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Your search for "*" yielded 525551 hits

Development of a combined In-Cell ELISA and flow cytometry method for quantification of uptake of PEGylated nanoparticles by Raw264.7 and HepG2 cells

Cancer is one of today’s most common causes of human mortality. For long, chemotherapeutics has been a conventional treatment of the disease, but due to its low precision and high frequency of side effects, this treatment has been highly debated. Nanosized particles, so called nanoparticles (NPs), have emerged as a promising tool for cancer treatment, due to their ability of selectively reaching t

‘What if trees could see the stars?’ How the phenomenological experiencing of nature can (or cannot) contribute to fostering social and environmental justice by affecting capitalist patterns of thinking around nature.

In line with the Capitalocene narrative, this thesis argues how globally prevailing social* and environmental injustices (including ecological injustices) are driven by systemic capitalist patterns of thinking. In order to enhance social* and environmental justice, it seems thus essential to tackle these. However, there does not yet exist an analytical framework providing a comprehensive overview

Analysis of sensory and texture properties of three potato cultivars boiled to different thermal center temperatures

Potatoes Solanum tuberosum, L are among the most consumed crop type by millions of people around the world. It has high amount of starch content and it is known to be a good source of potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C and fiber. There are more than 4000 varieties of potatoes. Salome, Ditta and Asterix cultivars are among well-known potatoes in the Swedish market. In recent years the consumption of

Kunskapsöverföring i byggbranschen - En studie av en materialleverantör inom fasadsystem

What factors should be taken into account in the transfer of knowledge in the construction industry? The report aims to identify the knowledge transfer process in the construction industry between actors in the production. This is done to improve the operators' understanding of the importance of knowledge and see what factors can help to improve the results of the execution.

Packaging Waste in Remote Communities: Opportunities and Challenges: A Case Study for Tefé, Amazon

Growing amounts of waste generation in remote areas without proper waste management systems is a problem to human health and the environment. The Amazon holds the biggest freshwater resources in the world, is a biodiversity hotspot and its communities are placed in distances that can take days by boat to be reached. A National policy with EPR instruments requires private companies to take-back pac

How to Awaken “Dormant” Pro-Development Provisions of the TRIPS Agreement

It is commonly understood that Intellectual Property Regimes are aimed at protecting private rights and in doing so sometimes neglect public interests. Historically IP systems were considered to allow authors or creators to secure certain monopolies on rights, hence in the 1970s and 1980s the concern over public needs came forward requiring the IP system to respond to it in a way that would stimul


People’s obsession over objects and constantly renewing them was the initial core of the project. This led us in the direction of the fast fashion industry. The unrelenting change of trends forces the consumer to continuously update their wardrobe, while the time spans for new trends keep decreasing. The textile industry is one of the largest environmental issues of today. By focusing on outdoor e

Jakten på det personliga uttrycket - En studie i låtskrivares syn på personligt uttryck inom musikskapande

Denna studie syftar till att ge inblick i fyra låtskrivares synsätt på personligt uttryck inom musikskapande. Studien belyses ur ett kvalitativt forskningsperspektiv och baseras på intervjuer med fyra låtskrivare. Resultatet skildrar respondenternas sätt att se på det personliga uttrycket inom låtskriveri. Det visar att studiens respondenter har både tvetydiga och likvärdiga uppfattningar om perso

Prevalence of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor expression in the myeloid cell-line MUTZ-3

De senaste åren har allergisk kontaktdermatit ökat i förekomst och orsakas då av att en individ kommer i kontakt med en substans som denna har utvecklat en allergi emot. Detta leder ofta till att individen får utslag vid kontaktpunkten, men kan i värsta fall få fatala konsekvenser. För att minska skadan denna sjukdom ger, både ur ett ekonomiskt och socialt perspektiv, finns det ett behov att hittaCandidate chemicals used by e.g. the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries need to be tested for hazardous effects on human health prior to being released to the market. To stop the increasing prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), there is an urgent need to develop and use fast and reliable in vitro methods to replace the current, not very accurate, animal experiments used for t

Environmental Disclosure of European Oil & Gas Compies - In context of Paris Climate Change Agreement COP21

Purpose: The primary aim of this study is to assess current environmental reporting undertaken by oil and gas companies in Europe with respect to COP 21. Methodology: This study is exploratory in nature. By developing an environmental performance assessment framework incorporating COP 21 requirements and oil and gas industry specific voluntary disclosure guidelines, a qualitative content analysis

