prolonged transit time for photons through a medium. In contrast to the matrix materials, gas enclosures require very narrow‐band laser radiation for probing. We have in the present study used the gas in scattering media absorption spectro

Cancer follow-up supported by patient-reported outcomes in patients undergoing intended curative complex surgery for advanced cancer

Background and aim: Patient activation (PA) and Patient Involvement (PI) are considered elements in good survivorship. We aimed to evaluate the effect of a follow-up supported by electronic patient-reported outcomes (ePRO) on PA and PI. Method: From February 2017 to January 2019, we conducted an explorative interventional study. We included 187 patients followed after intended curative complex sur

Appendiceal tumours and pseudomyxoma peritonei : Literature review with PSOGI/EURACAN clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis and treatment

Pseudomyxoma Peritonei (PMP) is a rare peritoneal malignancy, most commonly originating from a perforated epithelial tumour of the appendix. Given its rarity, randomized controlled trials on treatment strategies are lacking, nor likely to be performed in the foreseeable future. However, many questions regarding the management of appendiceal tumours, especially when accompanied by PMP, remain unans

Scaling properties of fractional momentum loss of high- pT hadrons in nucleus-nucleus collisions at sNN from 62.4 GeV to 2.76 TeV

Measurements of the fractional momentum loss (Sloss≡δpT/pT) of high-transverse-momentum-identified hadrons in heavy-ion collisions are presented. Using π0 in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at sNN=62.4 and 200 GeV measured by the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider and and charged hadrons in Pb+Pb collisions measured by the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider, we studied

The formation and fate of planetesimals at planetary gap edges

High resolution observations with ALMA have revealed that concentric rings and gaps are common features in protoplanetary disks. The favored mechanism for creating these substructures are planet-disk interactions, in which growing planets open gaps in the disk, and particles become trapped at the pressure maxima that form at the corresponding gap edges. Since the particle density in these pressure

Digital Entry-Level Education in Physiotherapy : a Commentary to Inform Post-COVID-19 Future Directions

Currently, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) severely influences physiotherapy education which is based mostly on face-to-face teaching. Thus, educators have been compelled to adapt their pedagogical approaches moving to digital education. In this commentary, we debate on digital education highlighting its effectiveness, the users’ perspectives, and its weakness in the context of physiothera

Life satisfaction and coronary atherosclerosis : The SCAPIS study

Background: There is an increasing interest in the potential health benefits of positive psychological states, especially with regard to cardiovascular health. Life satisfaction is thought to be a constituent component of psychological well-being; however, among the few previous studies that have investigated its associations with early stages of the cardiovascular disease process, only one small

Interaction-context schema : A proposed model to support interaction analysis in small and medium enterprises

Information Systems Interactions are a pivotal point in developing an understanding of a socio-technical system. From this perspective, Information Systems could be defined as the cooperation, coexistence and integration of a socio-technical approach with the social aspect. This research investigates how people communicate in a business and how this is likely to support knowledge sharing practices

Conceptual spaces and the strength of similarity-based arguments

Central to the conceptual spaces framework is the thought that concepts can be studied mathematically, by geometrical and topological means. Various applications of the framework have already been subjected to empirical testing, mostly with excellent results, demonstrating the framework's usefulness. So far untested is the suggestion that conceptual spaces may help explain certain inferences peopl

Insights for next generation undergraduate IS curriculum developers

This paper presents analyses on the trends of IS curriculum development that has evolved since its inception from the classical report by the AIS/ACM task force led by Heikki Topi and colleagues published in 2010. Based on an integrated synthesis of the literature, we categorize it into three theoretically-driven dimensions: (i) IS Curricula; (ii) Topic-Based IS Curricula, and (iii) IS Identity Cr