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Your search for "*" yielded 534179 hits

Coordinated urban and rural development in China - A Comparative Study of Shanghai and Chengdu

China is generally regarded as a country that has successfully achieved rapid economic development and rapid urbanization over the last three decades. But, in the course of this process, spatial inequalities in the country and the rural-urban divide within the city increase. That has led to the consolidation of the country’s dual economic structure. In 2003, the Chinese government implemented the

Refugees Don’t Drink Wine, But Gay Men Should : Exploring the Intersections of Refugeehood, Sexuality and Nationality among Gay Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

This thesis explores the experiences of self-identified gay Syrian men in Lebanon, all of whom have either registered or have expressed a desire to register with the UNHCR. The empirical data, which was collected through semi-structured interviews with five men during the autumn of 2014 in Beirut, questions what it means to be simultaneously gay, Syrian, and a refugee in Lebanon in the current cli

Borrningsteknikens påverkan vid provtagning inför dimensionering av formationsfilter

Rapporten undersöker betydelsen för val av borrmetod när en formationsfilterbrunn ska dimens-ioneras. Dimensionering av filtrets slitsvidd görs med utgångspunkt från kornstorleksanalyser genom provtagning av borrkax. Ett formationsfilter byggs upp genom att tvätta bort en stor del av det finkorniga materialet i ett sedi-ment och låta de grövre partiklarna fungera som ett naturligt grusfilter runt This report examines the significance for the choice of drilling methods when dimensioning a formation well screen. Dimensioning the slot openings of the well screen is done by studying sediment samples by sieve anal-ysis. The sieve analysis shows the abundance of the particle size distribution in the aquifer, and the particles sam-pled should therefore give an adequate description of the real con

En kvalitativ studie om svenska damfotbollsspelares överdivet hälsosamma kosthållning ur ett spelarperspektiv

Några av de viktigaste spelarna i det svenska damlandslaget väger för lite för att kunna prestera maximalt under VM. Få studier är gjorda om relationen mellan kvinnliga fotbollsspelare och kroppsuppfattning. Studien ämnar att undersöka spelarnas egen uppfattning och förståelse av den hälsosamma kosthållningen och oviljan att gå upp i vikt. En kvalitativ intervjustudie användes för att öka insikten

Undermining environmental justice? : community-company conflicts with La Colosa gold mine in Cajamarca, Colombia

Colombian government pursues an extractive-led development trajectory in which mining is considered as a key factor for reviving the economy. However, while mining has been important in the economic development of some countries, it has also been associated to conflicts, product of its high environmental impact and, in many cases, unequal distribution of benefits. “La Colosa” is a gold open pit mi

Role of Aid Recipient Countries Need, Human Rights and Governance in Aid Allocation

This study estimates the responsiveness of Official development assistance (ODA) to aid recipient countries’ needs, human rights, and governance. To attain the objective the author forms a multiple linear regression model where net ODA per capita is the dependent variable and GDP per capita, infant mortality rate, adult literacy rate, civil liberties and government effectiveness are the explanator

Utvärdering av miljöersättning för odlingslandskapets värdefulla träd

Träd i odlingslandskapet är livsviktiga för många djur och växter. I öppna landskap erbjuder träden skydd, skugga och solvärmda stammar till nytta för insekter, mossor, lavar, svampar, fåglar och fladdermöss. Gamla träd med håligheter har extra höga naturvärden. I samband med intensifiering av jordbruket har många träd försvunnit från odlingslandskapet i Sverige och i flera andra länder. Den sveTrees in agricultural landscapes are vital to many threatened animal and plant species. Intensified agricultural methods have led to a decreasing number of trees in agricultural landscapes in Sweden as well as in many other countries. The Swedish government has chosen to invest in environmental support for farmers who contribute to a better environment. Farmers have been able to apply for economic

"Den som tiger samtycker?" Om beslutsoförmögnas samtycke till vård

Frågeställningen i detta arbete rör i vilket omfång det allmännas vård och omsorg av beslutsoförmögna individer kan sägas utföras med grund i lag eller om dessa ingrepp i huvudsak är olagliga. Utgångspunkten tas i regeringsformen 2 kap 6 § 1 (RF) var man, sammanfattningsvis, kan säga att ett ingrepp, i betydelsen ett påtvingat kroppsligt ingrepp, är grundlagsstridigt. För att ett kroppsligt ingrepDaily, doctors, and other health care personal throughout Sweden are, probably unknowingly, faced with, the legally difficult task of caring for mentally incompetent patients. This essay seeks out to analyze, to which legal extent, a provider of public healthcare has the actual legal right to provide medical care for mentally incompetent persons when theese persons are not protesting nor able to g