Investigation on Stability of Cesium Lead Bromide quantum dots

Kolloidal nanokristaller är små kristaller (2-20 nm) som bildar till ett ordnat nätverk. Kolloidal nanokristaller kallas också för nanokristall quantum dots (QDs). Cesium bly bromid CsPbBr3 är inorganisk quantum dots med hög stabilitet. Vårt syfte är att bekräfta om CsPbBr3 quantum dots är stabila under olika förhållande. Cesium bly bromid QDs syntetiseras vid 120o och 180oC. För varje serie prepaMonodisperse colloidal quantum dots of fully inorganic cesium lead bromide CsPbBr3 are synthesised at two distinguished temperatures (120 and 180oC) using inexpensive commercial precursors. The stability of these quantum dots is studied under three different conditions by measuring absorption as well as photoluminescence as functions of time. For both kinds of quantum dots, the light affect their

Let it Flood - Housing Against Flooding in Kävlinge

Global warming and climate change is getting a serious issue and a great environmental threat that affects many aspects of life and our ways of living on this planet. The negative effects of climate change are endangering our communities, health and economy. Global warming can be considered as a main reason for sea rising levels, extreme heat which is responsible for many forests’ fires, severe dr

Making Sense of Growth Hacker Marketing

After the Dotcom bust, high-technology startups are faced with the challenge in funding, particularly in Silicon Valley. Most of the entrepreneurs have technical skills but lack of marketing experiences. In order to survive, they turn to an alternative approach that highly relies on scientific experimentation to pursue rapid growth in number of users at next to zero cost within short time. It is t

Development and Testing of the LOVES Spectrograph

Lunds Observatoriums Vakuum-Echelle Spektrograf (LOVES) är en spektrograf byggd för att studera ultraviolett ljus i våglängdsregionen 1000- 2000Å. Ultraviolett (UV) ljus i denna våglängdsregion absorberas i luft varför LOVES är konstruerad inuti en 2,5m lång evakuerad tank. LOVES är i dagsläget inte ett helt fullbordat vetenskapligt instrument. Detta projekthar haft som mål att utveckla och testa In this report we present the testing and development made using the Lund Observatory Vacuum Echelle Spectrograph (LOVES) during the last few years. Hardware development includes an assembly from base components due to relocation and necessary calibrations of the optics. Software devel- opment includes the making of a basic image processing pipeline for the instrument. The testing of LOVES wavelen

Competencies and Other Prerequisites for DES Application

Competence requirements is a field that has reached broad recognition in areas such as the Logistics & Supply Chain Management (L&SCM). Yet, in the DES field, there is little research which emphasizes on competencies or prerequisites for DES application. The goal for this master thesis is to explore and analyse what competencies and prerequisites facilitates DES application. The focus of t

The cultural creation of affect amongst vegan consumers: An ethnographic analysis of online consumption communities

This thesis addresses a critical research gap in understanding vegan consumer culture and problematizes dominant theory on consumer culture by establishing the cultural importance of affect towards consumption. These goals are researched in tandem by exploring affective expressions and creations of affective orientations amongst vegans in online consumption communities. An ethnographic study was u

Kundupplevd kvalitet i hemtjänsten- En kvalitativ studie om den kommunala hemtjänsten i Kalmar

The study has been based on semi-structured interviews with 10 customers who have chosen Kalmar municipality as homecare service provider. The interviews have been conducted in conjunction with customers granted home care and with a follow-up after one-two months. By examining and analyzing the customer’s expectations and experiences at an early stage when home-care services started and then follo

EU-relationer med den Andinska gemenskapen : en utrikespolitisk-idéanalys av EU:s grundläggande idéer i relation med den Andinska gemenskapen

This is a Bachelor’s thesis on the subject of EU foreign relations with the Andean Community and its most recent political development. The thesis seeks to describe the political ideas behind the European Union’s foreign policy and external relations with the Andean Community, such as they are stated in the Regional Strategy Paper (2007-2013) and the Political Dialogue & Cooperation Agreement

The relationship between Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence

The relationship between Knowledge Management (KM) and Business Intelligence (BI) is di-vided into two steps. First, differences and similarities between the concepts, and second, what interaction the concepts have within organisations. Eight qualitative interviews with ex-perts in the field of BI have been done. The most significant difference is in the knowledge sources, where KM handle explicit