Informationskvalitets påverkan på beslutstagande

En trend som pågått under de tio senaste åren är att företag går från större centraliserade modelldrivna BIS till mindre användardrivna system. När användare själv driver analysverktygen och skapar sina egna rapporter så är det, jämfört med toppstyrda system, mer fritt att skapa information på olika kriterier. Därför ligger det ett större ansvar att informationsinnehållet och strukturen i BIS håll

Does Hedging Increase Firm Value?

In an uncertain financial world, corporate risk management has become an important element of a firm’s overall business strategy. The ability to manage risk will help companies act more confidently on future business decisions. Their knowledge of the risks they are facing will give them various options on how to deal with potential problems. One of the most popular risk management programs that fi

Market Value Approximation Using Multiples: An Investigation of American Large-, Mid-, and Small-Cap Stocks

The aim of this paper is to provide answers to questions related to valuation accuracy and error determinants by investigating the US market over the last 15 years (2000-2014). The first questions are related to the market efficiency in its weak form, while the rest of the paper is focused on valuation accuracy using the multiples approach and the error determinant variables that can influence the

CFD Modelling of Direct Gas Injection Using a Lagrangian Particle Tracking Approach

CFD simulations of direct gas injection, especially in large dual-fuel engines, can be expensive both regarding time and computational power. The nozzle area needs to be resolved with a fine mesh to capture all phenomena and for a full engine model this results in a large amount of cells. A method using a Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT) approach was developed to handle gas injection by injectin

Real-time Panorama Stitching using a Single PTZ-Camera without using Image Feature Matching

In surveillance applications one thing to consider is how much of a scene one can cover with a camera. One way to augment this is to take images with overlap and blend them, creating a new image with bigger field of view and thereby increase the scene coverage. In this thesis work we have been looking at how one can create panorama images with a pan-tilt-camera and how fast it can be done. We chos

Lärplattformar i skolan - En studie av lärares användaracceptans

Idag använder sig en majoritet av alla svenska grund- och gymnasieskolor av en lärplattform. En lärplattform är mjukvara som stödjer både det administrativa och pedagogiska arbetet och används bland annat till kommunikation, bedömning och till att tillhandahålla material i undervisningen. Uppsatsen kopplar samman lärares upplevelser av dessa lärplattformar till teorier gällande användaracceptans.

The Impact of Venture Capital on Business Dynamics in Europe and the United States

The venture capital industry is seen to be favourable for an economy’s business dynamics. Using a panel of 23 countries over 2004 – 2012, the thesis explores the linkage of venture capital with firm births, employment in newly born firms and survival rates. The aggregate approach allows considering the implicit multiplier effect of VC. The thesis proposes a reconsideration of venture capital for e

To buy or not to buy - public or private. A study regarding the announcement effect and value creation in different types of M&A transactions

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the abnormal returns for the acquiring firms surrounding M&A announcements. The emphasis of the study lies on examining the difference in abnormal returns between acquiring public and private firms. Secondly, the study aims to get theoretical insights by examining the relationship between the magnitude of abnormal returns and different deal char

Thicker than water : exploring values among actors sharing a water body for effective management : the case of Lake Ringsjön

The underlying values people hold in relation to the environment is an important aspect to consider when natural areas are shared. These underlying values, so called value orientations, and differences in values directed towards a natural phenomenon can impact views on suitable management, lead to disagreements and even conflict. Understanding of the diverse aspects people value can therefore be i

Visselblåsare och olika intressenters intressen på arbetsmarknaden: En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Norge

Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet visselblåsare utifrån ett intressentperspektiv. Yttrandefriheten är grunden för visselblåsare men den skapar ibland svåra intresseavvägningar. Rätten i sig ger även exempel på olika intresseavvägningar. Syftet med uppsatsen är att synliggöra vilka intressen som ligger till grund för hur gällande rätt har utformats avseende visselblåsare. Vidare är syftet att jämföra vilkaThe subject for this essay is Whistleblower from a stakeholder perspective. Freedom of expression is the foundation of the Whistleblowers. But sometimes it creates difficulties when balancing different interests (for instance duty of loyalty). The law also gives examples of the balancing of different interests. The purpose of this essay is to highlight the interests which are the basis for how the